Author Topic: I HAVE AN IDEA, TELL ME WHAT YOU THINK!!!  (Read 1098 times)

Offline jakebox

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« on: July 13, 2008, 04:02:13 AM »
Hello All,
Im sure we have all seen the price of the Xecuter Blaster 360, Here in Australia, about $85. I Have designed something, not as flashy, but it does do the trick, i will explain bellow how it works, and hopefully you can give me you input, and we can get these things made.

PCB Board
Toner Printer
Mate Paper
2 x 8-way Dip Switches
2 x Anti-solder wicking. 8-pin DIL gold flash insert.
Soldering Iorn
1mm Drill Bit

Im not going to explain how to do etching to make a board, im just giving you guys the idea, so you guys can let me know what you think. I Only have a prototype of the board, i havent added any of the swiches ot DIL's yet. So its just a half way done idea.

Firstly The whole case will need to be opened, just like for the Blaster 360, you will connect a sata cable to both the Mothorboard and the DVD rom, but they will not be connected directly to each other, they will both connect to the chip, with this you will be able to swich off conection between the mothorboard and dvd, and swich it tot DVD to PC, the chip will have a special output plug that can easily be made, here is a diagram bellow, hopefully this helps!

This is the Sata Output with the DIL's, Again done with paint, and soryr about that, just to lazy to do anything better  :huh:

More will come soon, thanks

The idea is to be able just to take the top HDD bezzel off, wich is easy enough, and under there is 2 lots of 8 swiches, with these swiches you can turn either the dvd rom on the 360's motherboard, or make it connect to the PC.

A Sata cable has 8 wires, only 7 of them are used. (But we will get to that later)
Pin # Function
1 Ground
2 A+
3 A−
4 Ground
5 B−
6 B+
7 Ground
- coding notch

Firstly here is a diagram of my chip

I supose you basically get the idea by now

this is used, by one going into the board and the other one having a sata cable wired up to it, as sata only uses 7 of the 8 wires, one of them can be pluged so the DIL sockets can only go in one way together.

There will be 2 of these dip switches, so that you can turn the conection between the dvd and motherboard, to dvd to pc.
Its a pretty simple design, i wish i could explain it better, but im really tired right now.

It fits perfectly right under the top bezel in front of the HDD, here are a couple of images, Let me know what you think, if you understood it, when i can i will make this seem a little more understanding.
Here is a couple of images were it would go
Excuse my crappy paint drawings, as i saig, i am tired.

Let me know what you think, once i get the Swiches and Dil's on there, it will make more sense. ANyways as i said, let me know what you are all thinking and feeling towards this, lol.
« Last Edit: July 13, 2008, 05:47:15 PM by jakebox »

Offline psppunk

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« Reply #1 on: July 13, 2008, 05:43:26 AM »
youll have to explain better on how we weould go about connecting to the dvd drive without opening anything else
because right now it just doesnt make sense


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