Author Topic: Blargh! Need help with this! :""(  (Read 2528 times)

Offline seikene

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Blargh! Need help with this! :""(
« on: July 03, 2008, 07:07:09 PM »
I've noticed quite a few pictures of ways to repair the DS that I've never seen months ago, heh. I'm just wondering if there's ANY way to fix my problem , T_T. Basically, I mentioned this months ago, but to no avail, as someone pushed me during some kind of lame drill, got my DS to fall (FROM MY POCKET o.0), and it stopped turning on. I thought it was blown fuse since it was on. I take it apart at my house, try to remove the fuse, and through frustration, remove the solder point for one of the Fuses T_T. I tried to find another point on the motherboard, but as some of you may know (or not), I really suck with a multimeter, so I couldn't find a spot, and now ask Acidmods for the second time, if anybody in the community might have a solution to my dilema  :beg:.

Here's the pic (sorry aricado, I should have asked before using your picture, but knowing how many problems have been solved at this point, I would love to see my problem get solved as well, and will still acknowledge the fact that this picture is yours and full credit goes to yah,mate.)
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Re: Blargh! Need help with this! :""(
« Reply #1 on: July 06, 2008, 06:21:39 AM »
Thx for the credit pal and it's ok using my images as they're watermarked.
You'll have to bridge the connection and that's easy.Also it's easy to follow
the track on copper even without a multimeter on the board.Here I've drawn
on the track for you to see it.There's another fuse labeled F2 on the back
next to the battery connection,you can do the same for that spot too.

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Offline seikene

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Re: Blargh! Need help with this! :""(
« Reply #2 on: July 07, 2008, 10:33:16 AM »
Ermm mate, your image is broken >.<
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Re: Blargh! Need help with this! :""(
« Reply #3 on: July 08, 2008, 05:38:54 AM »
Ermm mate, your image is broken >.<
No it's not...I can view it with both firefox and IE.
If you still have problems tell me.

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Offline seikene

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Re: Blargh! Need help with this! :""(
« Reply #4 on: July 08, 2008, 11:44:33 AM »
Nah this was said when it was actually broken but then it got fixed o.0, but in anycase, thanks again ^_^! Trying to see what the problem is though, I was able to bridge them through the copper track, but it won't still turn on, which either means f2 is busted, i didn't do this right, or the whole mobo is busted, but I keep hearing a pop noise everytime I turn it on, which means it still has a chance! XD

Edit- Alright, I've bridge BOTH fuses but to no avail >.<. At this rate, I'm going to [joke]reslam this thing into the wall [/joke] and just give up. Everytime I turn it on, I keep hearing that pop noise which usually means its starting to turn on, so I know the mobo isn't fried. But the bad thing is that the LED area got messed up in one of my attempts to switch the LEDs, so I have no way of figuring out what's wrong with it through the LED. The screens don't flash at all even though they have been inserted correctly and even at some point I purposely removed the top screen to see if it will signal the top screen is broken (by seeing if the bottom screen flashes, and I turned it on to see no flash, or no popping sound o.0.
« Last Edit: July 08, 2008, 12:14:29 PM by seikene »
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Re: Blargh! Need help with this! :""(
« Reply #5 on: July 08, 2008, 04:19:45 PM »
Nah this was said when it was actually broken but then it got fixed o.0, but in anycase, thanks again ^_^! Trying to see what the problem is though, I was able to bridge them through the copper track, but it won't still turn on, which either means f2 is busted, i didn't do this right, or the whole mobo is busted, but I keep hearing a pop noise everytime I turn it on, which means it still has a chance! XD

Edit- Alright, I've bridge BOTH fuses but to no avail >.<. At this rate, I'm going to [joke]reslam this thing into the wall [/joke] and just give up. Everytime I turn it on, I keep hearing that pop noise which usually means its starting to turn on, so I know the mobo isn't fried. But the bad thing is that the LED area got messed up in one of my attempts to switch the LEDs, so I have no way of figuring out what's wrong with it through the LED. The screens don't flash at all even though they have been inserted correctly and even at some point I purposely removed the top screen to see if it will signal the top screen is broken (by seeing if the bottom screen flashes, and I turned it on to see no flash, or no popping sound o.0.
Just to try it,try to solder in any way a led for orange and one for green to be able to get a response from these.
If you can hear the pop sound it can live again.Maybe we can talk about it over msn so I can help you instantly and not wait here for a response.Tell me here or via PM.

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