Author Topic: USB HOST/MASS STORAGE PROJECT  (Read 35577 times)

Offline gr8npwrfl

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« on: July 15, 2008, 10:48:13 PM »
I have started a new thread so that more people will be able to find this. I am giving status first and then I am posting the videos and then the tutorials back to back

It looks like the debugging on nethostfs is going really great. I have worked on the software to the point that it is almost as compatible on games that usbhostfs is.

Since Sony made the firmware changes back around 3.7 they broke Peer to Peer wireless. But I have a solution already worked out.

I have a wireless router that is smaller than the NSLU2 and runs off 5 volts. I have set it up to be the access point for only the NSLU2 so it can serve games to the PSP wirelessly. It also gets its power from the NSLU2 at one of the USB ports.

It will serve up to 10 PSP's at the same time !!!!

So you can put your hard drive, the NSLU2, the mini router, and a battery pack in a small box or hip bag and bring it into a room full of PSPs and everyone can play mulit-player games from the same portable system.

Hows that for cool !!!

There is also code available for a chat server. I wonder if that would be of interest on the NSLU2 ?

I have also added Pimp Streamer to the application wish list for the NSLU2. That way the NSLU2 will be able to stream videos to the PSP.

By the way. Please post your items that you want to see on the wish list here and we will see if we can make them work or not.

As soon as nethostfs is nailed down I will be uploading the binary code, installs, tutorials, and source code to this thread.

Then I will be working on the battery pack and the remotejoy next.

Thats the status for now.

Have a great week.
« Last Edit: July 17, 2008, 12:14:02 AM by gr8npwrfl »

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Re: PSP Usb host project Temporarily on the NSLU2
« Reply #1 on: July 15, 2008, 10:50:42 PM »
Ok here is a rough video of what we are doing.

The lighting is not great and I will need to get a slim so I can capture the screen video so you can see what is happening on the screen better.

The lighting is set so you can see what is on the screen.

I demo the unit tied to an IPOD because everyone knows you cant hook the IPOD directly to the PSP.
The IPOD has no custom software installed. I am just putting it in mass storage mode.

The PSP has no ISO images installed so the only place to get games from is the mass storage device.

Al the devices on the table have drivers installed now. Small card reader gives access to any type of storage card.
All types of USB hard drives, I even have the driver for USB DVD drives installed now. Any type of keychain drives are now supported.

This is a stock PSP Phat running CFW 3.90 M33-3 firmware with irshell 3.90 and hostcore 1.2

I am working on the usb wifi driver so the system could be wireless from the PSP. The remotejoy driver I am also working on.

I am writing a tutorial on how to setup the same thing I currently have. The NSLU2 will use the same software the final xm4 board with my interface board on will run.

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Re: PSP Usb host project Temporarily on the NSLU2
« Reply #2 on: July 15, 2008, 10:54:04 PM »
here is another video showing the screens better

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Re: PSP Usb host project Temporarily on the NSLU2
« Reply #3 on: July 15, 2008, 10:54:58 PM »
Here is some shots of the web interface to the USB Host project

The test unit has a network interface and it is available to the computers on my network.

This is the first shot of the web interface to the NSLU2 showing an 80 gig hard drive in port 2

This shot shows the hard drive and its mapping into the system

This is a shot showing the game directory on the hard drive

This is a shot showing inside the game directory on the hard drive continued

This is a shot showing inside the game directory on the hard drive continued

This is a shot showing inside the game directory on the hard drive continued

This is a shot showing inside the game directory on the hard drive continued

When the network cable is plugged in you can add or delete files to the portable hard drive as a share on
your network or through the web interface.

If you noticed in the first screen shot you can even turn the usbhostfs on and off in the web interface.
You can be adding and deleting files even while your PSP is hooked up and playing games off the hard drive.

My IPOD even shows up as a shared drive plugged into the NSLU2.
You can plug in a USB printer into the interface and I am looking into software that will allow the PSP to print.
Also a simple keyboard driver to allow you to type into your PSP if you want to.

I am now editing some better video that shows this drive being cruised by the PSP and I will upload that later tonight.

« Last Edit: July 28, 2008, 08:56:16 PM by gr8npwrfl »

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Re: PSP Usb host project Temporarily on the NSLU2
« Reply #4 on: July 15, 2008, 10:56:00 PM »
I will be posting a tutorial in the next few days.

From this tutorial you will take a NSLU2 and increase its speed from 133 mhz to 266mhz

You will install uNSLUng 6.10 linux and still maintain the disk functionality of the unit

You will copy the usbhostfs with patches to a usb stick and run a batch file to install usbhostfs

Your PSP will run 3.9 irshell or Hostcore 1.2 beta

No, NONE, NADA mods required to your PSP

With this setup you can do the following that is tested and debugged:

Use your IPOD as mass storage for games to your PSP
With irshell you will be able to play music from your ipod in the background while you play a game from your IPOD
Use a simple card reader and use ANY type of storage media for the PSP
Use any USB hard drive as storage for the PSP. - I have tested up to a 1.5 Terrabyte hard drive system
Use any USB cd or DVD rom drive as storage for your PSP ( you could group different games on different disks)
Use any type of keychaing usb drives as storage for your PSP

This is as the project stands that is totally working right now.

In the works

A battery for the NSLU2 so the system will fit in a small bag and be portable.
Keyboard driver from the NSLU2 to the PSP - debuggung
Mouse driver from the NSLU2 to the PSP - linux drivers already done
Joystick driver from the NSLU2 to the PSP - debugging
Printer driver from the PSP to the NSLU2 - linux side already done
WIFI driver for the NSLU2 - nethostfs done already for PSP - allows PSP to talk to the NSLU2 wirelessly
USB cellular broadband modem for internet anywere - linux side is already done

All the works in process will be updated for the people that decide to run the NSLU2 now.

The OS for the miniature xm4 board is the same as the NSLU2 so the work will transfer and they will both
be the same.

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Re: PSP Usb host project Temporarily on the NSLU2
« Reply #5 on: July 15, 2008, 10:56:57 PM »
Well here it is the first installment of mass storage and so much more for the PSP

How do build your own disk mini server for the PSP

This is what we are going to start with.

This is a Linksys NSLU2 Network Storage Link for USB 2.0 Disk Drives

The original system only supported linux drives but the firmware we are going to install
supports ext3, ntfs, and fat16/fat32

When you unpack the unit you will see it is very small. Looking at the back of the unit
you will see a network connector at the top, two usb ports and the power plug at the bottom.

We have to test the unit before we ever take it apart. The unit comes with the power supply
and a network cable, and software.

Install the software on your PC. Sorry windows only at this time.

Now here comes a part we have to be careful of.

If you are running a network with a DHCP server - (a computer that gives you the IP address
your computer runs from) we need to separate your computer from the network so it is your
computer and the NSLU2 all by itself.

   This can be done one of two ways.
     1. Plug a crossover network cable from your computer to the network port on the NSLU2
        (Note this is not a normal network cable the wires are crossed over)
     2. Plug your computer into a network hub or switch and then plug the NSLU2 to the
        same network hub or switch.

Now you need to go into your network settings and set the IP address of your computer to
a fixed value. These are the instructions for Windows XP.

Click on START
         Control Panel
         Network Connections
         Local area network
         You will get a screen that looks like this:

         Click on properties
         You will get a screen that looks like this:

         Click on Internet Protocol (TCP/IP)
         You will get a screen that looks like this:

    You need to click the radio button that says
         Use the following address:
     Set your computer to:          IP
                               Subnet Mask
                           Default Gateway
         Click OK and then Click OK again
         All the boxes will close
Go to a command prompt and type: ipconfig <enter>

It should come back and tell you your network connection is set to the above

Ok now we are ready to talk to the NSLU2

Open your browser and type

You hould now get a web page that looks like this:

Ignore for now the Mange usbhostfs on this page we are adding this.

Click on administration and if it asks for a password type

user: admin
pass: admin

You should now get a web page that looks like this:

Enter a fixed IP address that is on your local network.

My local network is at: 192.168.1.x
My computers run from to
My subnet mask is set to:
My gateway is set to

So my NSLU2 I left at the default address of
                       with a subnet mask of
             gateway  address of
             dns servers of
Now you have to set the system to match your network. Yours may be 192.168.0.x or or some derivative of this. You have to make sure for the setup part that
your NSLU2 will live on your network with the other computers and have access to the

If you have problem at this step PM me and I will tell you how to set the system up
to match your network.

Plug your network all back together so that everything is back on the network and works.

Once this is setup then you need to restart the NSLU2 and when it beeps to say it is
ready plug in some sort of USB drive, keychain, memory stick excetera.

You will refresh the first page and when it mounts it will show the size on the first
page of the setup.

Then whatever name you gave your NSLU2 will show up on your network.

Goto my network places
click on Entire Network
click on Microsoft Windows Network
click on your network name ( Like my network or whatever your network has been named)
Then you will see the name you gave the NSLU2 on your network

You should get a screen that looks something like this:

I have two drives plugged in at this time and they are browesable on my network.
Any computer on the network has access to them.

This concludes part one

In the next section we will obtain some extra free software to work and deal with
the NSLU2 across the network. We will run a speed test and check to see what speed
NSLU2 you have and what we need to do to over clock it if you have a slow unit.
« Last Edit: July 28, 2008, 08:57:12 PM by gr8npwrfl »

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Re: PSP Usb host project Temporarily on the NSLU2
« Reply #6 on: July 15, 2008, 10:57:57 PM »
How do build your own disk mini server for the PSP

      Part TWO

I would like to thank all the other people that I am drawing resources from to
write this tutorial. There are so many but I will provide a link that will
get you started on the road to linux on the NSLU2

Go here when you want to learn more about what we are doing

The items you need for this part of the project

1. NSLU2

2. Usb stick drive - minimum 512 meg - Note: This needs to be used and saved
   with the data on it as long as this project lasts.

3. Software:

   1. Putty - telnet and ssh comm program

   2. Winscp - secure copy program on ssh
   3. Sercom - program to flash the NSLU2

4. Paper Clip or something else that is small and pointed

We are going to learn to put the NSLU2 in flash mode. We are going to practice this
several times because once you reflash the NSLU2 away from Linksys software it is the
only way to get back to stock software or to recover from a bad firmware flashing.

Lets look at the back of the unit:

Starting at the top is the ethernet port, usb2, usb1, reset, power

The tiny hole is the one we are interested in.

Lets look at the front of the unit:

The displays are ready/status, Ehternet, Disk2, Disk1.

In normal operation the ready/status flashes green/yellow on startup and
is solid green when the unit is ready.

This is the indicator we are interested in.

Straighten your paper clip so you have a pointer to activate the reset switch

Make sure power is off and no leds are lit.

Take your paperclip and insert it in the reset hole, you will feel a slight click
when the reset button is activated.

Hold the reset button and press the power button watching the ready/status light

It will turn yellow. Keep holding the reset button for approximately 8 to 10 seconds
until the ready/status light turns red ( or dark orange ) and release the reset switch

The ready/status light will blink red(dark orange) and green telling you the unit is
in flash recovery mode.

We need to practice this until you can get the unit to go into flash mode every time for
this is the only way we can reload software or recover from a bad flash once we have
changed the NSLU2 to custom firmware.


Be comfortable doing this before you proceed or if you make a mistake you will have an
expensive paperweight.

Note: If you hold the reset to long after the light switches to red(dark orange) it will
turn to a lighter color and you will not be able to communicate with it.

We are now going to test to make sure you have it in the correct mode. Please do not flash
the NSLU2 yet. Practice putting the unit in flash mode till you are completely comfortable
with this process.

Install the Sercomm program it will install in a group called Ugutil

Make sure your ethernet cable is plugged in and nothing in the usb ports

Start the program by selecting Upgrade Utility

The screen will look like this:

Click on the OK

The screen will now look like this:

Click on the red - yellow arrows

The screen will now look like this:


Remove power and go back and try to put the unit in flash mode again.

Do this several times so that you are comfortable with doing it.

The reason I am having you practice this with a working unit is if you are not experienced
with getting the unit in flash mode, if you have a bad flash you will never be able to
get it in this mode. Sometimes when you get a bad flash it is very hard to get the unit
in flash mode. I am just trying to save you the time to ship it to someone else to recover
your bad flash mode.

NO misgivings then we are ready to proceed.

Go here to download the latest and greatest linux for your NSLU2

Extract the binary and put it somewhere easy like your desktop

Put the NSLU2 in flash mode like we practiced

Make sure your ethernet cable is plugged in and nothing in the usb ports

Click on Upgrade Utility to start the upgrader

Again you should see this screen:

Click on the OK

The screen will now look like this:

Click on the red - yellow arrows

The screen will now look like this:

Now click on the files button and browse to the .bin file you put on your desktop

You will get a screen that looks like this:

Click on the OK button

We are now back to this screen:

Ready or not we are set to go. Click on the Upgrade button

The screen will now look like this:

Wait until the erasing, upgrading, verifying is done and you will get a screen
that looks like this:

Click on OK and the NSLU2 will reboot

Wait till it beeps telling you the unit completed its new boot cycle

Open your browser.

Remember the IP address we set the NSLU2 to so it would exist
on your network ?

Mine was

So we enter and press enter

You should now see a screen that looks like this:

If you have the unslung logo in the upper left hand corner and the
message uNSLUng status:   Running from Internal Flash

Congratulations you are now running custom linux on your NSLU2 !!!!

Next step:

Click on Manage Telnet

You will get a screen that looks like this:

Click on the Enable Telnet button and wait until the screen goes white

Click the back arrow and then click on refresh and you should see this:

You see now the red text says the telnet is enabled

Minimize your browser.

Unpack Putty.exe and place on your desktop (this program requires no installation)

Click on Putty.exe

It should now look like this:

Type in your NSLU2's ip number

Select the telnet radio button

Click on the Open button

It will now open a screen that looks like this:

Case is sensitive and type the entries just as I show them

The login name is root

The password is uNSLUng

You will now get this screen

Congratulations you are talking to your new OS !

Now lets see what speed we are running at

type this cat /proc/cpuinfo

Your screen MAY look like this:

If it does GREAT you have a Turbo NSLU2

If it says:

Processor       : XScale-IXP425/IXC1100 rev 1 (v5b)
BogoMIPS        : 131.48
Features        : swp half thumb fastmult edsp

Hardware        : Intel IXDP425 Development Platform
Revision        : 0000
Serial          : 0000000000000000

Then you have a Slow NSLU2

But do not worry, in the next installment we will show you how to make it a
Turbo NSLU2. Also in the next section we will install SSH so the communications
is faster and easier to your NSLU2. Also I will show you how to unsling your
NSLU2 so you can modify the system.

Till then have fun play with your NSLU2 and plug in your usb hard drive and browse it
from the computers on your network. Add and delete files, do all sorts of things
and you will get a feel for it. Even when your NSLU2 is communicating to the PSP
you can add and delete files at the same time.

See you in Section Three
« Last Edit: July 28, 2008, 08:58:33 PM by gr8npwrfl »

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Re: PSP Usb host project Temporarily on the NSLU2
« Reply #7 on: July 15, 2008, 10:58:49 PM »
How do build your own disk mini server for the PSP

      Part THREE

I would like to thank all the other people that I am drawing resources from to
write this tutorial. There are so many but I will provide a link that will
get you started on the road to linux on the NSLU2

Go here when you want to learn more about what we are doing

We left off measuring the clock speed of your NSLU2

Tools needed for this mod

1. Small fingernail clippers

So if you have one of the 133 Mhz NSLU2 read on, if you don't skip this point

Lets clear a work space to work on the NSLU2. Make sure you ground yourself to release
the static electricity.

Now the NSLU2 has no screws in it so it is only matter of squeezing in the right places
to release the tabs that hold the unit together.


   1. There are no screws - the case is held together by 6 small tabs along the vertical
      junction between the light grey and dark grey parts of the case, and one at the
      bottom (covered by sticker)

   2. Hold the NSLU2 upright in front of you, with the vertical side of the case with the
      rubber feet facing you, and with the rear connectors on your left, and the front LEDs
      and power switch on your right.

   3. Gently squeeze the dark grey sides of the unit with your left hand thumb and forefinger
      just about where the uppermost rubber foot is on the left hand (or rear) part of the
      case, and with your right thumb and forefinger gently (seriously) pull the top of the
      light grey part of the case away from the dark grey part of the case, wiggling the
      light grey part as you pull it. It should start to separate at the top of the unit at
      the boundary of the dark grey and light grey parts of the case (about a millimeter
      separation is all you are looking for at this stage - don't try and separate it more
      than a millimeter or you will break the tabs). You might even hear a soft "click" as
      the tabs near the topmost side rubber foot are dislodged, but don't be concerned if
      you don't hear the click in this step - you will definitely hear it in the next step.

   4. While continuing to apply gentle pressure on the case so that the slight 1mm separation
      remains at the top, move your left hand thumb and forefinger down to the middle of
      the case to the top of the area with holes in it (just under the "Linksys Network
      Storage Link" text on the sides of the unit) and continue gently squeezing the dark
      grey part of the case whilst gently pulling and wiggling the light grey part of the

   5. At this point, the top-most tabs will definitely be dislodged, and the middle tabs may
      also come apart. The separation at the top of the unit at the boundary of the dark
      grey and light grey parts of the case will now be about 3 or 4 millimetres - again
      don't try and separate the case at this point or you will break something. You will
      now be able to clearly see the tab near the top-most rubber feet. There is one set
      of tabs at the top near the rubber feet, one set in the middle just below the top of
      the holed area, and a third set of tabs at the bottom of the case (just above the
      bottom set of rubber feet).

   6. Again, move your left hand thumb and forefinger down to the bottom of the left hand
      (or rear) part of the case, just on the bottom set of rubber feet near the boundary
      of the dark grey and light grey parts of the case, and move your right hand thumb and
      forefinger down to the bottom of the right hand (or front) part of the case, this
      time grabbing the bottom front dark grey curved section (on the sides of where the
      power switch is).

   7. This time you should squeeze (with the left hand) quite a bit harder than you needed
      to for the other two sets of tabs, and instead of trying to angle the top of the light
      grey part of the case away from the top of the dark grey area of the case, you are
      now trying to pull the bottom of the right hand (or front) part of the case away from
      the left hand (or rear) part of the case so that the two parts of the case are
      separated by a vertical gap of about 3 to 4 millimetres equally from the top to the

   8. All three sets of tabs should now be dislodged, and you should be able to slide the
      two parts of the case apart. On the bottom of right hand part there is an additional
      tab which you can (see note 2 below) loosen with a little pressure of a knife from
      the bottom in upright direction. The right hand (or front) part of the case slides
      away freely, with the PCB remaining in the left hand (or rear) part of the case.

   9. You can now just slide the PCB out of the left hand (or rear) part of the case, and
      you are done.

      If you decide to put the unit back together again, make sure that the clear plastic
      power button is aligned with the hole in the front cover before you attempt to snap
      the case front to the case back. If the button is not lined up, it will place too
      much pressure on the power switch. From experience, the force of snapping the two
      halves of the case together will be sufficient to break the power switch (by
      snapping the black plastic out of the switch frame).

Now your left with this:

Make sure and ground yourself again before you handle the board

Now inspect the board and you will see the flash chips.  This resistor
we are interested in.

You will need a pair of fingernail clippers and an anti-static wristband. I suggest
you have an anti-static wristband to prevent possible static electricity frying the NSLU2.
If you do not have an anti-static band, I suggest you touch something metal before you
do this and do it in a room around 70 degrees and no carpet.

Find the R83 resistor, grab it with the finger nail clippers, apply a little pressure and
pull it straight off. It should come right off, usually in one piece. If it doesn't come
off in one piece, turn the unit upside down and shake it gently a bit to make sure it all
comes off (or you can blow on it a little, just be sure not to spit on it).

Thats it you have just raised your NSLU2 to 266 Mhz.

So I know the people that did not do the mod followed along and you can remove your NSLU2
from its case also.

We are now going to make another change to the board.

As supplied from the factory only USB 1 supplies power to the USB port. There is no logical
reason they did not do this for port 2 but they didn't.

So we are going to add it.

Look at this picture:

See the pads at FB12.

We want to solder a jumper across FB12 to enable power to USB 2

Thats all there is to it. Both USB ports are now powered and we can put the unit back in
the case for now. This will protect it from static damage and you can use it in the case.

Now all the units everyone has are at the same level they all run at 266Mhz and they all power]
both USB ports.

So now we are going to install some software to make the system easier to work with.

Power the unit back up and wait for it to beep telling you it is ready.

Open your browser.

Remember the IP address we set the NSLU2 to so it would exist
on your network ?

Mine was

So we enter and press enter

You should now see a screen that looks like this:

If you have the unslung logo in the upper left hand corner and the
message uNSLUng status:   Running from Internal Flash

Congratulations you are now running custom linux on your NSLU2 !!!!

Next step:

Click on Manage Telnet

You will get a screen that looks like this:

Click on the Enable Telnet button and wait until the screen goes white

Click the back arrow and then click on refresh and you should see this:

You see now the red text says the telnet is enabled

Minimize your browser.

Click on Putty.exe

It should now look like this:

Type in your NSLU2's ip number

Select the telnet radio button

Click on the Open button

It will now open a screen that looks like this:

Case is sensitive and type the entries just as I show them

The login name is root

The password is uNSLUng

You will now get this screen

Now we need the usb flash drive you had at the beginning of the previous Tutorial

Plug the usb drive into USB2 ( thats the top one )

Note: ( We can do this now because we jumpered power to the top USB port )

- Wait for a minute or two while the disk is mounted.

Maximize your browser and keep refreshing until the drive shows up like this:

See the memory stick on PORT 2 ?

If not keep refreshing until it shows up or if it refuses plug it into your PC
and format it. Then plug it back into the NSLU2 and refresh till it shows up.

Click on Administration

The screen will look like this:

Enter the use admin and the pass admin

The screen will now look like this:

Click on Advanced

The screen will look like this:

Click on DISK

The screen will look like this:

Disk 2 status will say formatted Fat16/32

Click on the format disk 2 button

The screen will look like this:

Click OK and then OK again and the screen will look like this
when it is done formatting

Minimize the browser we are now set to continue with the software

Do not continue if the drive is not marked as "Formatted (ext3)" in the
NSLU2 web GUI.

Open the Putty window you had minimized

Enter the command "unsling disk2"

Your screen will now look like this:

Enter a new root password - this password will replace the
uNSLUng password.

You will have to do it twice to make sure you typed it correctly.

Note Remember this password it is now the password to access this system.

When the unsling is complete, reboot the NSLU2.

Type DO_Reboot on the terminal screen

The screen will look like this and disappear

Now Maximize your browser and hit refresh

It Should look like this:

Confirm That Your NSLU2 is Unslung:

Confirm that the text at the bottom of the page reads "uNSLUng status:
Unslung to disk2, /dev/sda1"

Click the "Manage Telnet" link, and enable telnet as before.

Now we need to make sure the NSLU2 has access to the Internet

Click on the Administration button

You will get a screen that looks like this after you enter the admin user and admin

You have to make sure all the boxes are filled out

My IP address is
and I have a subnet mask of

The next number is the number of your router on your network. This number would be the one
you wrote down when we first started the project.

It has to be on the same network segment that my computers are on.

So mine is at

The next boxes for the dns servers that I have can be used by anyone. These are the DNS servers
maintained by verizon. Anyone can use these servers and in over ten years I have never seen them

So put in the first one and in the second one.
Leave the third one blank

Again if you do not understand this part PM me and I will give you a hand. It is beyond
the scope of this tutorial to teach IP addressing and routing.

Now click on save to save the values in flash memory of your NSLU2

Wait till the NSLU2 is done and your screen will look like this:

Minimize your browser

Start Putty and enter the IP address of your NSLU2 check telnet radio button

Enter root for the login and your NEW password for the Password

It will give you a screen that looks like this:

Enter the command "ipkg update" to update the list of software packages
("optware") available for Unslung.

Your screen will look like this:

Now we are going to install our first software package to the NSLU2

Enter the command "ipkg install openssh".

Your screen will look like this:

Congratulations you have just installed your first software package

Type exit in the terminal screen and the screen will disappear

Start Putty again

Enter your IP address and but this time make sure you have the SSH radio button

It should look like this:

Click on Open and you will be greeted with this:

Click on yes to accept the encryption key

Your screen will now look like this:

Enter your password

The screen will now look like this:

Congratulations you are now running encrypted communications to your NSLU2

No one else on the network could watch your communications.

Go ahead and power down your NSLU2. Put the usb drive in a safe place because the only
time we will use it is when we are installing software. Do not lose this as you will
have to start the install process all over from the beginning.

Thats enough for this section. I hope you liked and followed along with it.
If you have any problems or comments if I made any mistakes please make sure and message

Till the next section have fun.

The next section we will install usbhostfs and you will be able to play games from the usb
media we have plugged into the NSLU2. Can't wait ......
« Last Edit: July 28, 2008, 08:59:49 PM by gr8npwrfl »

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Re: PSP Usb host project Temporarily on the NSLU2
« Reply #8 on: July 15, 2008, 11:01:54 PM »
How do build your own disk mini server for the PSP

      Part FOUR

I would like to thank all the other people that I am drawing resources from to
write this tutorial. There are so many but I will provide a link that will
get you started on the road to linux on the NSLU2

Go here when you want to learn more about what we are doing

Ok we left off with the system now having the uNSLUng OS installed and we
learned how to unsling it.

Get your unit out, plug in the usb stick to port two, plug in the network cable
and power up the unit

When it beeps startup Putty and you will get this screen:

enter your password

and the screen should look like this:

We are installing USB drivers and utilities

Now type this command "ipkg install usbutils" return

The screen will look like this:

We are now updating the USB libraries

Now type this command "ipkg install libusb' return

The screen will look like this:

We are now installing a simple text editor

Now type this command "ipkg install joe" return

The screen will look like this:

Now comes the fun part

Download this file it is the usbhostfs for the NSLU2:

Take a hard drive, another usb memory stick, IPOD or any other usb memory device and
plug it into the PC and extract the files from this archive to there and then plug it into
the NSLU2 into USB port 1

You do not have to power down the NSLU2 it is hot swappable

Go back to your putty screen and type

"cd /share/hdd/data/HDD_1_1_1/" return

Then type "ls" return

Your screen should look like this:

You now see the files we copied to your usb storage

Type "chmod +x install" return

Now for the really big part

Type "./install" DO NOT FORGET THE PERIOD !

Your screen will now look like this:

Now open your browser and put in the address of your NSLU2

Mine was

You will get a screen that looks like this:

Now look up in the upper right corner of the screen

Do you see the Manage USBHostfs button ??????

You now have a system that will serve files to your PSP !!!!!!!!

Exit your browser
Exit Putty

Press the Power button on the NSLU2 and let it power down

Unplug the network cable

Unplug your USB Media drive for the NSLU2 and put in a safe place

Unplug your mass storage device.

Power up the NSLU2 wait for it to beep

Plug in your mass storage device into the Upper USB port (2)

Plug your PSP into the Lower USB port

Fire up your PSP


Click on the button enable usbhostfs

Then go to file browse

Cursor to usbhostfs

You now are ready, you can play any ISO games that are stored on your hard drive

You are there - You have a running system and as we debug more things we
will do tutorials on how to install additional software and hardware.


Reach out with your right arm, stretch way out and bend around your back, give yourself a big
Pat on the back. Job Well Done.

Now its' time for some fun !

« Last Edit: July 28, 2008, 09:02:05 PM by gr8npwrfl »

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Re: PSP Usb host project Temporarily on the NSLU2
« Reply #9 on: July 15, 2008, 11:02:54 PM »
The network cable required for setup and testing of the NSLU2 first stage.
This is the cable or switch to talk to the NSLU2 the first time.

You may have a crossover cable already. They are supplied by many companies
that provide your internet access. It comes with the Router, Modem, or DSL
link. It is made to hook the unit directly to your computer without other
networking or switches.

Note: It will say crossover cable somewhere on it.The Telcos are usually grey
and modem ones are many times bright yellow.

You can buy a network crossover cable if you do not want to make one,

Network crossover cable for $1.34 + average $4.00 shipping

If you have access to the parts and crimper here you can build one.

Here are the diagrams:

Note that the TX (transmitter) pins are connected to corresponding RX (receiver) pins,
plus to plus and minus to minus.  And that  you must use a crossover cable to connect
units with identical interfaces.  If you use a straight-through cable, one of the two
units must, in effect, perform the cross-over function.

Two wire color-code standards apply: EIA/TIA 568A and EIA/TIA 568B. The codes are commonly
depicted with RJ-45 jacks as follows (the view is from the front of the jacks):


If we apply the 568A color code and show all eight wires, our pin-out looks like this:

Note that pins 4, 5, 7, and 8 and the blue and brown pairs are not used in either standard.
Quite contrary to what you may read elsewhere, these pins and wires are not used or
required to implement 100BASE-TX duplexing--they are just plain wasted.

Thanks to DUX Computer Digest for the previous info

If you don't want to get a cable or make one, or if you want to game with your friends
that bring over their computer then you want to get a switch.

Here is an inexpensive 5 port network switch from Tiger Direct.

This is $9.97 and around $6.99 shipping

This should give you the info you need to get the cable or setup that you need to talk to an NSLU2
the first time and start getting it setup.

Remember I will be glad to help you with the IP addressing.

If your computer is setup to automatically get its ip address from a DHCP server on your
network then do the following to get me the info I need to help you.

In windows 98, ME, XP, Vista go to a command prompt. In the later operating systems you
get there by clicking on start, run, then type cmd in the window and clicking OK.

type "ipconfig /all" return and you will get a screen that looks like this:

I need all the numbers below the Ethernet adapter Local Area Connection

Just PM me with this info and I will give you the numbers you need to use.


« Last Edit: July 28, 2008, 09:03:37 PM by gr8npwrfl »

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Re: PSP Usb host project Temporarily on the NSLU2
« Reply #10 on: July 15, 2008, 11:09:46 PM »
Ok This is the whole tutorial and videos in one complete string without all the chit chat in between so it is easier to follow.

I will now post the status updates with this titles so they can be searched for.

I will just add the date to the end of the Subject.

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Re: PSP Usb host project Temporarily on the NSLU2
« Reply #11 on: July 16, 2008, 05:45:07 PM »
Nice, much better!!

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« Reply #12 on: July 17, 2008, 10:54:50 AM »
This section is how to setup your NSLU2 to do program development on the NSLU2 itself.

1. You want to plug in your USB Keychain drive to the port you unslung the OS to.

2. Boot the system and then open your browser to the IP address you have set.

3. It should look like this.

4. Make sure it says unslung to /dev/sdx where x is the drive 1 or 2

5. Open putty and login using root and a password that you chose

6. Type "ipkg update" return

7. Type " ipkg install optware-devel" return

Note: This requires 150 Megabyte of storage space. If your usb drive is not big enough then you can reboot
the system without the drive and unling the linux to a bigger drive. You do not need to reinstall the uNLSUng OS.

You now have a programming environment that will run on the NSLU2 and can compile and link on the very system you are running on.

I personally for program development use a 2 gig stick. But I am doing a lot of software development

Some Extra Notes: If you do not like the joe editor we installed earlier you can use any one that is in the package library. If you want to edit on your PC you can edit the file in any txt based PC editor ( NOT WORD)
Then use WinSCP to copy the source file to the NSLU2 for compiling.

Always keep an extra copy of your project on the PC.

I am sure that I do not need to go into backup procedures for programmers.

If you are just learning to program it is really a great small platform to work on. You can develop small 'C' programs even as simple as "Hello World" and get the feeling for programming for an entirely different computer.

Have fun, program your hearts out.

I will be happy to answer questions.
« Last Edit: July 28, 2008, 09:04:55 PM by gr8npwrfl »

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« Reply #13 on: July 18, 2008, 09:16:57 AM »
So that people know

The uNSLUng operating system that we are using on the NSLU2 is BIG Endian.

What that means is when numbers are stored in memory they are stored like this:

THe PC is running Little Endian.

So even if you are trying to run some software from a PC just make sure that
the program takes into account the Endianess of the computer you are running it

Check the Makefile to see if there is a switch you have to turn on during compile that
tells the software which system it is running on.

This might save you a whole lot of probelms and pulling your hair out.

« Last Edit: July 28, 2008, 09:05:57 PM by gr8npwrfl »

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« Reply #14 on: July 22, 2008, 11:03:30 PM »
This is the concept for the battery pack to run the NSLU2 from.

It provides multiple taps to be able to power:

1. NSLU2 ... 5 volts
2. Hard drive ... 5 volts
3. Access Point ... 5 volts or 12 volts
4. Ipod Charge ... 5 volts
5. Palm Pda ... 5 volts

Just about anything else you need to charge, say a cell phone.

Radio Shack sells a multitap charger that runs from a 12 volt source. You can buy plugs to fit just about any portable electronics.

The charger for the battery is a wall mount transformer with a cigarette lighter plug on the end. All you have to do is plug into the socket strip and charge the battery.

This pack will be so universal that you could even use it to power a portable DVD player.

Or charge your PSP anywhere.

Here are some sketches that I have drawn up for now. I will make up formal drawings and post them later.

The advantage to this system is that you can draw the 12 volt battery down to under 12 volts and the system still continues to function properly.

The battery is a sealed lead acid gell battery that does not emit gas. It can not spill. It requires a gell charger but then requires no other special handling.
« Last Edit: July 22, 2008, 11:08:54 PM by gr8npwrfl »


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« Reply #15 on: July 23, 2008, 02:14:21 AM »
Seems like a good idea to have a battery to power it, Get a POC of it power something of similar power usage

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« Reply #16 on: July 23, 2008, 08:18:59 PM »
This is the tutorial for the battery supply system for the NSLU2 and Peripherals

1. We start with a 12 Volt 7 amp battery.

2. We take 4 cigarette lighter sockets.

3. Solder wires to the two contacts on each socket.

The center contact is +
The shell contact is -

4. Wire all the center contacts together and solder them to a spade plug

5. Wire all the shell contacts together and solder them to a spade plug.

6. Slide the center contact plug onto the battery +

7. Slide the shell contact plug onto the batter -

NOTE: Now take your voltmeter and make sure the center contact on the lighter sockets is
      +12 Volts and the shell contact is ground.
This is a picture of the battery and sockets from the side

This is a picture of the battery and sockets from the top

I had a small zippered bag that insulates the battery from everything else
so here is a picture of the battery in the bag.

You will need a charger for your battery, I went and got one from a
battery store called Batteries Plus.

Here is my charger

Now you need a 12 volt to 5 volt adapter with 2 amp rating for the NSLU2.
You can buy this at Radio Shack or other electronics store.

Here is a picture of my NSLU2 with its power adapter.
 (Note: The micro drive on the side of the NSLU2 is my development drive )

Now if you are going to do wireless you need a power adapter for your
mini access point.
You can buy this at Radio Shack or other electronics store.

Note: You can use adjustable supplies, just make sure you set it to the correct
voltage and if it can switch the tip polarity make sure you set that correctly.

Here is my access point and supply

Ah yes we need a hard drive. My hard drive draws to much power to get it from
the usb cable so I have to have a power supply for it also.
Yep you guessed it, You can buy this at Radio Shack or other electronics store.

Here is my 80 gig hard drive and power supply

And here are all the parts laying together all plugged into the battery and
running. Note: You can see the lights are on for the APC access point.
This is all running as it is laying there and accessible to my PSP.

I have one socket left. I can use that to charge the main battery or
I can plug in my ipod or my cell phone or anything else I need to charge.

It's that simple, theres no mystery to it. Once you have the base battery
and sockets. You are only limited to what you get an cigarette lighter adapter
for. All of my adapters are separate, but they don't have to be. Radio Shack
sells the universal adapter series that will power two devices at the same time.

Here is a picture of the NSLU2, 80 gig hard drive, and APC access point.
Connection wires left off to not clutter the images

Have a great day !

« Last Edit: July 28, 2008, 09:06:33 PM by gr8npwrfl »

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« Reply #17 on: July 24, 2008, 01:42:32 PM »
I'm curious, have you tried unslung Linux on the XM4 board itself?

I was under the impression that embedded distributions and kernels typically don't like the hardware being different than the target platform in any way, as everything can be hard-coded as to its configuration. Which is why OpenWRT has to be ported to a specific router, even if that router is very simular to another, and may even run Linux from the factory.

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« Reply #18 on: July 24, 2008, 04:36:23 PM »
after seeing all the stuff and all the work to do this, wouldn't it make more sense to buy a umpc or a small laptop and run usbhosts/nethosts on it? it might just cost the same and it would be a lot smaller.

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« Reply #19 on: July 24, 2008, 06:05:41 PM »
Not smaller and not as versatile.

Here is the latest video

Totally wireless

« Last Edit: July 24, 2008, 11:19:35 PM by gr8npwrfl »

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« Reply #20 on: July 24, 2008, 06:46:43 PM »

your telling me that I can't run the same stuff on this? you can get small laptops like this for $300 and all you have to do it put the software and run it. No huge battery hacking involved, in fact you can even recharge the battery with this method.
the costs of this compared to that are almost the same
nslu2 $50-60
Mini wireless point $30-40
80gb 2.5 hard drive $70-90
Battery (don't know for sure) $20-30
Misc and Cables $30-40
Total price $200-260
So for a $40 more you can get all the same supplies + a rechargeable battery in a smaller form factor. I know for a fact that people can do nethosts/usbhosts in windows and since most mini laptops have windows all you have to do is load the software and let it run.

I'm not saying/trying to discourage you (in fact I think your doing a great job and want you to continue on your project) but I'm just saying that this method is (to me) a better way.  Because literally all you have to do is load the software and run it, no huge battery to lug around. to me this method is more portable. at least until you get the xm4 working then your method will rain supreme again. 

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« Reply #21 on: July 24, 2008, 07:48:55 PM »
Yes this is only temporary while I am designing the USB 2.0 daughter board.

The architecture is the same so yes I can run the same OS on both


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« Reply #22 on: July 24, 2008, 11:24:36 PM »
He is offering a good resource for those that want to do something like this, the laptop is a bad idea in my eyes. The XM4 board is a much better way to do this, but until he designs the USB 2.0 board this will have to do

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« Reply #23 on: July 25, 2008, 05:32:02 PM »
  i think the linksys nslu2 is a cool toy to have. i'm hoping i can use it for future projects too, it does seem quite a versatile box, even to simple ol' me.
  the only thing holding me up at the moment is formatting a flash disk to ext3. i've killed a cheap drive, and my sandisk refuses to format with ext3. the linksys web GUI always formats it with FAT, and if im not wrong >mkfs.ext3 /media/wherever is the bash command i need to use, which tells me the disk is full?
  any help would be much appreciated, as google keeps telling me ext3 isn't much good for flash.

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« Reply #24 on: July 25, 2008, 10:16:33 PM »
Follow these steps and it should work for you.

1. Plug drive into PC and partition and format it.

    A. Point to My Computer and right click
    B. Click on manage
    C. Partition the drive and format it completely with fat32

2. Plug the drive into the NSLU2

3. Goto the web interface for the NSLU2

    A. Check to make sure the web shows the fat32 stick plugged in
    B. Goto the Administrate the disk
    C. Format the stick with ext3

Note: If it is working correctly it will take a while

For some reason if the stick had started to format ext3 it will not reformat.

If there are problems you always have to take it back to fat32 and start over.

I have done a ton of different usb sticks and never found one that did not work.

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« Reply #25 on: July 25, 2008, 11:37:40 PM »
thanks for your quick reply, hopfuly i can beat it into submission when i get home.

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« Reply #26 on: July 26, 2008, 04:53:44 AM »
 Hello gr8npwrfl,

I am stuck at installing the NSLU2_Usbhostfs. Everything else went without a hitch. Here is a text summary.


Link1 login: root

Welcome to Unslung V2.3R63-uNSLUng-6.10-beta


BusyBox v1.3.1 (2007-12-29 03:38:35 UTC) Built-in shell (ash)
Enter 'help' for a list of built-in commands.

# ipkg update
Updated list of available packages in /usr/lib/ipkg/lists/cross
Updated list of available packages in /usr/lib/ipkg/lists/native
Updated list of available packages in /usr/lib/ipkg/lists/oe
# ipkg install openssh
Installing openssh (5.1p1-1) to root...
Installing openssl (0.9.7m-4) to root...
Installing zlib (1.2.3-3) to root...
Configuring kernel-image-2.4.22-xfs
Configuring openssh

Fixing permissions on the /tmp directory...
killall: /opt/sbin/sshd: no process killed
Configuring openssl
Configuring update-modules
Configuring zlib


login as: root
root@'s password:

Welcome to Unslung V2.3R63-uNSLUng-6.10-beta


BusyBox v1.3.1 (2007-12-29 03:38:35 UTC) Built-in shell (ash)
Enter 'help' for a list of built-in commands.

# ipkg install usbutils
Installing usbutils (0.73-2) to root...
Installing libusb (0.1.12-1) to root...
Configuring libusb
Configuring usbutils
# ipkg install libusb
Package libusb (0.1.12-1) installed in root is up to date.
Nothing to be done
# ipkg install joe
Installing joe (3.5-1) to root...
Installing ncurses (5.6-3) to root...
Installing termcap (1.3.1-2) to root...
Configuring joe
Configuring ncurses
update-alternatives: Linking //opt/bin/clear to /opt/bin/ncurses-clear
Configuring termcap
# cd /share/hdd/data/HDD_1_1_1/
# list
-sh: list: not found
# LS
-sh: LS: not found
# ls
# s
-sh: s: not found
# ls
# chmod +x install
# ./install
-sh: ./install: Permission denied
# help

Built-in commands:
        . : bg break cd chdir continue eval exec exit export false fg
        hash help jobs kill let local pwd read readonly return set shift
        source times trap true type ulimit umask unset wait



Could you give me some suggestions please ?

Thank you for the nice project you've given us


EDIT: nevermind  I figured it out. The files needed to be without the folder. I just placed them in the drive without the folder and it installed perfectly.


login as: root
root@Link1's password:

Welcome to Unslung V2.3R63-uNSLUng-6.10-beta


BusyBox v1.3.1 (2007-12-29 03:38:35 UTC) Built-in shell (ash)
Enter 'help' for a list of built-in commands.

# cd /share/hdd/data/HDD_1_1_1/
# ls
USBHostFS.cgi        mount                usbhostfs_pc
install              rc.samba  umount
# chmod +x install
# ./install
Imstalling USB Driver
mkdir: cannot create directory '/opt': File exists
mkdir: cannot create directory '/opt/lib': File exists
Installing USBHostfs
mkdir: cannot create directory '/opt/bin': File exists
Installing Utility scripts
mkdir: cannot create directory '/unslung': File exists
Installing Web Pages
Setting Permissions :) :) :)

Thank you so much !!!
« Last Edit: July 26, 2008, 05:48:16 AM by DaveBere »

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« Reply #27 on: July 26, 2008, 09:52:19 AM »
At this time you have installed usbhostfs when you are unslung.

Restart the unit without unslinging it. It will be running from internal flash memory only.

Check to make sure that you are NOT unslung.

Stick your install stick back into the unit.

Execute the ./install again and it will install the usbhostfs in the internal flash memory.

You can then run the system without unslinging and the system will serve you files.

I will go back into the tutorials and make sure I tell people that they need to copy the
files to the root directory.

You are the first person that has given me feedback and has actually done the tutorials to
build a system.


Will add those notes to the tutorials so someone else does not have the problem you did.!!!!

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« Reply #28 on: July 26, 2008, 01:49:17 PM »
Hello gr8npwrfl,

Thank you for the additional instructions on installing usbhostfs to flash memory.
I will also be start on the battery pack soon :)
Have you finished the nethost for the NSLU Linux server yet ?
 If so would you mind posting it ?

Thanks a bunch for sharing this awsome project with us.


Ok I just read the other thread in regards to the nethostfs. I see it is not yet ready for public release.
« Last Edit: July 26, 2008, 01:53:48 PM by DaveBere »

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« Reply #29 on: July 26, 2008, 02:47:02 PM »
I am finishing up a new more power efficient battery pack for the NSLU2

I will try and post it later today. Instead of using plug in power adapters that are brute force
power wasters. I am doing one using a switch mode power supply that is 92% efficient which
will allow you to get a smaller battery or double the run time.

It will be amended to this thread.


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« Reply #30 on: July 27, 2008, 09:59:29 AM »
i was hoping 4 of these batteries connected in series would be capable of powering the nslu2 and connected devices for at least an hour or so. also i think it would be possible to charge them (maybe not fully) using the psp power supply, but i'll have to corner an electrician in work to confirm this.

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« Reply #31 on: July 27, 2008, 10:25:52 AM »
They would need a separate charger. They have constraints on the power input during charge and they can explode if the input current vs temperature is exceeded. But there are a million different
tiny wall mount chargers available to do this task.

The NSLU2 can draw up to 2 amps sometimes. That means you are going to have to regulate the input voltage to the NSLU2 to 5.0 Volts. You can not just stick 6 volts into the NSLU2.

If you use a linear regulator you are going to consume 15 to 20% of your available power to wasted

You need a switching supply to regulate the voltage to +5.00 Volts.

Those are the things you need to watch out for.

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« Reply #32 on: July 28, 2008, 10:22:38 AM »
fortunately they are 1.2v each, so a regulator wouldn't be needed. using AA batteries would be convenient, but i was hoping to be able to charge them inside the box that will hold everything. hmm... i think i'll have to read up on charging circuits. many thanks.

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« Reply #33 on: July 31, 2008, 03:19:19 PM »
fair play that's awesome! my nslu2 is working with usbhostfs. thanks gr8npwrfl, your cool as :censored:. for £56 i've got a server for my psp! a tenner for a broken ipod classic gets me 60GB im hoping i can fit inside the current box.

the only problem i had was formatting my flash disk to ext3. the first one i tried gave up on digital life, and the second refused to format (i think due to a pesky u3 partion i didn't know about). third time lucky and im there!

thanks for an awesome tut.

on with the batery power!

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« Reply #34 on: July 31, 2008, 09:27:06 PM »
I am making a change to the tuts

The problem is if you ever formated to ext3 and try to redo it to unsling your nslu2 it won't work

So you plug into the PC first and format it to fat32 with complete format.

Then plug back into the NSLU2 and format to ext3.

It then works every time, even the stubborn ones that don't seem to work
all the time work this way.

If you are connected to your network and you want you can even make the NSLU2
a mini webserver and serve your homepage to the internet at the same time.

Check this out:

Thats my NSLU2 running as a web server even while I do program development on it, and serve
games at the same time.

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« Reply #35 on: August 02, 2008, 06:21:41 AM »
I have been following this thread for months now, and to start off, gr8npwrfl, you are a genius.  But thats about ass kissing isn't my thing, so enough of that.

I have read all 10 pages of the previous thread and both (so far) of this one, several times all the way through, and I have a couple questions.  I am not an experienced programmer, and have only been learning linux for a couple of months now (I work too much so haven't gotten really far with it), so I don't know how difficult it is to add bluetooth (I know, not programming), with A2DP/AVRCP (the programming part).  I have been looking through google, and I have seen several driver packages for bluetooth with linux, but I don't know the limitations of this set up.  Also, is it possible to add a chip to add "native" bluetooth connectivity, that can be controlled through the unslung interface?  I'm not really asking for a walkthough, I'm just asking if its possible?

Thanks in advance.

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« Reply #36 on: August 02, 2008, 11:00:21 AM »
Ok to make bluetooth work on ANY system.

1. You need the hardware. (No problem bluetooth usb dongles are a dime a dozen)
2. You need drivers for the hardware ( No problem they are available for both Windows and Linux)

One of the most important

3 You need a bluetooth stack - The bluetooth stack is programming that is just like tcpip networking
for an ethernet or wireless interface.

I do not know if you know it or not, But to make ethernet work there are multiple layers of
software to make it run.

There is the hardware layer
the protocol layer
the command layer
the communications layer.

Just to name the main ones. This is called the Ethernet Stack.

Because bluetooth is also a network protocol it also needs a stack of software.
But bluetooth can do more than just networking. It can do audio, video, and
many more that are not implemented yet.

So we have to add more layers of protocol to the software that runs
the interface.

All this together is called the bluetooth stack.

Just recently a group has released a bluetooth stack for linux. I already
have a copy of it. It will have to be translated and compiled for the

So in answer to your question, YES

I have it on my list of things to do.

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« Reply #37 on: August 07, 2008, 07:43:24 PM »
I don't know if this will help in your efforts or not, but while researching one of my WIP mods involving a cellphone and a mobile internet modem, I ran into this,, and considering that your mod involves a linux-converted nslu2... Well, take a look.  I hope it helps.

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« Reply #38 on: November 02, 2008, 09:52:22 AM »
does anyone know how to run NetHostFS/USBHostFS on the NSLU2 with debian?
I have debian, because unslung doesn't recognize my USB HDD and my SDHC card reader

BIG THX for help


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« Reply #39 on: November 07, 2008, 04:22:49 AM »

I don't mind being connected via wire. How can I connect via usb ipod, external drive, mp3 player to psp? I have tried some usbhostfs drivers and have not worked. Also, are there any diagrams to create a usb host cable from two usb cables?

Offline Zanitos

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« Reply #40 on: January 07, 2009, 11:58:07 AM »
Is there any further developement on this project? I'd really love to see it finished.. been reading and drooling over the concept.

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« Reply #41 on: January 08, 2009, 08:50:03 AM »
I miss you gr8nprwfl!!  where are you?!  i know you are probably working on dev and pulling ideas out of your awesome genius brain. We are all wondering how your xm4 boards are coming!!!

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« Reply #42 on: January 13, 2009, 02:38:33 PM »
Ok,  heres an update.

Gr8npwrfl seems to have abandoned us.  It is probably not his intent to have abandoned this project,  just probably got caught up in work or life, it happens.  I feel like we are very close to finalizing this project.  I have been doing some thinking.  The nslu2 was succesful because of a few key reasons.  1) It ran on a linux os.  2) it had usb host capabilities (with usb 2.0)  3) usbhostfs/nethostfs were customized to run with the linux os running on the NSLU2 unit. 

The nslu2 was proven to be functional.  Gr8npwrfl was developing a board to be paired with the smaller XM4 board to give it usb 2,0 capabilities and allow the unit to be internalized to the psp.  The programs written for the NSLU2 were going to be installed on the XM4 because they ran on the same os.  I believe that if we can find a board that is small enough, runs linux, and has usb 2.0 spec we can simply load Gr8's verson of usbhostfs and internalize this project.  I have begun the search for boards that will fit our qualifications!!  Lets not abandon this project!!! we can do this!! Lets internalize the usb mass storage project!!!!

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« Reply #43 on: January 13, 2009, 03:05:45 PM »

check out all of these linux embedded devices.  surely we should be able to load unslung and trhe rest of gr8npwrfl's programs onto the boards.  anyone with some insight please do not hesitate to help out the community.  This will be the greatest psp mod since CFW

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« Reply #44 on: January 13, 2009, 04:07:46 PM »
ok here is what we need to do next.  we need to figure out how to load debian on an sbc.  i was thinking the ucDimm  board,  its only 1.7''x2.7''  easy fit in psp.  So  we need to figure out how to load debian on it.  shouldnt be too hard

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« Reply #45 on: January 13, 2009, 07:04:18 PM »
any ideas are encouraged.  i welcome all help.  i am pulling all of these ideas out of my ass.

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« Reply #46 on: January 13, 2009, 07:47:21 PM »
think i might have found our board.  if anyone can find a cheaper one let me know.

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« Reply #47 on: January 14, 2009, 02:23:59 PM »
FOUND IT!!!!!!!!!  this is the board we need.   

Geode LX800  2.7 x 2.3 inches.  this is the board used in an NSLU2 alternative called the Fit-PC Slim.  It is an actual pc that runs linux and comes with an optional 2.5 inch hdd.   Sooooo just need to get the board and load unslung and usbhostfs onto a thumbdrive and run this baby!!!  PSP INTERNAL HDD IS NOW VERY CLOSE ON THE HORIZON!!!!

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« Reply #48 on: January 28, 2009, 05:22:00 PM »
So I've read every line in this thread and the other thread that this whole project began on but everything has seemed to have stopped with the absence of gr8npwrfl. Does anyone know where Gr8npwrfl went or what he's up to? It seems like such a waste to have abandoned something that so much work had already went to...

Anyway, props to the people that are still working on the project in the shadows. I'd be neck deep in this project but the whole getting a degree thing devours all of my time.

Will keep watching.

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« Reply #49 on: February 02, 2009, 05:17:01 PM »
dude i have our solution, its just a matter of funds.  if you want to pay the money for the upgrade it is very possible.  Gr8npwrfls custom board for internalizing was going to cost like 150.  the board i found that we can use since he is MIA will cost like 200.  soo.  when i get paid this week im buying one, programing it and strapping my zune hdd in for a test run.  Will provide a POC video as soon as i get it up and running

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« Reply #50 on: February 06, 2009, 12:07:11 AM »
ever heard of this:
has anyone ever tried one of this???

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« Reply #51 on: February 08, 2009, 11:38:54 AM »
ever heard of this:
has anyone ever tried one of this???
Yeah, it was the witchain that actually got me interested in the whole Psp Mass Storage thing and then I found Gr8's thread and progress with the Linux board which seemed like such an excellent idea...

If I can ever find some damn time, I'd really like to look into this...

...any luck Brian?

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« Reply #52 on: February 18, 2011, 09:11:45 AM »
To start, this is out of my league, but to those who are in the majors...

I know that essentially, anything we hook up via usb and duo are considered slave, and thus it's not a "hard drive".

I know that there's the onboard system memory we can view via recovery menu. Could we increase the size of the onboard memory modules by replacing them with modules of a higher capacity, use a partition manager to make the original size, and then make a new partition, using the remaining space as a "hard drive"?

Granted, it wouldn't be the 160 gig stuff people are aiming for - but it seems to me that it'd be an integral step in OS development on the PSP.
« Last Edit: February 18, 2011, 09:12:37 AM by DuctTapedGoat »

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« Reply #53 on: February 18, 2011, 10:15:12 AM »

this project was unrealistic and has been killed... the last post before yours was in 2009... 2 years ago!

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