Author Topic: can a psp be used as a xbox memory card for a soft mod?  (Read 6629 times)

Offline tripsalot

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can a psp be used as a xbox memory card for a soft mod?
« on: June 16, 2008, 09:49:12 AM »
i live in a small town and cant shop online so i am having trouble finding a mem card for my xbox.i was wondering if i can use the psp for a mem card if i make a usb to controller adaptor,also i only have one controller and it is a wireless one,the reciever that plugs into the controller port has 2 mem card slots can i tap into the mem card slot for a usb to psp or does it have to be the controller wire directly?

i am new to xbox and want to softmod just to see if i can,so if you kind folks here could help me i would appriciate it

Offline ryan0

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Re: can a psp be used as a xbox memory card for a soft mod?
« Reply #1 on: June 17, 2008, 03:49:24 AM »
quite frankly,yes

Offline DjMaddius

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Re: can a psp be used as a xbox memory card for a soft mod?
« Reply #2 on: August 14, 2008, 12:45:25 AM »
Making your PSP a memory card for teh xbox.. No, you cant, just because your psp does not have a harddrive, your memory card on your PSP acts as one, and the rest of your PSP is just simple programing that sony calls a game system >.> Anywhoo , if you wish to make your PSP a 'controler' of some type, or use a 360 controler for the psp, it is going to take alot of modding, and if not that, a lot of programming a homebrew for your PSP. There would still be lots of glitches and lots and bugs, that you wouldnt be able to fix duu to the fact, PSP is sony which is a whole new type of programming, far behind microsoft programming.  Now, more questions.. Just ask.

Offline PspKicks316

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Re: can a psp be used as a xbox memory card for a soft mod?
« Reply #3 on: August 14, 2008, 06:50:30 AM »
How about you read first, you just typed up a whole paragraph that had nothing to do with what he asked.

I'm going with Ryan and saying yes.

Offline tripsalot

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Re: can a psp be used as a xbox memory card for a soft mod?
« Reply #4 on: August 14, 2008, 09:08:04 AM »
Making your PSP a memory card for teh xbox.. No, you cant, just because your psp does not have a harddrive, your memory card on your PSP acts as one, and the rest of your PSP is just simple programing that sony calls a game system >.> Anywhoo , if you wish to make your PSP a 'controler' of some type, or use a 360 controler for the psp, it is going to take alot of modding, and if not that, a lot of programming a homebrew for your PSP. There would still be lots of glitches and lots and bugs, that you wouldnt be able to fix duu to the fact, PSP is sony which is a whole new type of programming, far behind microsoft programming.  Now, more questions.. Just ask.
thanks for responding but i think you are slightly off base on what you said,,this is an old post from when i started modding my xbox since then i have found out you can use a psp as a mem device for the xbox,you just have to format the mem stick on the psp to be reconised by the xbox and use it as a flash drive to transfer the exploit game saves and to do it all i had to do was mod a controller to usb cable
and we all know there is no hard drive on the psp,,there are however some realy smart people here trying to rectify that,also a mem stick is a mem stick not a hard drive.and as for useing the psp as a controller for the x box wouldnt make much sence as the psp dont have enough buttons to cover all the commands on a xbox controller,im sure it could be done but why a psp is $100+ and an xbox controller can be picked up for as lil as $8,and why use an xbox 360 controller for a psp when ps1 is closer to the same layout as a psp and is made by the same company and been proven to work
but thanks for readingt and responding and welcome to acid mods

Offline ryan0

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Re: can a psp be used as a xbox memory card for a soft mod?
« Reply #5 on: August 16, 2008, 04:14:33 AM »
you can use it as a controller for xbmc but you have to have the infra-red dongle for the xbox that comes with the remote,i have it and its actually quite handy


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