Author Topic: Mini guide for hacking your wii  (Read 4157 times)

Offline Tri-edge

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Mini guide for hacking your wii
« on: July 04, 2008, 12:39:45 PM »
Since people have been asking me how to hack their wii, I decided to write a little mini-guide for hacking your wii.

I am not responsible if something bad happens to your wii.
You should still read the readme files before attempting to hack your wii 

here's like a mini-guide to hack your wii (you will still need to read the readme files)

things you need
1. wii
2. Zelda twilight princess
3. Sd card of 2gbs or below and formated to fat16
4. the files

all the stuff you need to download is at this site

1. download the zelda twilight princess hack
2. download the Homebrew channel
3. put the zelda twilight hack on the sd card (make sure it's formated to fat16!)
4. put the all the homebrew channel files at the root of the sd card
5. remove the sd card from the computer and plug it into the wii
6. copy the appropriate zelda hacked save file (from your region) onto the wii
7. run the zelda disc on your wii and select the save file

NOTE: this is from the readme and only applies to american users
-Since there are two released versions of Twilight Princess
for the USA region, these users must first check the
version of their game disc. Take your Zelda disc, flip it
over so that the data side is facing you, and look for
a small line of text next to the inner edge of the disc,
between the raised circle of plastic and the data area. If
the text reads "RVL-RZDE-0A-0", you have a v0 game and
you should select the TwilightHack0 savegame. If the text
reads "RVL-RZDE-0A-2", you have a v2 game and you should
select the TwiilghtHack2 savegame. If you do not select
the correct version of the save, the game will freeze and
the hack will not work.

8. run up to the guy and talk to him to start the hack
9. accept all the terms and conditions
10. let it run to install the homebrew channel
11. press 1 to restart the wii
12. congratulations you now have a hacked wii  :victory:
13. if you want to put homebrew stuff on your sd card to run in the Homebrew channel. make a folder at the root of the sd card called apps and put the homebrew in it's own folder

EX: E:/apps/Homebrew/homebrew files

« Last Edit: July 04, 2008, 12:59:43 PM by dslitemodder »

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Re: Mini guide for hacking your wii
« Reply #1 on: July 04, 2008, 12:46:08 PM »
nice tut, all i need is to get the sd card from my sis, which wont happen xD

Offline Tri-edge

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Re: Mini guide for hacking your wii
« Reply #2 on: July 04, 2008, 01:01:30 PM »
thanks  :tup:. I updated it a little bit to include the links to the download files and how install apps to run in the homebrew channel


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