Author Topic: Psp slim and dual shock controller  (Read 1601 times)

Offline lucas-

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Psp slim and dual shock controller
« on: July 24, 2008, 01:32:05 PM »
I'm thinking of doing the dual shock controller mod. And im having few questions. Is there better place to connect the wires than the motherboards connections. and is there any chance to have the shocking motors to run whit psp.

Nemesis: helped put spelling a bit, though i don't know what the last sentence is. tip: there are normally not many words which have both the letter the c and k together eg. connections :)
« Last Edit: July 26, 2008, 07:39:50 AM by Nemesis »

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Re: Psp slim and dual shock controller
« Reply #1 on: July 24, 2008, 01:45:36 PM »
hello lucas, there are other points on the psp where you can solder but there quite hard to solder to. that i'm aware of you dont solder the mobo, rather the d-pad pcb, 'X [ ] O /\' pbc, analog stick and the home bar. what you could do for the rumble is try and hook up a wire to the pos and nev points on the speakers and wire that through to the motors on the game pad. you may need to change the motors as they may not be power by the psp. there quite big and may need alot of power to run them.

if you check out the psp section there is a topic about a controller hooked up to a Phatty. be a good place to start for info. unfortunatly there is no tut for the Slim (hasn't been done yet, well.... that i'm know of anyway, lol). hope you pull it off!  :tup:

Offline lucas-

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Re: Psp slim and dual shock controller
« Reply #2 on: July 24, 2008, 02:04:31 PM »
yes i cknow about the fatty instrucktions and i hawe done some invastigation. Hardest part is solder the wires on psp but im going to let lokal school boys do it they can solder whit mickroskope so im going to think only the motor connecktion choos the triggers are simply. when having the konnecktions on psp i can conneckt meny other things to psp meybe o joy stick or o mice and ceyboard they all work in the same method. if someone hawe eny good ideas for the shock motor connecktion pls post it here.

Again sory about my bad spelling i,m not good rider anyways


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