Author Topic: to someone who has worked on bikes any/this is my motorized bike aka a bike lol  (Read 3835 times)

Offline budgray19

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ok so im gonna get a mountain bike right.
well i wanna put teh gear system on the left hand side of the bike and all i can see and get is gear systems on the right
is there any way i can mount the whole gearing system on teh left(the whole back wheel gear assembly)
i dont need to worry about the pedals

and i might as well just tell ya

so what im gonna do is get my 49cc scooter engine and mount it above the rear wheel and basicaly make a bike with a scooter engine with differant gears

and im gonna direct the chain up to the engine how ever far from the wheel

so yea lol

Offline andy1337

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ok so im gonna get a mountain bike right.
well i wanna put teh gear system on the left hand side of the bike and all i can see and get is gear systems on the right
is there any way i can mount the whole gearing system on teh left(the whole back wheel gear assembly)
i dont need to worry about the pedals

and i might as well just tell ya

so what im gonna do is get my 49cc scooter engine and mount it above the rear wheel and basicaly make a bike with a scooter engine with differant gears

and im gonna direct the chain up to the engine how ever far from the wheel

so yea lol
So your trying to make a chain deraileur?
Im sorry if i dont get it its late and i cant think lol
If i was under better circumstances i could probably help <.<

Offline budgray19

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heres kinda what it will look like
but teh chain and rear wheele gears are gonna be all on the left side so i can go forward(if on right then id be going backwards 40 mph lol
now on that lil bottom think
if i remmember correctly from my years as a preteen child on a bike
it can move but im not sure if it will funtion properly if moved forward
the frame curves out and around teh wheel so it wont grind with the wheel
on the chain i know im gomnna have to cut a few links

and to andy

a chain deraileur
do u mean by making the chain come off all the time???

btw does anyone know how fast it might go now

it use to got 30-33 mph oh my old 150 pouund scooter
but now its gonna be on a mountain bike and will have gears so i can change from low to high(i know the get up and go will be much better but im not sure if the top speed will be any better
if its gonna go 40 tp 42 im probably not gonna do this project ya know lol
« Last Edit: July 27, 2008, 01:14:55 AM by budgray19 »

Offline lewson

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It will be very hard, to put the gears etc on the other side, Wont it work on the right side?

Offline folklord36

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hehe i made one before you can buy an engine mount kit online the best place to mount will be between your legs and get a smaller sprocket for the bike where the pedals are this may come with the kit im not sure it will be a small sprocket that replaces the pedal on one side the other side with all the gears stays the same, pedal comes off and simply mount engine and run a chain from sprocket on motor to sprocket on bike if you have to have the engine on one side im sure you can use the side with gears but might need some custom rigging and both of the old gear assembles will work this is best because they are both there already and lets you customize tourqe for climbing hills and top end for speeding on straight aways now idk if yours has this but i made mine out of a 49 cc scooter engine too and you might want to keep the centrifugal clutch on there so you can run idle without it when you start the engine the bike will want to take off it will be completely engaged with the gears but good luck

Offline TW1NKY

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lol, yesterday I was talking to my dad about making a bike turned motorbike, but I'm not going to make it. It's too much work/time for me to do it.
Good luck if you try it though. :hifive:

Offline budgray19

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th reason i want to have the gears on the left is so it wont go backwards
i realy dont wanna mess with teh workings of the engine

and if i put it in the middle of teh bike liek u said
then that means i need to redo my muffler

umm how fast did the bike go
i mean with me and the scooter it goes 30 mph

(can u get me link to mount kit)
ive seen the kits with the 80 cc engine but only says it goes 25 so thats pritty weak

and back to teh gearbox in the pic
it will idle
it has a clutch thing in tehre some where

earlyer i stumbled across a 110 cc engine that they wanted 189 for so im thinking of that(then i got a motorbike lol)
« Last Edit: July 27, 2008, 02:59:40 PM by budgray19 »

Offline folklord36

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i got the kit off ebay parents ordered it this was years ago sry no link. that kit was totally worth it mounting an engine to a thin metal rod like the frame of a bike would be really hard without it you have to think how much force the motor mounts are going to take the weight of motor the force of the motor pulling the chain at full throttle and your weight pulling back on the chain and all the vibration from the motor so the mounts have to be VERY secure. Idk mine was a 49 cc and i swear it would do 35 at least you wont notice much of a speed increase but the acceleration in some gears will be enough to rip the bike from under you and you will be able to climb any hill at pretty good speed and they are so fun to ride on trails in the woods but watch those tires they aren't meant to be driven by a motor and will wear easy plus you will find your self burning out in low gears a lot especially if you ride aggressive and full throttle alot on acceleration

Offline budgray19

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lol im so doing this now lol
but i was gonna weld me up a frame and mount it
do u have pics taht i could see and use as a idea?

heres my scooter

and im pritty sure yall can guess but that silver thing to the left of teh engine  in teh second pic is where teh chain hooks up at

so putting it on a bike is a good idea huh?

and im gonna put a 110 cc engine on this scooter


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You're going to have to remove the pedals and weld on some none-moving ones, that is if you leave the chain attached to the pedals.

As for the gears, If you want to have the least amount of problems, I suggest removing them and buying a twist throttle kit originally for quads, (I have one on mine ;D) But the handle bars might be too thin in the first place, so you might have to buy yourself a set of Renthal Handlebars and weld them on there.

As for the frame, It won't survive at 40mph, basically a death trap, I suggest reinforcing it with some tubing or something, It will add to the weight and make it slower though.

Offline budgray19

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yea im adding rein forcingits gonna be in the middle also where im gonna be putting my gas tank
im building a frame around teh gas can that wil dubble as reinforement
but i dont get what u mean about the atv gear majig?

Offline Reaper

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All I'm going to say is that going over 30 MPH on an unbalanced bicycle (it WILL be unbalanced if you mount it to the side) is going to be really dangerous, so don't worry about going 100 mph on it...

Offline budgray19

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im gonna find its center of gravity and mount it lol
im hopeing for liek 40 mph


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