My Local GameStation is selling gamecubes off for £15! So i decided to pick one up, after loosing the controller to my silver one. The Jewel was pretty damn scratched, so i spent some time buffing it with the good ol' toothpaste, and thats when it hit me, why not make a window! It wont be too hard. After examining the lid, i noticed it has a plastic Moulding which looks like it helps keep the disc in, so i had to keep that, but decided to plow on and cut around it. Not having a nintendo screwdriver i just taped of the disc area, so no plastic could fall inside, or get dust on the lens, and readied my dremel. Thats right, this mod was done with the Flip lid still installed, and not one screw removed! After about an hour of dremeling and sanding, i went to cut a CD Case to fit in the circle, but then i remember, the Gamecube jewel is the perfect size! Using a credit card i slow edged the plastic back off the clear acrylic, then i used White Spirit (Careful, this stuffs toxic!) To remove the black and gamecube logo, this misted the plastic, so more polishing with toothpaste! I Finally got some clear glue, edged the acrylic, and slid it in. Removed the masking tape and it all closed.
The pics arent amazing, taken with my iSight since i cant find my camera :p
Next i want to get a Ninty Screwdriver, and give the thing a good clean out, and add some orange LED's ^^
Oh yeah, this cube is a gift to a friend :p