Author Topic: linux on psp  (Read 2463 times)

Offline willie19a

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linux on psp
« on: August 08, 2008, 05:46:01 AM »
Ok so ive heard of people putting a version of linux on there psp, if i loaded linux on my sd card how fast would it run, would it run as fast as say an old win95 laptop from back in theday when laptops were new and yobs were non existant. say some one actually got a hardrive ( from an ipod ) to work iwth the psp, how fast would it run, could i also make mods to the linux so that it was my operating system on the psp but i could still have 4.01m33 running in the background so i could still play my psp games and stuff??? this is just a lil thot of mines , please post back any answers cheers  :victory:

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Re: linux on psp
« Reply #1 on: August 08, 2008, 08:49:46 AM »
the reason why we haven't got the hard to work with the psp yet is because the psp is a slave device. even if you install linux it still won't change that. if it was that easy we would have done it a long time ago, and you would find a tut all over the internet

Offline gr8npwrfl

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Re: linux on psp
« Reply #2 on: August 08, 2008, 07:47:15 PM »
An operating system is only as good as your hardware.

There is a very good linux that I have on my IPOD, but just like the PSP the IPOD is a slave device.


It has to be a MASTER device and a master device is DIFFERENT HARDWARE.

Also just because Linux can be run on the PSP, most of the hardware is secret and proprietary
to Sony. They do not give us enough information to make that hardware work.

The Homebrew apps that authors have running are because Sony published a list
of system calls so developers could write games for the PSP. We do not have the source
to the system calls, we only have the info to have our software call their "BLACK BOX".

If we wanted to distribute software on a UMD drive we would have to sell if for the price
of a retail game because we would have to pay Sony a royalty.

The PSP costs more to build than it sells for. Sony is losing money selling you a PSP.
Their business model is they make their profit on the software, that is why every
time a game is done for a game system, the game developers have to give Sony
a payment for doing on their game system.

So to lock people into making money for Sony, they only give the least amount
of information that they can. Also Sony gets a royalty off every Pro Duo memory
stick, every UMD disk as well as game.

Did you know, when CDs sold for $10.00 each for blanks that it did not cost Sony
more than $0.11 each to make them ? It was not until the Koreans got into making
CDs that the price started to drop. So figure it out, if Sony made 100,000,000 CDs
before the price started to drop, how much money did they make ?

Very smart people are working on the problem. We appreciate your input and questions.

But what you ask has been thought about before and discarded.

Offline willie19a

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Re: linux on psp
« Reply #3 on: August 11, 2008, 03:28:59 AM »
ok so ive gathered that the psp runs on a slave device, but wat is it slave to,  is it similar to a computre where u have a master and a slave hard drive. If so the why cant the master drive be modded. Sorry for all the noob questions, im just trying to get my head around how the psp works, My definition of slave is probably completly wrong. My thots are that if you have a slave device then there has to be a master device on the psp to run the slave, and i was told i could boot my operating system from my memory card, therefor does this make the memory card the master, but that cant be right because u can still run ur psp without a memory card, again sorry about this, im getting a lil bit slow in my old age lol.

You said that we ( psp modders ) only have the info to access the " BLACK BOX ". If we did find out the source or could completey wipe out the psp main board, could we load our own operating system on it?

Once again thankks for the input ad sorry for all the questions ( which u may consider idiotic lol ) i am a learner so please expect more silly questions lol, and dont be too harsh on the replies :)

Offline gr8npwrfl

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Re: linux on psp
« Reply #4 on: August 11, 2008, 07:27:00 AM »
A Master is the traffic cop for the information that flows back and forth on the USB bus. Only when a slave device is told that it can talk is it allowed to talk on the bus.

Like a little kid that is told that he or she can only talk when spoken to.

The slave device lacks the hardware to listen to the bus and determine that it is time to talk to a slave.

Yes if we had all the information on all the hardware and all the bits we could put our own operating system on the PSP.

But like Windows and Mac OSX they can not run each others programs natively. The system calls to let programs run
are different from one to another. Just because we do our own operating system does not mean that any of the games
that are written, will run on the new OS. Sony would see us running our own OS and make a slight change so that the
games they get a royalty on would not run on our system.

So the only way to maintain compatibility with Sony is to run a patched version of their software. Just add the features
that we want on their system. That is why when Sony comes out with a new version it takes a while to come up
with a CFW that works on the new OS. They rearrange things and the points to be patched have to be found all over again.

The Master/Slave refers only to the USB bus, it has nothing to do with memory cards or systems. There are no chips in the PSP that that can make it a Master on the USB bus.

Offline willie19a

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Re: linux on psp
« Reply #5 on: August 12, 2008, 12:30:07 AM »
again thanks for th input, made it alot clearer for me, just one part u mentioned, that if we made our own OS then it cudnt run the games anyway, but wat if we had there code written in our software, could we not get it so wen we want to load a game, we refer back to there code, basically tricking the psp into thinking it still has this software on the psp. So basically, we have an xp theme, where the c drive is the memory stick, my computer is simply the settings for the psp, and we can add our own homebrew apps to make it more like a windows computer. So wen u start ur psp, it boots onto this "xp theme" wen we click start, it has a list of things we can do, just like any normal computer, we wud have, my computer, in this directory we cud have the "c drive" (memory card), and the "D drive" (the UMD drive). also in the start  menu we cud have the "control panel" which simply accesses the the psp settings just like it does wen  go into settings in the CFW versionof the psp. So it isnt really a new os more like a theme that is displayed like the xp but u dont have to have the net to load it up like the one you go to some site for on your psp. ive just had a long hard think there and i realise the task ahead will be very hard for some programmer to do lol, it cud be near impossible. Im gonna have a word with sony, c if i can get my hands on some good info lol, im sure they will be willing to help me ( sarcastic btw ) lool, anyway thanks for the little leason lol


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