Author Topic: playstation one led mods  (Read 2153 times)

Offline Lemcott

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playstation one led mods
« on: September 12, 2008, 09:12:31 PM »
google has failed me, my fellow acid modders, and I come in need of help.

I have an original ps1. not the slim or the crazy whatever designs, I'm talking about the cold hard original playstation from 95.

I just need to know where to add some leds! I was thinking atleast 2 in either side (coming out of the vents, and maybe 3 in the cd tray with a window.

I was going to wire it all to the power led but, I dont want to go prodding around with an led or meter and hope i dont short anything, but i dont like the chances, and I've heard using that can cause all of the leds going dim.


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