Author Topic: Ryan0 screwed me over  (Read 9800 times)

Offline budgray19

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Re: Ryan0 screwed me over
« Reply #30 on: September 12, 2008, 09:02:12 PM »
why did u wait 2 1/2 months to make this thread again?

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Re: Ryan0 screwed me over
« Reply #31 on: September 12, 2008, 10:56:14 PM »
dudes ive dealt with ryan before i traded him a screen for duel analog stick PCB on the condition that he pay for all the shipping. i have even paid more to ship to people than what they have paid for what im selling.  I hope you trust me (being around as long as I have) if he said it was good it was good than it was. he may have F'ed up but he is a Great member of AM and should not have to deal with this BS. acid mods is a buy at your own risk and i don't believe that a member like ryan would porously F with you.

Unless you deserved it. im kidding that’s me not him.

Offline budgray19

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Re: Ryan0 screwed me over
« Reply #32 on: September 12, 2008, 11:40:33 PM »
thats why we dont buy from tec

Offline ryan0

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Re: Ryan0 screwed me over
« Reply #33 on: September 13, 2008, 02:25:19 AM »

and by the time you told me about it not working which was inf act 3 months after you received it and not 1 and a half like you say,you said that it wasn't working but that you had cut the ribbon to solder to and that it should work after that,you also told me that you were able to get picture when you pushed on the ribbon cable

thanks tec_,alien and jumb0,the argument is over,4 months is too long and the fact that you took it apart and cut up the ribbon and soldered to it disqualifies you from a refund
end of discussion.

btw tec_ the razor was for the oem black case XD
« Last Edit: September 13, 2008, 04:13:03 AM by ryan0 »

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Re: Ryan0 screwed me over
« Reply #34 on: September 13, 2008, 02:36:53 AM »
can't this sort of stuff be resolved without dragging the rest of the AM into it. don't get me wrong it's a :censored:ed up situation but 4 months is way too long to wait. if that were me, i wouldn't refund it at all. nothing personal. :) Hope your feeling better Ryan0.
« Last Edit: September 13, 2008, 03:33:53 AM by Aphex »

Offline folklord36

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Re: Ryan0 screwed me over
« Reply #35 on: September 13, 2008, 08:39:51 AM »
 FOR THE LAST TIME IT WAS NOT 4 MONTHS BEFORE I TOLD HIM IT WAS BROKEN! Ryan0 you are a backstabber I cant believe you people just buy the bull:censored: he says notice he never wanted to answer the questions in my last post and changed his story now he says it was 3 months then I told him BEFORE TAKING IT APART but the fact still remains that I tested it 1 month after receiving it witch was like 2 months after payment because we live in different country's and shipping takes 2 weeks and it was delayed like a week and ryan0 lied about the screen being tested before shipping. Do you guys think getting hit by a car is a gentle event? I was hit by a car and had my cellphone in my hand the thing shattered into like 5 pices you people are over looking the facts in this case he lied about testing the screen before shipping and it had been trough a traumatic event that very easily could have broken the screen and I reported it within a month of receiving it and was lied to about the condition before shipment. Ryan0 I looked up to you and came to you for help all the time and trusted you and you took advantage of that trust and have screwed me out of 50 bucks do you honestly think I would make all of this up just for fun or something? I mean honestly you don't know what happened to the LCD before shipping it to me and did not test it it is very possible for it have to have been broken in the accident and I successfully soldered a screen and had no troubles it is not a strenuous task on the part of ribbon that was damaged. between me and you I just want you to know if it were the other way around I would refund you IF I knew I did not test the LCD be before shipping after a traumatic event like a car accident and between me and you you know that I came to you within a month of receiving the LCD and told you it did not work and you told me that you tested before shipping and it worked fine and that is not the case because I trusted you at the time I didnt want to make a big deal about it because you said you tested before shipping that's what this all comes down to I know the LCD did not work upon receiving it you have no idea if it worked when shipping it because it was put trough a good bit of trauma and not tested afterwords and that is the main fault in this case is you not testing before shipping and lieing when I came to youy about it the first time I am disgusted by the betrayal in this case I have done nothing for you to ever think I would lie to you and I trusted you and look where that put me
« Last Edit: September 13, 2008, 09:16:13 AM by noah03ark »

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Re: Ryan0 screwed me over
« Reply #36 on: September 13, 2008, 08:45:40 AM »
Calling us stupid wont help your case


Now to be honest I cant be hooped reading through all your :censored:e folk, but from the first line or so I can tell you this, Ryan is far more reputable on this site than you thus thats why we shall side with him, Especially when you wait so long to bring it up and then rather than take it up with him, rewgardless of wether or not you can get in contact with him, You choose to take your :censored:e up with the entirre commuinity. Of course youre going to get contrasting views so deal with it.

I dont want to hear anymore, Or read anymore on this site. Keep your personal Problems AWAY from am Dont brign them here. This is a place of modding and general banter. Not accusations and flame wars.

Thus we are locked

 - Chase x

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Re: Ryan0 screwed me over
« Reply #37 on: September 13, 2008, 09:12:25 AM »
Changed my mind do what you want

I dont give a flying :censored: =]

Offline folklord36

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Re: Ryan0 screwed me over
« Reply #38 on: September 13, 2008, 09:15:44 AM »
well no one will look at the facts in the case he put the screen trough serious trauma before shipping did not test it afterwords then lied when I told him it did not work a month later I mean the fact that he had it in his hand during the accident is reason enough for him to have sent me a different LCD or refunded me off the bat when he tested it afterwords and would have found that it didn't work would any of you have done the same thing in his position send me a LCD that had been slammed into the ground without testing it again keep in mind there is no way the LCD just gently floated to the ground think about the energy levels you are dealing with when the momentum of a 1 ton car hits a 150LBS person Im sure ryan0 him self flew a good distance in the accident so imagine anything that happened to be in his hand at the time to think that there is not possibility of it being damaged in this scenario is just absurd and since ryan0 himself says he did not test the LCD upon shipment he dose not know that the LCD worked when he shipped it but I know it didnt work when I got it so with those two facts being established the logical cause would be the accident not me there fore I should get a refund.

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Re: Ryan0 screwed me over
« Reply #39 on: September 13, 2008, 09:15:54 AM »
well he is a trusted, member.. and what would he gain, by saying it works, and sends a broken one... like a few bucks only..

if he would want to scam, he would do it, that it would pay off

Offline folklord36

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Re: Ryan0 screwed me over
« Reply #40 on: September 13, 2008, 09:20:51 AM »
Im not saying this is some huge scam to steal 10000 of dollars I am bringing attention to the admins of a staff member who has used his trust and status to be immune to any repercussions of knowingly selling damaged goods to the general public and lieing to cover him from having to refund

Am I not a trusted member? Im just the guy who goes around lieing to people huh? :huh:

Offline gx4702

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Re: Ryan0 screwed me over
« Reply #41 on: September 13, 2008, 09:31:34 AM »
um how bout a partial refund? 50%?

why is this thread so long...its a simple problem...
Fork, Ryan - stop argueing, cuz its not solving the problem.

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Re: Ryan0 screwed me over
« Reply #42 on: September 13, 2008, 10:20:54 AM »
How about locked, any further discussion of this matter on acidmods will be dealt with accordingly.

Offline noah03ark

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Re: Ryan0 screwed me over
« Reply #43 on: September 13, 2008, 11:00:57 AM »
as for folklord and ryan, plz settle this between yourselves...perhaps off-site

i'm sure you can reach an agreement :)


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