Author Topic: Rapid Fire Question (As if this is the first time someone has used this topic)  (Read 2715 times)

Offline freedomfighter_2001

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Hey guys

I've been reading the topics on here recently and have decided to mod my controller with the simple wire/momentary switch method found by the users. I seem to have an issue tho. I solder everything as described in the tutorial but When I use the controller the button only single fires. Is it possible that I may of burnt out the Player 1 LED causing it to single fire. If this is the case would i still be able to repeat the process (all be it much quicker and carefully then last time) on the Player 2 LED and if so, Which side of the LED is the ground (left or right). I did browse through some topics with the search function but didn't find any clear answers, I apologise if this has been asked before tho!

Thanks in advance for any help


Offline dailen

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freedom, you are worried that you may have burnt the #1 led?  Does it still light up when you turn on the controller?

If it does and the wire is there you may just have a bad solder joint (think its called a cold solder??).  But if it doesnt light up then you may have burnt it.  Not quite sure if you can just bridge the pathways that connected the led but i do know if you are good with an iron you can always solder on another led.

Offline freedomfighter_2001

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Thanks for the quick reply, The LED lights up dimly if the controller is using normal AA Batteries (not brand new ones as stated by the guides) and it seems to be normal brightness if i use a rechargeable battery back with the Plug and Charge connected.  It looks as if the left side of the LED has been melted due to me using a crappy solder iron the first time round. I could solder to another LED right? And if i soldered to the Player 2 LED which side is the ground side. And do i need to solder to a specific line?

Offline dailen

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I could be wrong, but it is my understanding that if you were to solder to any other led other than the player 1 led it wont work unless the xbox is seeing your controller as #2, #3, #4.

On another note, if your #1 led is lighting up then it shouldnt be burnt or melted.  I could be wrong, but as long as both sides of the led are making contact it should work.

Offline freedomfighter_2001

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No I understand that I would need to have the controller as the "second player" for it to work with the Player 2 LED. ATM I've a wire solder to the entire left side of the Player 1 LED. I looked at the connection and it seems to be made, and it doesnt seem to be dry. Ill upload a picture of it in a minute once the camera battery is charged to see if Ive made a mistake. No doubt that I Have somewhere lol

Offline freedomfighter_2001

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Here is my image, Ill try to get a clearer one from the side angle to show what looks to be abit of melting.

SORRY for the large image but I wanted it to be clear

Offline dailen

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nice pic, no need to apologize.  Better than a zoomed out one that no one can see clearly.

The led looks a little warmed up but doesn't look destroyed.  But it still remains in my head that if the led is working then it should be fine.

Quick question.  Does the button you are using work at all?  I mean does it fire a single shot or nothing at all?

Offline freedomfighter_2001

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Here is the second picture for a slightly different angle. Im not sure if the LED is melted in any damaging way but it does seem to have changed shape

« Last Edit: September 21, 2008, 09:15:06 AM by freedomfighter_2001 »

Offline freedomfighter_2001

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Yes the button fires a single shot fine as the normal RT button does

Offline dailen

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hrm, well you obviously have a good connection then.  Since i believe it is the wire that comes from the led that supplies the power to activate the button.  Ummm, are you using a rechargeable battery or regular dbl A batteries.  Not sure if this would even make the button work, but you have the second wire soldered to the middle trigger pin? 

Offline freedomfighter_2001

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Re: Rapid Fire Question (As if this is the first time someone has used this topi
« Reply #10 on: September 21, 2008, 09:22:57 AM »
I tried it with both AA's and the charging packs and it worked the same. Yes I have soldered the middle trigger pin to the 2nd leg of my button as well. Its strange. Could it be that if the wires touch other parts of the board when I put it back into the casing, it effects the rapid fire?  Do you know which side is the ground for the LED Player 2? I could try it on there if you told me which side is the ground and see if that works

Offline dailen

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the top of #2 player led is the ground i do believe.  If you follow the pathway it goes to 1 of the 4 ends in the secondary solder location.

Offline freedomfighter_2001

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Thanks for your help sir. I seem to of fixed it now. i just resoldered it again and it seemed to work fine, Must of been a dry solder. Thanks for your help tho!


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