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getting old is mandatory growing up is optional.
Non - Art Team members have the chance of becoming greenArt Team members have the oppurtunity to be promoted to Master artHowever their position is also on the line for those who under-achieve or do not participateAnd Master Art really jsut get a chance to show off We will go through with the above.The competition will compose of numerous tasks that will give myself, 4dp and Robin a chance to look at yoru different abilities to determine your status at the end.**Tasks**1. Signature and avatar ComboTheme - Freestyle2. Desktop WallPaperTheme - Freestyle3. PSP WallpaperTheme - Complimentary to the desktop without being identical.4. Advertising BannerTheme - Acidmods5. Mock-UP of an electronics good.i.e. Ghost_Death's Stereo Render or Luke's Zune.I will require the PSD or equivalent PM'd to me when you post this piece.6. To be revealed at a later date...7. To be finalised then revealed...For reference I do not want previous work I want it all made specifically for this competition.The aim is to give you a wide choice of inspiration as opposed to finding out who can do a certain theme the best, Therefore we will be analytically looking at each piece judging it on Attractibility and Difficulty from 4DP, Robin and myself in order to get a broader and fairer judgement.Finally if you would like to reserve a post then do so and If you have any questions PM me =]Due to the simplicity of some and time consumtion of others you have until the end of october to get your entries in however post your work as you do it so that additional "Tie-Breaker" tasks may be created if needed.Thanks - Chase x
you know who i would bone? daffy duck
ENTRIES IN PEOPLE !!!!!!!!!!!!!! :] - Chase x
Damit Jim I'm working as fast as I can.
Robin make sure people get their art management competition entries in as im dead serious about firing every art member who doesnt enter. And i jsut want to be clear on that.I have a list of you all and I have no problem destroying your green name o_OAlso ken you have to enterIf you dont due to ego size then i underxzstand just dont expect to be asked to assist in any projectsUhm thats ab out it for my EPI-Post so ill see you guys on the flipside and hopefully be able to upload some pics of me hitting the med
whats da last day to get entries in? i have 10 13 assignments due on Tuesday Monday..... i cant do much till then.... (studies are more important than web art)
Now now rain, no spamming Chase my friend. Do I reallyyyy need to do this? You wouldn't demote me. :3 hahaCan't my AcidMods theme (with banner from Ken) count as my entry?**sig pl0x. Out in a few days tops.
Then say goodbye to your exalted art status.
i'm not spamming, bhawan simply said everything i needed to say i just edit it a little i.e. 10 + becomes 13, tuesday becomes monday
Uhm I cant remember who said what so uhm ...Noone is immune, Dont complete, Dont keep your statusI have no sympathy for people who cant complete due to studies, Agreed they come first I jsut dont care (Y)You will have chances later on to regain your status and lose it every so often by the way so its not the end , Just to keep all you beatches on your toes Luke I have your pics but guess you dont need them anymore =[Dont matter they were pretty crap anyway, But i did manage to learn to backflip and initiate. I jsut had a crap photographer ¬_¬Also You have until the last day of October to enter.However since Im eliminating tasks 6 and 7You have a week today as Robin suggested So uhm yeah Have fun XD - Chase x
Interest for the art team has dropped and due to the fact that the clsoign date is tomorrow for the competition these are my wishes:Promoted to Master Art Team:LukeGhost_DeathPromoted to Art Team:DarkHawkenDemoted to Art Team:MattZaniDemoted Entriely:Barshalenjadestar4mosquitoOV3RCH11sniperccccpieDiZzYH-SauceKaitoPaxPspKicks316VoXI'll hold various contest every so often for redemption etc to keep them on their toes, btu as of now that is all. - Chase x
Also You have until the last day of October to enter.However since Im eliminating tasks 6 and 7You have a week today as Robin suggested
DubbleDutch I love your wallpaper , can you please remove your name so i can use it , oh and if you don't mind making a bigger size
well i dont know what chases dates are exactly but my guess would be next saturday just after he gets back
Uhm I cant remember who said what so uhm ...Noone is immune, Dont complete, Dont keep your statusI have no sympathy for people who cant complete due to studies, Agreed they come first I jsut dont care (Y)You will have chances later on to regain your status and lose it every so often by the way so its not the end , Just to keep all you beatches on your toes Luke I have your pics but guess you dont need them anymore =[Dont matter they were pretty crap anyway, But i did manage to learn to backflip and initiate. I jsut had a crap photographer ¬_¬You have until the last day of October to enter.However since Im eliminating tasks 6 and 7You have a week today as Robin suggested So uhm yeah Have fun XD - Chase x
i have it at a huge size myself :P (22 inch screen) 1680x1080 or something i'll up it soon
Ah wow.Just finish my banner and when i went to modify my post I found that I was in the art team!Thanks guys!
since i have my lappy back, and cs4 too now, ill wait for the next contests ^^