Author Topic: Does anyone still fix fat PS3s?  (Read 778 times)

Offline Monk3y

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Does anyone still fix fat PS3s?
« on: January 07, 2025, 04:44:24 PM »
Howdy fellas, it?s been a long time, well over a decade in fact. Back in my fairly active days I had my old fat backwards compatible 60gb PS3 fixed by one of the members here. Typical YLOD issue. To avoid dragging on, the fix didn?t last long before getting another YLOD. I just recently dusted the old girl off and stripped her down to give it the good old college try with the heat gun. To my surprise, no more YLOD. HOWEVER, I now have no video output no matter which cord I use (component, HDMI). I?m not sure if the GPU just failed and I?m just not getting the YLOD or if there?s another failed chip causing it without tossing any codes. Sadly I was never too good and all the soldering business so to test, remove and replace chips is far out of my skill set.

So, just to give a quick run down. Plugged all the cables in, flip the switch, hit the button and we?re getting solid green power and blue if I have a disc in. Screen shows there?s no output on either HDMI or component. I?ve tried to do the whole video output reset by holding the power until it beeps twice and even tried booting up without the HDD in to rule out simple fixes. My question to you fine folk is, is there still anyone around that tackles fixing these dinosaurs? I still have a small collection of old PS2 and PS3 games that are dying to be played through again. Thanks for any help, my email is if you would like to contact me more directly.


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