Author Topic: My psp mods  (Read 3066 times)

Offline swinebackhoofmout

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My psp mods
« on: November 03, 2008, 06:02:43 PM »
Mod #1Control pad mod in process!!!!!!
Since its been so long that I 've chatted with you guys I thought I'd repay you all by showing you a way that you can give your psp lights. I've seen lights in the control pad before but I don't know if the people who did it either bought it or did it their selves. And even if they did do it themeselves I'm going to post this anyways. When I get a phone with the lights that I want and my psp gets fixed I'll show the tutorial on how to do it if you don't know how. By the way, this may sound boring to you, but I assure you that If this mod doesn't please you the other one that I'm planning on working on WILL!!! Emphasize on the will.

All I have to show at the moment is this:

Mod#2 Better Joystick Mod
tired of having to play your psp while trying to stop the damn joystick from moving by itself? Well, I know I'm was. That's why I cracked my psp open and gave it this good mod. Check this out.

First you will want to take/ rip this off:

Next, find the smallest wires that you can find that and cut four of them at least two inches in length. Then solder them to the joystick and then solder the other end correctly on to the mother board. It should look like this:

Another thing. Make sure that you properly solder the wires to the mother board. If you don't, when you try to fold the wires to put the face plate back on the solder will BREAK!!!!!!!. If you have any questions just ask me.

Mod#3 Memsticklight
This i it folks. I'm releasing another one of my simple mods. This time, I'm showing you how to add lights to the memorystick port of the psp.

First you will need to open up your psp until you have a visual of the memstick reader. Your 're going to be focusing on this part.

The red X marks the spot where the light will be installed.

Now that that's cleared up, lets look at the kind of LEDS that we are going to use.
I choose to use one of those big LEDS to for this mod, only because I didn't have one of the smaller ones. Anyways, this mod can be done with both the small led and the bigger one. Its alot easier to use the bigger one though. Enough with the chitter chat more with the tutorial.
If you're going to try this mod with the big LED, use a 10k ohm resistor, a 22, a 33, whatever, as long as it works. I used the 10k. Solder one end of the resistor, to the LED while soldering one of those copper wires to the other end of the resistor and the LED. It should look like this:

Now that you've seen how to make the solderings for the light, you must now focus on the piece that's going to hold it in place.

Look at the piece on the left with the red circle. This is the part that you are going to be cutting.
Now, look at the blue line. Using an X-acto blade or some other type of razor cut straight down where the blue line is. Once you do that You will want to follow the path of the brown arrow. Cut straight across until you have a completely clean cut. If you did it correctly, the piece on the left should look like the one one the right with the yellow circle. Notice that there is a hole when you are finished. Don't worry about that, this is just what I want to point out to you to show you that this should be visible when your cut is complete.
After you've finished that, take the LED that you wired up in the beginning and place it here.

Make sure that it is positioned directly on the edge of where the memorystick is to be inserted.
Now, on to the next step. Place the black piece over the LED so that it looks like this:

Now that you've successfully placed the LED onto the side of the plate make sure that everything fits snug and that the LED does not get in the way of the memorystick upon insertion. If there is an obstruction, simply slide the LED out a little bit and then screw the black piece back into place.
Now that that's finished, locate the ground and the positive terminals at the front of the psp's motherboard shown here:

Solder the positive end of the LED to the terminal in the red circle and the negative to the white circle. Be sure to not let any solder from the positive terminal touch the ground right below it or the psp WILL NOT TURN ON!!!!
Once that is completed, test it out before putting your psp back together. It should look like this:


Mod#4 Psp internal hardrive
First of all i'd like to say that even though i'm new at hardmodding i was able to pull off an internal hd mod with my memstick. It works perfectly but I took it out cause it was a 1gig which is pretty :censored:y.(no offence 1gig users). Im in school now using my psp to post this.
In the previos post that I had about thois mod, I didn't give you guys any pictures on what I was doing, but I will when I get a working psp.
Okay folks, let's get started. Before I go on with this mod, you will need to have good soldering skills in order to make this mod successful. If you don't then you'll need to leave this mod alone. Second, I'd like to sy that you will be best I f you get a transparent memorystick. It should look like this:

It would be best to use this type of memstick since you can take it out of the cover and install that way for a better fit, and to me, it's alot easier.

Mod#5 Backdoor Upgrade
For all you people who have wanted to add extra speakers to the back of your psp without having to sacrifice the umd drive, if came up with a mod that I believe could help you, but it will only give you a little extra space. This would mod will require some serious modding skills. Don't blame me if you end up srewing up your psp.

By time i'm finished with this mod, you will be able to play the discs with the door open!!! This mod could be useful to some of those people who can't get a hold of a umd door if they broke theirs or something. But the reason why I really started this mod was just to add a little more space inside of the psp so that you could probably add new stuff to it. Since the door can now open at a complete 180 degree angle, you could literally watch movies and what not without having to hold the psp to kep its screen facing you.

This is just the appetizer:

EDIT: Update

In this mod, I show you a speaker mod. the trigger mod, a umd door mod, and an internal hardrive mod that I made using one of those 1gig psp memsitcks

dslitemodder: Merged and moved

« Last Edit: November 03, 2008, 09:19:25 PM by dslitemodder »

Offline rceckspurt13

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Re: My psp mods
« Reply #1 on: November 03, 2008, 09:44:47 PM »
Hey man this sounds cool and all, but you need to fix your pictures so I can see what your talking about. Only one of them worked.
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Offline Jumbo

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Re: My psp mods
« Reply #2 on: November 04, 2008, 09:50:34 AM »
First, I dont see why you are calling it an HD mod all you did was solder the Memory stick internal, Why? Now you are stuck with 1gb stick

2nd, The only reason the analog moves around is you aren't screwing it tight enough...

3rd, WTF did you do to your Door?

4th, Nice trigger mod, I love the red and its bright too

Good luck with your mods  :rofl:

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Re: My psp mods
« Reply #3 on: November 04, 2008, 10:01:11 AM »
I like the idea of an led lighting up the mem. stick slot, but I am familiar with all your other mods
I would rather have an internal 16gb sdhc mod instead of 1 gig...but, you gotta have experience anywayz so i wouldnt call it worthless  :hifive:

I lol'd at hd mod  :rofl:
« Last Edit: November 04, 2008, 10:08:16 AM by RoBot1ks »

Offline bustinthejustin

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Re: My psp mods
« Reply #4 on: November 04, 2008, 01:21:52 PM »
Yeah man, fix up your pics. One pic worked, and one youtube vid. It sounds pretty sweet but I can't see anything  :confused:

Sig by Kenshinffx - Thanks!

Offline Knightsofwar210

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Re: My psp mods
« Reply #5 on: November 05, 2008, 04:58:35 PM »
Dude, post your pictures man, I can't see any of them :-(

Offline swinebackhoofmout

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Re: My psp mods
« Reply #6 on: November 05, 2008, 05:44:25 PM »
umm, how do you shrink the dimensions on this website?

Offline LaCozTe-2028

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Re: My psp mods
« Reply #7 on: November 05, 2008, 06:52:23 PM »
The door mod is cool it opens up all the way you basicly cut your umd door's legs and glued the metal cage to the door

try droping it again
my retared friend fixed by droping it
 1Sniper- not to be an :censored: but, its special friend

Offline PspKicks316

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Re: My psp mods
« Reply #8 on: November 05, 2008, 06:53:33 PM »
You have everything set as customizepsp post attachments. Those aren't the actual images. You're not actually hotlinking anything.

What you need to do is take those images, redownload them(unless you have the originals), and then upload them to an image hosting site, such as imageshack or photobucket.
Then just take the image code or direct link and edit your post with that link, and make sure it has the [img ] tags around it.

Offline rceckspurt13

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Re: My psp mods
« Reply #9 on: November 05, 2008, 11:24:02 PM »
or you could just go to the website where the pics are already posted, customizepsp I believe you said, and right click on the pics you want to put on the acidmods post and one of the options will give you the link to the original picture. Just post that link inside the things.
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