Im working on it at the moment, so far looks very nice with those cheap buttons

, but what I have done is filled them with hot glue, then trimmed the excess with a dremel so It has that weight to it, and it touches the contacts properly. Then going to drill holes into them, hot glue or epoxy the LED's there, also then add a small incision with a dremel on the button to run the wire down to have the smallest possible difference in contact difference. You can drill into any buttons really, just make sure you get those ones where they are transparent, like the black ones, they have black bottom, but transparent top. Not so sure with the paint, since I dont paint much, but I painted my trim before, first I went out and bought some different grits of sandpaper, some primer and then some glossy plastic paint (just to paint plastics). Then sand the existing paint with a high grit sandpaper off the trim, then once its off, get the very fine grit and sand it to smoothen it, the apply primer, leave to dry, use fine grit agian to smoothen it out, apply another coat of primer, leave to dry, smoothen out agian, then apply paint, leave to dry, sand to smoothen in (not too much) then apply another coat very carefully and leave to dry
Yes, the painting method takes alot of patience but it ends up a lot better, oh yeah, and remember to sand the button area on the trim a lot, so it doesnt jam in the paint
P.S: Tap this bong? Is that off russell peters lol, Anthony by day, and TAP THIS BONG BY NIGHT?!! lol