The only difference between CG and Matrix for the Dual Rapid Fire Mod is that on Matrix we use a Transistor and a some resistors to controll each of the ROL LEDs. Like Blackburn said if you wish to use a cg board on a Matrix you can just use your own LED with positive end of the LED tied to the pad for the LED and negative end of LED to a 470ohm resistor and other end of resistor tied to ground.
If you wish to use existing ROL LEDs then you can use a 3904 Transistor with 1.5k from the pad to the base, emmitter to ground, and collector connected to 470ohm resistor which is then connected to negative end of existing ROL LED. There are pads for this on the board for SOT23 package transistor, and 0805 size resistors. Let me know if you want to go surface mount route and we can get you all the details.
Easiest way: send board back to mike for exchange.