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Gateway Networking?

(1/2) > >>

Instead of blowing 80 bucks on the wireless network adapter, I've connected my 360 in a rather ghetto fashion:

Crossover Ethernet cable to my laptop

It works... for the most part. I can sign into LIVE, check my messages, chat, and play online, but I can't connect to the Marketplace. This means I can't download new game content, demos, updates, and all of the other goodies.

I get a message telling me that "some content" (which is the Marketplace) is unavailable. My router is in another room and I'm not one to drill holes through out the house to run an Ethernet cable. It's a long status Code that I don't feel like repeating...

How are the rest of you connected, and do you have any advice for me?

Thanks in advance for any suggestions!

i have wireless at the minute but we just got the lower part of the house redone so i laid cabling under the floor.

alternativly you could go for one of these

right now im running ethenet to my xbox from a wireless router but before i got it i used to just run the xbox straight to my cable modem with the ethernet wire that was like 40 ft long

I hate having wires running across the room though  :sadno:

Otherwise I'd just get a longer Ethernet cord. The adapters are too expensive.

I'd really rather just fix whatever the problem is with my current setup. Vista users connected the same way as me don't seem to have a problem getting to the marketplace - which makes me angry!

it could also be because your only a silver membership. maybe if you upgrade to gold you might fix your problem

unless you've already tried that once?


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