My blackSPEED results with a SanDisk 16GB Ultra II 15mbps SDHC card in a PhotoFast CR-3100 were 9 read & 11 write. I specifically bought that card because of it's high read/write speed yet I'm not getting to take advantage of it's full potential. I already saw someone on youTube do a blackSPEED test on Sandisk's MS Pro Duo version of the Ultra II and they were able to get the full 15mbps read/write so that tell me that it's not that the PSP isn't capable of those speeds. This makes me conclude that they must have gone a little half assed on the making of the PhotoFast CR-3100 and just used a MicroSD to MS Pro Duo adapter at the end of the ribbon that comes out of the device which would account for the bottleneck effect at the adapter. Rather than thinking up a new and original way to match up the pins or convert the data transmission they just used techniques and adapter technologies that were readily available and combined them into a device which is still commendable however they shouldn't market it at having speeds of at least 10mbps rather they should market it at having an approximate 10mbps max speed capability. The true well deserved credit in the construction of this device is the "Virtual Drive" type effect that they created by making two SD cards appear as one drive to the PSP.
PSP with blackSPEED Results Displayed from SD 16GB Ultra II 15mbps with CR-3100

PhotoFast CR-3100 Internal Mod LED Pandora Battery Against Background of Laptop, Mousepad & USB Solar Injector-Charger

PhotoFast CR-3100 Internal Mod with LED Pandora Battery Against Background of Laptop, Mousepad & USB Solar Injector-Charger Zoomed-In