Author Topic: Stupid english teacher...  (Read 674 times)

Offline H-Sauce

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Stupid english teacher...
« on: December 26, 2008, 01:36:03 AM »
She said that this doesn't tie up all the ends... IT'S A CLIFFHANGER!

You may find the names amusing... I couldn't think of any decent onesat the time qand for some reason AcidMods popped to mind. I know it's poorly written, but I think it deserved more than it got (Secure 5)

It was a dark night in the middle of Cornwall. Three boys were playing in a field next to some woodland. Their names were Josh, Casey and Davey.  Josh was a gullible teenager. Casey liked to scare people with his stories, and Davey was a boy who always saw a reason behind everything. The wind was blowing hard, and the trees were rustling, causing their imaginations to run wild.
Then a shooting star flew across the sky. “A shooting star!” shouted Josh
“No! It’s a UFO!”
“Is it? It is!”
“No, it’s a shooting star”, remarked Davey
“No, that’s really not a UFO is it Casey?” replied Casey sarcastically; knowing this is a perfect opportunity for a story.
“Now don’t go and tell Josh one of your stories, you know how gullible he is”
“Hey! I’m not gullible!” replied Josh
The rustling then picked up again, scaring all three of them, but Casey slapped on a brave face, and began with the story about alien X, that UFO crashes into the ground. Davey got wise and knew exactly what he was doing. “Davey!” He shouted. “Don’t you dare start telling him one of your stories; you know exactly what he’s like!” Regardless, he carried on telling him the story. 
Davey didn’t listen to what Casey was saying but saw Josh’s face showing signs of pure terror. Then from the woodland, a twig snapped. Josh’s eyes blew up like two snooker cue balls. “Its Alien X!” screamed josh, and started to run to the other side of the field. Davey quickly grabbed his collar before he could go any further. “This is just one of Casey’s stories, he must have seen a fox or something so that he knew a twig would snap, and used that to his advantage. I don’t want to know what Casey said, because I know exactly what he is like and I know what his stories are like, bloody and gruesome”.
The boys then continue their game of football, with Josh ignoring what Casey had said before, although he did get a bit worried whenever a twig snapped. But just Davey looking at him made him forget what Casey had said. But when the twigs were snapping every 10 seconds and the wind was making the trees rustle harder than ever, Josh was finding it hard to forget. All of a sudden, he ran to the edge of the field and picked up his bike. “Where are you going?” asked Casey.
“Home. This is way too scary” and rode off before anyone even had a chance to talk to him.
The next morning, he returned to the field to meet up with them after he text there phone. They met at the field they were at last night. To his horror, he found two bodies with their insides ripped apart, and he saw the bloody face of two teenagers. Their names were Casey and Davey.

Offline Luke

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Re: Stupid english teacher...
« Reply #1 on: December 26, 2008, 04:35:47 AM »
ahaha Casey Died.. Poor Chavey  :cry2:

Offline IndyChav

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Re: Stupid english teacher...
« Reply #2 on: December 26, 2008, 06:05:32 AM »
why do i have to die :cry2:

Offline Alien_X

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Re: Stupid english teacher...
« Reply #3 on: December 26, 2008, 06:16:26 AM »

Sigs by Alien_X


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