Author Topic: Disc/Game Changer?  (Read 1778 times)

Offline Acehii

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Disc/Game Changer?
« on: January 25, 2009, 04:14:31 PM »
   I was wondering if anyone thought of adapting a car CD changer with a console? Its kind of weired, but its just a thought. My wife use to have this old 6-disc CD Changer that worked really well, and I was thinking. What if you took out the CD Drive and replace it with the Wii Drive(I feel it would work the best). Somehow extend the cable from the Wii to the Changer. Then one of the brilliant Homebrew programmers could make it switch from game 1-6. Again It is probably a bad Idea, but I was just thinking that would be neat for the Wii.

For anyone that reads this I would love you feed back. Also if this is in the wrong place I will remove it. Thanks in advance for your thoughts.

Offline loganbyers07

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Re: Disc/Game Changer?
« Reply #1 on: January 25, 2009, 04:53:14 PM »
Well first off welcome to acidmods. Second that is a good idea and it actually could be do-able. Is that how you spell do-able? Oh well anyways yea I guess what it would require is like a transplant. Maybee take the wii disk drive laser and board and somehow mount them on the main disk reading part and then have the wii in the disk changer so that it can connect and then just wire up the disk changer to were it can rotate the disks to under the laser. That could get really complicated so if it were me doing this project the first thing I would do is learn about cd changers and see how they work and maybee disect a broken one to see the parts and try to identify what the parts do. Good luck. And if you have any more questions just ask!

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Re: Disc/Game Changer?
« Reply #2 on: January 25, 2009, 08:36:41 PM »
Yea, I have had this same idea with other consoles as well as the wii. All I can say right now is that it is in the process of being done by someone (I will not say who), but not for the wii


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