Author Topic: most crap cramed into a psp  (Read 3109 times)

Offline ColdSoldier

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most crap cramed into a psp
« on: January 15, 2009, 07:56:11 AM »
im just wondering what or how much i should say is the most amount of mods on a single psp while still retaining all original function.

so in other words without removing or disabling any stock components what is the most amount of crap you can cram in a psp before it gets too big for its briches?

i ask because i intend to open my psp one more time in order to make some repairs and was curious what else i could cramm in there while its open, so remeber the question is MOST amount of mods while removing little or NO original parts (ie. umd drive, memory card reader, power switch, etc)

oh and if a thread like this already exsists, let me apologise for making a new one.
« Last Edit: January 15, 2009, 07:59:24 AM by ColdSoldier »

Offline bustinthejustin

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Re: most crap cramed into a psp
« Reply #1 on: January 15, 2009, 07:04:17 PM »
let's see... trigger mod, led swap, leds in the speaker, leds under dpad and abxy buttons, clear case swap and leds just EVERYWHERE, internal go-cam with switch (not sure about space though), custom jewel, all leds sound reactive, fader on external switch, custom firmware, custom theme, maybe a dual nub if you make it stick out a bit, and an external controller

Yeah good luck with that. external controller is extremely difficult, depending on the amount of leds wiring will be a :censored:, dual nub is really difficult too due to soldering points, not to mention doing all this could be expensive...

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Offline ColdSoldier

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Re: most crap cramed into a psp
« Reply #2 on: January 15, 2009, 08:11:29 PM »
yea i dont intend to go that far, i already have the erickson nub, cfw, custom theme, etc and was thinking about adding usb charge and note as power switch, and im sure theres plenty of room for that.

but for the record is that what you think could fit in there or has someone actually stuffed all that into one? cause im more curious about what people have actually done and the problems they faced while doing it, cause im sure it gets way tougher the more you add

Offline bustinthejustin

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Re: most crap cramed into a psp
« Reply #3 on: January 16, 2009, 12:52:36 PM »
No that's what you COULD do. Also, for the note rewire power switch mod, you'd lose note switch functionality I think, and that's not what you want. As for psp with the most mods done to it, I think Arioch would win. Arioch managed close to 50 leds, 9 switches, custom jewel, veroboard to hook up all the leds and stuff, dual nub, and I think even sound reactive.

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