Author Topic: where can I learn to mod 360 cases (lights/fans/silentness/cooling)  (Read 5132 times)

Offline q123

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I have a cd rom flashed 360 but I am sooo interested in buying a cheap 360 and modding the case and putting in all the bells and whistles/ Ipod jacks   but I dont know where I can learn.  Can anyone point me in the right direction?  If it wasnt so expensive to pay for some1 else to do it I would but I also really find it thrilling in doing it myself.  Anyone know where I can do some book learnin? Id really appreciate it!

Offline Max_Kreeger

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Re: where can I learn to mod 360 cases (lights/fans/silentness/cooling)
« Reply #1 on: January 10, 2009, 07:11:29 AM »
Well this thread shows you where you can get 12v power from: (READ THE WHOLE THING)
You can hook all you LEDs up to that. Amongst other things but don't go over board you could get banned. For fans I would by a talismoon whisper fan with LEDs and swap it with the original one, thats simple just unplug it and plug in the new one. Here's what they look like:

You can also get in green and probably other colors. Making it silent I wouldn't know how to do, maybe get better rubber feet to get rid of the vibrations better and for cooling..the talismoon whisper fans move 58% more air than the original, and are also 7% well there's a thing for silent mod.

Try the tutorial section on SPECIFIC details on how to install LED's.

Sorry I couldn't be more helpful
« Last Edit: January 10, 2009, 07:14:54 AM by Max_Kreeger »

Offline q123

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Re: where can I learn to mod 360 cases (lights/fans/silentness/cooling)
« Reply #2 on: January 10, 2009, 09:54:36 AM »
what about like cutting windows on the sides to see through it.
or if its a clear case with designs sketched into it
there are all kinds of tutorial mods on making the controllers rapidfire but i cant find it about changing lights in the controllers or at least making the buttons transparent so light will shine through.
what other mods may cause you to ge banned from xboxlive?

has anyone tried this yet?

Offline Max_Kreeger

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Re: where can I learn to mod 360 cases (lights/fans/silentness/cooling)
« Reply #3 on: January 10, 2009, 10:00:09 AM »
Well making a window is pretty straight forward, mark out what you want to cut and use the right tool, preferably a jigsaw...if you google xbox 360 controller mod there will be plenty of tuts on how to install LEDs:

and for the banning, pretty much if you go overboard and use more than 12v from the DVD drive, it gets detected. I think thats how it works...


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