Author Topic: *****PSP plans***** (input appreciated)  (Read 4899 times)


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*****PSP plans***** (input appreciated)
« on: December 31, 2008, 10:35:05 AM »
:#1: :#1: :#1: :#1: :#1: :#1: :#1: :#1: :#1: :#1: :#1: :#1: :#1: :#1: :#1: :#1:
*PhotoFast CR-3100 internal Mod
*Maybe Internal GO! Cam, might hire someone to do this.
*Speaker/ sound reactive ring of light (bluish purple, see bottom of post)
*pressure reactive fading leds in buttons (bluish purple, i started a topic:
*aluminum case w/ vader airbrushing (black)
*replace all existing leds (bluish purple)
*maybe dual nub, maybe.

like ariolch_76es first one only w/ out the holes, PSP logo carved/scratched out so it will glow "PSP", and an acrylic spacer filling the gap so more even, radiant light. here's his:


i edited the acid mods video to match my color scheme. :tup:

Acidmods (only puple-ish)
« Last Edit: January 05, 2009, 11:42:59 AM by in_ducktape_armor »

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Re: *****PSP plans***** (input appreciated)
« Reply #1 on: December 31, 2008, 10:57:54 AM »

Yeah, just good luck on that one. My hope are kinda down.
for starters there's like no way to get the mem card slots on the top unless you're chopping half of the motherboard away.
A new custom made aluminum case? Chyeah okay.
Everything else is possible, but have you ever even modded before? Just wondering. If this is one of your first projects, DON'T do it, as it would be way out of your league(unless you're an experienced modder)

And you do know that you spelled duct tape wrong in your name right?
« Last Edit: December 31, 2008, 10:59:59 AM by PspKicks316 »


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Re: *****PSP plans***** (input appreciated)
« Reply #2 on: December 31, 2008, 11:14:29 AM »

Yeah, just good luck on that one. My hope are kinda down.
for starters there's like no way to get the mem card slots on the top unless you're chopping half of the motherboard away.
A new custom made aluminum case? Chyeah okay.
Everything else is possible, but have you ever even modded before? Just wondering. If this is one of your first projects, DON'T do it, as it would be way out of your league(unless you're an experienced modder)

And you do know that you spelled duct tape wrong in your name right?

1: yeah i meant to spell it wrong
2:i think you misunderstood what i meant with the mem cards, i dont even have to touch the motherboard.
3. im not talking about a solid aluminum case, i want to repaint one it to looklike aluminum using chrome paint and a smokey clear coat (my dad works at a custom paint shop.).
4. yes i have modded before and you shouldn't jump to rash conclusion like that, you  sound like a self-righteous  :censored: !

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Re: *****PSP plans***** (input appreciated)
« Reply #3 on: December 31, 2008, 11:28:38 AM »
1: yeah i meant to spell it wrong
2:i think you misunderstood what i meant with the mem cards, i dont even have to touch the motherboard.
3. im not talking about a solid aluminum case, i want to repaint one it to looklike aluminum using chrome paint and a smokey clear coat (my dad works at a custom paint shop.).
4. yes i have modded before and you shouldn't jump to rash conclusion like that, you  sound like a self-righteous  :censored: !
1) Oh, ok lol
2) What did you mean then...?
3) Oh, I thought you meant make a case out of aluminum lol
4) You're jumping into some harder more experienced mods. I've never seen any of your mods, so I was just asking. Did I ever say I could do this myself? No, because I can't. I was asking if you've modded before, that's all. Don't insult me :censored:.

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Re: *****PSP plans***** (input appreciated)
« Reply #4 on: December 31, 2008, 11:47:29 AM »
I think you should keep the CR-3100 in the UMD Door because-
1. Theres no reason to have the slots hanging out because once you put them in you are you taking them out??
2. It would not look clean with them hanging out.

What is purpleish blue?

And why go about dissing Kicks, when he was just giving an honest opinion and asking a question, which you did ask for.

And you did you you where a total noob, so there is a right questioning the mods you have in mind to make sure you can pull it off without ruining anything, i mean, that is what we are here for.
(let me remind you all that im total noob).


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Re: *****PSP plans***** (input appreciated)
« Reply #5 on: December 31, 2008, 12:05:52 PM »
1) Oh, ok lol
2) What did you mean then...?
3) Oh, I thought you meant make a case out of aluminum lol
4) You're jumping into some harder more experienced mods. I've never seen any of your mods, so I was just asking. Did I ever say I could do this myself? No, because I can't. I was asking if you've modded before, that's all. Don't insult me :censored:.

alright man my fault, you sounded pretty hostile and i was defending myself. :victory: lets stop this bull :censored: , it's just this site is supposed to be about modding  and sharing and i thought you were implying i shouldn't be doing either.
i'm talking about this mod: can't i just move it forward towards the usb jack and cut some slots out?
i have electronic experience, just not with PSPs or any other console.
« Last Edit: December 31, 2008, 12:13:15 PM by Cloud »

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Re: *****PSP plans***** (input appreciated)
« Reply #6 on: December 31, 2008, 01:33:11 PM »
It might work although routing the cable might be harder, there might not be enough room, etc. As for dual nub, if you're a "total noob" don't even try it... Unless you have a bunch of motherboards to spare.

Sig by Kenshinffx - Thanks!


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Re: *****PSP plans***** (input appreciated)
« Reply #7 on: December 31, 2008, 02:33:30 PM »
It might work although routing the cable might be harder, there might not be enough room, etc. As for dual nub, if you're a "total noob" don't even try it... Unless you have a bunch of motherboards to spare.

thnx for the advice, i might get my uncle to do it then.

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Re: *****PSP plans***** (input appreciated)
« Reply #8 on: December 31, 2008, 05:37:31 PM »
i have electronic experience, just not with PSPs or any other console.
Then you're going to have a VERY hard time doing some of those. They are FAR from being beginners mods, they're more experienced.
Sure but there was never any fighting for a truce to be needed lol


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Re: *****PSP plans***** (input appreciated)
« Reply #9 on: December 31, 2008, 06:08:38 PM »
Then you're going to have a VERY hard time doing some of those. They are FAR from being beginners mods...

i will get my electrical engineer uncle, he builds robots and stuff. :yess:

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Re: *****PSP plans***** (input appreciated)
« Reply #10 on: December 31, 2008, 06:49:04 PM »
Yes, I agree with Jumbo 100%

There is no need for the cards to be "sticking out", whether actually sticking out or flush with the top.
For three reasons:
1. Objects protruding from a psp is a modder no-no. Unless it looks good and you had no other choice.
2. The slots are not spring loaded, so you would have to get a good grip before you could actually take them out of the slots
3. You must ALWAYS transfer data using the usb cable. If you take out the cards individually and use a usb card reader then the psp will only show one memory card when you put the cards back in.

Photofast should be pretty much permanent other from switching cards

Don't make modding harder than what it should be

If you want to do internal photofast, and a speaker to go with it:
Get a singing birthday card from walgreens or other drug stores if they have them. They are thin, and loud. If I could provide you with a link to those type of speakers, I would.

This is how I did my speaker so that photofast will fit also:
1. Dremeled a hole out of the UMD door that is a little bit bigger than the metal ring.
2. Placed a new ring on the door.
3. Lined up the speaker from both sides of the door, Mostly from the outside so I can see if it was aligned with the ring.
4. Used hot glue to hold the speaker in place

If you do not understand what it should look like from inside, I will take a picture for you
« Last Edit: December 31, 2008, 06:59:36 PM by RoBot1ks »


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Re: *****PSP plans***** (input appreciated)
« Reply #11 on: December 31, 2008, 07:30:00 PM »
Yes, I agree with Jumbo 100%

There is no need for the cards to be "sticking out", whether actually sticking out or flush with the top.
For three reasons:
1. Objects protruding from a psp is a modder no-no. Unless it looks good and you had no other choice.
2. The slots are not spring loaded, so you would have to get a good grip before you could actually take them out of the slots
3. You must ALWAYS transfer data using the usb cable. If you take out the cards individually and use a usb card reader then the psp will only show one memory card when you put the cards back in.

Photofast should be pretty much permanent other from switching cards

Don't make modding harder than what it should be

If you want to do internal photofast, and a speaker to go with it:
Get a singing birthday card from walgreens or other drug stores if they have them. They are thin, and loud. If I could provide you with a link to those type of speakers, I would.

This is how I did my speaker so that photofast will fit also:
1. Dremeled a hole out of the UMD door that is a little bit bigger than the metal ring.
2. Placed a new ring on the door.
3. Lined up the speaker from both sides of the door, Mostly from the outside so I can see if it was aligned with the ring.
4. Used hot glue to hold the speaker in place

If you do not understand what it should look like from inside, I will take a picture for you

i did not know that they weren't spring loaded. as for the usb problems, it wouldn't need to screw with the usb jawn, i took measurements and it would sit on top. regardless of that, i decided not to do the slot idea, i would but i guess since it's not spring loaded it wouldn't work. :sadno: tnx for stopping me before i cut up my case for no reason.
that speaker job looks really nice, i like the grill but that's not what i'm doing. i might borrow that that gift card speaker idea though, as long as it can hit all the highs and lows (if i do i'll give you credit :hifive: .).

« Last Edit: December 31, 2008, 07:34:20 PM by in_ducktape_armor »

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Re: *****PSP plans***** (input appreciated)
« Reply #12 on: December 31, 2008, 07:37:12 PM »
Yea man no problem. I liked the grill idea and its white now but I will be showing that in my final product for the mod off.
At the time the grill wasn't perfectly cut. I had a little more grinding to do.
Although I don't know how to use the Lm386 as an amp for the speaker, it makes a reasonable difference in the overall sound output

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Re: *****PSP plans***** (input appreciated)
« Reply #13 on: January 01, 2009, 12:26:54 PM »
I think to use lm386 with speaker, just do an trigger mod but replace the leds with the speaker.

Sig by Kenshinffx - Thanks!

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Re: *****PSP plans***** (input appreciated)
« Reply #14 on: January 01, 2009, 01:15:03 PM »
No. You need a capacitor and every one I've used just messes it up even more. I've tried a variety of 100uf caps and resistors. It's loud but scratchy. I need it perfect if I am to sell it.

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Re: *****PSP plans***** (input appreciated)
« Reply #15 on: January 01, 2009, 01:16:42 PM »
Are you sure? What ohm/wattage are your speakers rated?

Sig by Kenshinffx - Thanks!

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Re: *****PSP plans***** (input appreciated)
« Reply #16 on: January 01, 2009, 01:49:23 PM »
If you search up a bit you may find some posts about needing a capacitor. I don't know exactly where they are

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Re: *****PSP plans***** (input appreciated)
« Reply #17 on: January 01, 2009, 01:56:04 PM »

You need to use the correct amplifier circuit for your uses, look in the lm386 datasheet for some examples, or google it.

Here is a simple example:

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Re: *****PSP plans***** (input appreciated)
« Reply #18 on: January 01, 2009, 02:03:50 PM »
Ok. Thanks Alien

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Re: *****PSP plans***** (input appreciated)
« Reply #19 on: January 01, 2009, 02:08:40 PM »
Oh damn, I can't read diagrams :( So would that be the only way to wire up an extra speaker?

Sig by Kenshinffx - Thanks!

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Re: *****PSP plans***** (input appreciated)
« Reply #20 on: January 01, 2009, 04:59:55 PM »
Use direct contact for extra speakers if you dont want to use an amp
It is fine either way

I always use the left speaker for direct contact with extra speakers


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Re: *****PSP plans***** (input appreciated)
« Reply #21 on: January 15, 2009, 08:11:20 AM »
does anyone know where i can get a dremel for cheap? would a second hand one do the job? it's the only thing holding me back. i did all of my homework and i know how to do everything, now i just need  to get a little money and get to work. :tup:

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Re: *****PSP plans***** (input appreciated)
« Reply #22 on: January 15, 2009, 12:42:05 PM »
You could go for a rotary tool which aren't as durable or good as a dremel, but will do the job, for about 20-40 bucks. Second hand might work too if it looks like it's okay. I'd suggest investing in a dremel though. 80 bucks can get you a decent one with like 40 attachments.

As for the AcidMods intro, where'd you find the actual video file? Or did you just rip it off another vid? Anyway, to use that, I think you need an admin's verification. I like the purple color though :tup:

Sig by Kenshinffx - Thanks!


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