Author Topic: DSL Power issues  (Read 1783 times)

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DSL Power issues
« on: February 23, 2016, 08:58:56 PM »
So i got a ds lite that appeared to have water damage, it would not charge, it would light up orange then turn off, so i pulled the battery and charged it externally.. Plugging the battery back it did nothing.. So i found a cheap dsl that would not read games as the slot 1 pins were bent, so i proceeded by tearing them both down removing the slot 1 from the water damaged ds and installing it into the other ds, when i was done the system would flash a green light before turning instantly off, so took it back apart, reconnected everything, the ds would proceed to flash the bottom screen and green light then back off, third time after dismantling it the green light stays on but both screens are black the last two problems keep alternating after every tear-down (although i never fully put it back together to test it) so i am confused about how to continue, it worked fine before changing the slot and only one problem happened, one of the ground pads on the bottom right of the slot was pulled when i removed the original (although i did it very carefully) and have never had a problem doing a slot swap before, at first i thought maybe that ground spot needed to be grounded but cant be cause the whole thing is grounded with 3 other points, but this constant either on with no screen of on /off with one screen flicker is bugging the hell out of me.. Any idea's..


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