Author Topic: Fellow Staff members.  (Read 1330 times)

Offline PsychoticWolf

  • C.H.A.O.S Where art Thou.
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Fellow Staff members.
« on: February 26, 2009, 12:01:50 AM »
Hey im Asking for help here. I came across a PSP fat today. and it has no battery(i have a charger from my Old psp) and it turns on But it has CFW and I can upgrade it nor downgrade it(cuz I dont have a battery). So Dear friends I don't want a Battery (unless your wanting to give it to me lol) But I need to borrow a Pandora's battery or regular. Im Strapped Cash atm but those who know me know I won't steal it. I just need to Return this PSP to its orig Firmware or upgrade it. PM me if you want to help me out other wise Im a sad panda. I don't like asking for things it makes me Feel weak. Anyways Peace out for now.

For the awesome Sigs Thanks goes to: Blazinkaos, Chef Boyardee
O o
RyanF: lol im not that sick.  I don't feel like licking the s*** off a 40 year old guy's ass
RyanF: you want me to lick your crusty old buns dont you?
2/20/2012 at 08:55:34 PM


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