Author Topic: PSP to Aplle Aitport Extreme with USB HDD  (Read 1036 times)

Offline FreeBird2k

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PSP to Aplle Aitport Extreme with USB HDD
« on: January 21, 2009, 09:47:21 AM »
First of all, I like to say great work gr8npwrfl!!!   also other members here who do some psp projects!

ok i have question, I'm trying to do simalar project like the PSP wifi mass storage that gr8nperfl showed on video.

I have:
-iRshell on my Red PSP slim
-Apple Airport Extreme with USB
-4GB USB Jump drive plugged in Airport Extreme.
(if you must know what jump drive is, its SanDisk Cruzer 4GB Titanium) Formated FAT32.

The Airport Extreme Basestation is not connected to internet at all, just the 4gb USB jump drive that plugged in the basestation.

My PC can see the 4GB thru basestation thru wireless. I tried using PSP iRshell using nethost and failed to connect.

The basestation is set to support 802.11b, the wifi security is off(no wep or wpa), the USB mass storage setting in basestation required password cant leave blank. 

I've put IP in iRshell that basestation DHCP provide IP ex: are no other wifi devices connected to this basestation except my PC) I have Linksys WRT53GS Router that connects to internet. also I put iRshell nethost password same as basestation mass storage password, no go 

I feel it's either I miss something or just wont work at all.

Anyone tried this psp nethost to Airport Extreme project?



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