Author Topic: PSP Phat processor cooling mod  (Read 883 times)

Offline thearkman2009

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PSP Phat processor cooling mod
« on: February 11, 2009, 02:44:04 AM »
I have been working on this for a few weeks now, and have a functional, I guess you could call it a BETA, version installed in my phat right now.  Its just a simple aluminum block, cut to fit and trimmed to the right shape to fit between the WIFI board, and the main board.  It attaches to the CPUs (both of them) with thermal tape.  (I know thats pretty permenant, because that stuff is almost impossible to get off!)  I will get some pictures up here as soon as I get a decent camera.  I cant really show you the install process, but I will describe it, and maybe you can get an idea from the pictures of how it goes in.  I am now thinking, just for the hell of it, to put in a custom water block, that cools the processors, GPU, and memory stick (wanted to do the WIFI chip, but thats on the wrong side of the board to be practical).  I am trying to find a really small liquid pump, small as I can find that is a 5V operating rating.  I can find plenty of small hose and all the other connectors, and can custom drill and cut my own block and water housing, just need to know where the right pump is.  of course this will remove the UMD drive, and will probably stick out some as well, but I am going to keep this as contained as possible.  yep, I am going to try what I dont believe has been tried before.  JUST BECAUSE!

UPDATE!  The link below will take you to my new thread about the Internal Cooling.  In this one, as someone asked later in this thread, I have decided to add an internal fan, for better cooling.  (who knows, maybe you want to run your PSP for 48 hours straight!)
« Last Edit: February 22, 2009, 11:45:51 PM by thearkman2009 »

Offline rceckspurt13

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Re: PSP Phat processor cooling mod
« Reply #1 on: February 11, 2009, 07:00:06 AM »
Sounds cool. Is there a fan that goes to the aluminum heatsinc right now? Because if it is just a piece of metal between them then it's just gonna transfer heat to eachother which has no real advantage.
Any Questions? Please Contact Me:

Offline thearkman2009

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Re: PSP Phat processor cooling mod
« Reply #2 on: February 11, 2009, 12:18:38 PM »
No.  The processors themselves, both CPUs and the GPU, dont get REALLY hot.  A 1/8 inch thick block of alluminum, provides quite a bit of thermal conductivity between the chips.  One block for all three chips wont hurt them, as the amount of heat absorbed is already far better than if you had no block at all.

Think of it as trying to run your computer WITHOUT a heatsink and CPU fan.  Gets REALLY hot, and probably smokes after a while.  Now do something as simple as a passive heatsink (fanless, they are called Chipset Coolers), and see how much of a difference it makes to the operation of the processor and its life span.

I WAS going to do a test for everyone to see.  First, I was going to run a graphic intensive game for 3 hours, then use a infrared thermomete to get the temperature of the processors and GPU.  Then allow the unit to be powered down completely, and unplugged overnight.  Then install the aluminum block the next day, run again for 3 hours, and test again, and show the difference.

Problem was the guy who I was going to borrow the thermometer from, backed out on me for some reason.


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