my insurance is closer to $40 a month but that is for just liablility on a 1998 Blazer and I am 26 without any speeding tickets since I was 16.
$350 a month, sounds like you have full coverage in part of town that has a lot of stolen vehicles....or a DUI, that can really mess up the ol insurance.
Have fun with that, if I were you I would buy a bus pass 
no irts normal in dallas and i dont have a dui
its just cuz im 18 and on top of that i am of the better sex so im charged extra
also i have one fender bender
(tho it didnt bend anything just paint)
and it was bs cuiz i was backing out and theres a 2007 taho on my left and a ford truck on my right
well i back out enought to see that ppl where stopped and that i could go
so i start backing out and a lady goes around the ppl that where waiting and i hit her in the left rear bumper
damm teacher (she was a teacher)
but since i was backing up and 16 it was auto my fault
insurence didnt ask for what happened
and i have basic insurence just enought to cover the person in front of me
Tri-edge: be careful what you saydood tri penor is nopt a bad word
kids learn in it school
plus that was much more sexist than what i said lol
... btw its true
and tri.. use a diff color white and yellow is kinda hard to see