Author Topic: Dual Analongs on PSP... I'm Confused..  (Read 1198 times)

Offline EliteGamer83

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Dual Analongs on PSP... I'm Confused..
« on: March 03, 2009, 12:29:06 PM »
origonal tut is here so you can see what I'm talking about:

Ok, I didn't think the analog used the X O /\ [] for direction.. does this mean if I say used the other analog (added one if I added one) if I played let's say Burnout, if I pushed up it would let's say be /\, does this mean If I used the second analog it would hit the brakes? (it would count for /\)? on the phat PSP dual analog well as far as I thought didn't use the X O /\ [] buttons, so if i do this to my slim, like on the home menu if I moved it would it think I pushed the X button?

Can someone help me out I'm confused on how to do this.

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Re: Dual Analongs on PSP... I'm Confused..
« Reply #1 on: March 03, 2009, 12:57:56 PM »
origonal tut is here so you can see what I'm talking about:

Ok, I didn't think the analog used the X O /\ [] for direction.. does this mean if I say used the other analog (added one if I added one) if I played let's say Burnout, if I pushed up it would let's say be /\, does this mean If I used the second analog it would hit the brakes? (it would count for /\)? on the phat PSP dual analog well as far as I thought didn't use the X O /\ [] buttons, so if i do this to my slim, like on the home menu if I moved it would it think I pushed the X button?

Can someone help me out I'm confused on how to do this.


It does use the action pad buttons just like slim.

Yes it works anywhere.

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Re: Dual Analongs on PSP... I'm Confused..
« Reply #2 on: March 03, 2009, 01:26:42 PM »
The reason that it on the videos of the dual nub it looks like an arrow is simply because of the game. In most FPS games, the camera is controlled by these buttons (like Star Wars Battlefront II). With these kinds of mods people are just building up on the current functions of the PSP so that it works with other games.
It's the basics that bring us down.

Offline EliteGamer83

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Re: Dual Analongs on PSP... I'm Confused..
« Reply #3 on: March 03, 2009, 01:27:13 PM »


It does use the action pad buttons just like slim.

Yes it works anywhere.

Oh, nvm then.. cause I was gonna use it for SOCOM but it would screw everything up..


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