Author Topic: Multiple OEM internal battery question...  (Read 1804 times)

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Multiple OEM internal battery question...
« on: March 09, 2009, 09:48:48 PM »
I know how the fundamentals of power and batteries work, but I want to know something about this particular setup.

I have 2 spare batteries that I was thinking about ripping apart, and internalizing next to my internal fan mod, but need to know some things first.

the three leads on the battery are, and correct me if I am wrong, POWER, DATA LINE, NEGATIVE.

I know the battery puts out power at its full capacity when you just connect the power and negative.

How would I go about hooking up 3 batteries, (not worried about the space requirements), while keeping ONE of them as the functional Pandora battery (the only one that the PSP will recognize as far as data)?

Also, if I have them all hooked up, will the stock recharging port, be able to recharge all of them (as if they were one battery), and will the PSP be able to display the battery info based on all 3 batteries (or is the data line what reports the battery status)?


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