Hi my name is Steve, I have cerebal palsy (i'm disabled). I am 21 from California, US and I play my xbox 360 because I can't go out and play sports etc and it's the only way I can compete with my friends and siblings. Gaming levels the playing field for me (at least somewhat). The problem is I have small(er) hands as well as limited usability of my right hand, and the regular xbox 360 controller just won't work. I have had over 3 madcatz microcon 360 controllers (heres the size difference:
http://gear.ign.com/articles/698/698632p1.html) the problem is one by one they broke, the cord gave out or the thumbstick just stopped working, and madcatz doesn't make them anymore
. I sat on the phone for 30 minutes with technical support seeing if there was any of them laying around, but there was nothing they could do. So I turn to the internet to see what I can do.
The way I hold the controller is very unique. My left hand does 90% of the work and the right hand holds the controller and pulls the right trigger button.
The left thumbstick sits inbetween my ring and middle finger of my left hand.
The right thumbstick is controlled by my left thumb.
The A,X,B,Y right bumper buttons are where my left pointer finger is.
The left trigger and bumper buttons are controlled by only my left pinky and the tip of my left ring finger.
I don't use the D Pad, but if I have to I use the my pointer finger
1.) What type of challenges do (you / your friend) face when trying to play videogames?
Hands unable to grip really smooth controllers, reaching all the buttons if the controller is too big.
2.) Does (your / your friends) disability limit (your / their) hand or finger movements or are (you / they) unable to use (your / their) hands to control moment or game play?
Yes. My right hand I can only grip the controller or use my pointer finger to pull the trigger
3.) What would be the perfect controller for you?
No idea, although something similar to the madcatz micron controller, or something someone can think up.
I am in dire need of a solution and am willing to pay someone to do it (obviously). Please help.