Author Topic: Work In Progress: JoblessPunk's PSP [UPDATE #7 | DONE! VIDEO & PICTURES UP!]  (Read 90262 times)

Offline Blazinkaos

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Re: Work In Progress: JoblessPunk's PSP [UPDATE #4 | BIG UPDATE!]
« Reply #30 on: April 21, 2009, 03:00:11 PM »
oh ok it works now thanks jobless and again nice work

*Thanks Modders/Friends:Ghost_Death, gr8npwrfl, Blizzrad, Kenshinffx.
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Offline JoblessPunk

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Re: Work In Progress: JoblessPunk's PSP [UPDATE #5 | MORE TO COME!]
« Reply #31 on: June 04, 2009, 04:28:37 PM »

Sorry about taking so long to get an update out, School, Finals, bla, Bla, bla.

Let me show you want I’ve been working on!
First thing I did was try to make the camera switch actually work. Like I’ve said this whole time I’m trying to go for the “right from the factory” look. If you look back to my last update I showed you how I’m wanting the switch for the camera to look and where I want it. Now all I had to do was make it work! It was a LOT HARDER than it sounded. A lot of cutting, sanding, fitting, gluing, taking it ALL APART and starting on a new idea.... basically a lot of time to get it to work haha.

So here is my prototype!
I have this set up with just an LED TESTER!! THIS SWITCH IS FOR THE CAMERA. I wanted to make sure the circuit worked and to show you that it does.

I have the switch exactly where I want it, and have the “frame switch” used to turn the switch on and off.

I would like to go in depth about fitting, but to tell you the truth it was a lot of trial and error. I can say I used a Dremel with a cutting blade, 450 grit sand paper, THIS SWITCH, and superglue.
Second thing I’ve been working on wasn’t really in my original plans. But I saw kemolagger thread with him moving the DC Power socket to the left side of the PSP and I really liked how that looked. After sanding and fitting I decided to remove loop on my PSP. When this PSP is ALL DONE I will have EVERYTHING that came factory on the PSP + all my extras ;)

Heres some Pictures.
Remember this Is just my test fitting PSP so the sanding looks crappy.

I moved on to my FINAL faceplate!
I have this all sanded and ready for primer/paint. I filled the DC Power hole with Plastic and cut the hole for the second nub. Also! I have talked to my local screen printer about screening ALL THE LOGOS back on to it. Just to add that little bit more of the “from the factory” look  ;)

Side Note:
I tried contacting people about getting a Jewel and I couldn’t  get a hold of anyone. So, I made my own. I cut the clear circles out of a PSP Faceplate Screen with a drill press.

Now that school is out for the summer and the weather is good for painting expect a lot of updates and them coming quickly! Stay tuned!

My next Update will be Painted/Screened PSP faceplate, Putting the Clear view port in the UMD Door, and hopefully getting the rumble fitted
Thanks for reading!
« Last Edit: June 04, 2009, 04:31:17 PM by JoblessPunk »

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Re: Work In Progress: JoblessPunk's PSP [UPDATE #5 | MORE TO COME!]
« Reply #32 on: June 04, 2009, 09:38:25 PM »
Nice work man keep it up ill be watching for the finishing.

*Thanks Modders/Friends:Ghost_Death, gr8npwrfl, Blizzrad, Kenshinffx.
*Thanks 802Chives for the Art position!

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Re: Work In Progress: JoblessPunk's PSP [UPDATE #5 | MORE TO COME!]
« Reply #33 on: June 04, 2009, 09:45:24 PM »
nice work dude.

I will be having a stab at that rumble circut tonight, if this new circut I designed worked its going to unlock new modding capabilities.
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Offline JoblessPunk

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Re: Work In Progress: JoblessPunk's PSP [UPDATE #5 | MORE TO COME!]
« Reply #34 on: June 05, 2009, 12:28:51 AM »
Nice work man keep it up ill be watching for the finishing.
Thanks :)
I'm shooting to be done by the end of the month.

nice work dude.

I will be having a stab at that rumble circut tonight, if this new circut I designed worked its going to unlock new modding capabilities.

Sounds good man :)
« Last Edit: June 05, 2009, 12:44:49 AM by JoblessPunk »

Offline Sanctus

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Re: Work In Progress: JoblessPunk's PSP [UPDATE #5 | MORE TO COME!]
« Reply #35 on: June 05, 2009, 04:56:11 AM »
awesome stuff. cant wait to see this finished. its guna be sweeet

Offline yngmike

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Re: Work In Progress: JoblessPunk's PSP [UPDATE #5 | MORE TO COME!]
« Reply #36 on: June 22, 2009, 07:21:40 PM »
w00t to you jobless!

You've apparently been a posting maniac.... I remember when you have like 200-300 posts hehe.

you've obviously got good soldering skilz and the bawls to use them on your PSP....
I would definately make the investment if I had the extra cash and time to invest. I tried the internal cam mod but ended up mucking up my USB connector with a $15 soldering iron.

A suggestion for your cam.. If you have an extra case I would definately try to squeeze it in under the mem stick slot and see if you can work some kinda cover for the lense...Keeping the UMD would be nice just for legacy sake :)


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Re: Work In Progress: JoblessPunk's PSP [UPDATE #5 | MORE TO COME!]
« Reply #37 on: June 28, 2009, 09:51:45 AM »
Looking good jobless. Howed that solder job on the zif hold up? Loving the Final faceplate's hole. Very well sanded!

Offline JoblessPunk

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Re: Work In Progress: JoblessPunk\'s PSP [UPDATE #6 | ALMOST DONE!]
« Reply #38 on: July 13, 2009, 06:10:29 PM »

Let me show you then I’ll talk after:

1st –
I have not finished.

2nd -
Things I still need to do:
-   Finnish moding the case
-   Finnish moding the frames
-   Wiring
-   Get logos printed on the faceplate
-   Re-due the UMD Door

Its coming along!

I want to re-due the UMD door, I was messing around with the paint, I was going to have a silk black ring around the hole where the camera looks threw but I don’t like how it turned out. So I’m just going to have a clear circle in the center of the UMD Door.

Also, I’m not done moding the case. I was waiting for my fellow moder to finish the Rumble feature but he didn’t have enough time to complete it so he is refunding me my money. I decided to just drop the rumble feature and not include it in this PSP. Down the road I will put it in another PSP, but just not this one.

Alrighty, now some info.
My first idea to add a clear backing was to have a jewel, cut out the UMD door, then put the clear jewel in it. But that’s a lot easier said than done. I was playing around with it for a while and I never really liked the outcome. So what  I ended up doing was this:

I bought a clear case and took out the UMD door,  I wet sanded the logo off, then buffed the UMD door so that it was crystal clear again. That was A LOT easier, haha. This whole PSP mod has been trial and error, and I’m hoping I will find the easiest way to do it so if anyone else wants to they will be able to.
You can just buff out the logos with a buffing wheel. Do that instead, a lot less work!

My next update will show a final case and the frames done.
Thanks for reading!

Post Merge: July 13, 2009, 06:22:09 PM
w00t to you jobless!

You've apparently been a posting maniac.... I remember when you have like 200-300 posts hehe.

you've obviously got good soldering skilz and the bawls to use them on your PSP....
I would definately make the investment if I had the extra cash and time to invest. I tried the internal cam mod but ended up mucking up my USB connector with a $15 soldering iron.

A suggestion for your cam.. If you have an extra case I would definately try to squeeze it in under the mem stick slot and see if you can work some kinda cover for the lense...Keeping the UMD would be nice just for legacy sake :)


haha thanks,
Soldering to the camera to the Mini USB wasn't that hard. Just have a steady hand and the time to invest. Since it was my first time, I'd have to say it took me almost 2 hours to get the camera all soldered. As for the Second nub, I couldn't do that. I tried, and destroyed a PSP Motherboard. I contacted Jumbo to do that, he did an AWESOME job.

Hmm, I have seen people put the camera next to the memory stick. It seemed like they didn't have enough room to fit the whole camera behind the case. After this mod, I will check it out. I would be pretty sick to keep everything stock and add all these features while still making it look stock :)
Looking good jobless. Howed that solder job on the zif hold up? Loving the Final faceplate's hole. Very well sanded!
I haven't gotten around to actually wiring it up yet, but your soldering job is top notch :)
« Last Edit: September 01, 2009, 10:33:55 PM by JoblessPunk »

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Re: Work In Progress: JoblessPunk's PSP [UPDATE #6 | ALMOST DONE!]
« Reply #39 on: July 14, 2009, 02:36:06 PM »
If you shave a bit off the x button and a small bit off the faceplate you can actually get a razor to fit perfectly centered under the x button,I've done this before and so has Jumbo.

Offline Blazinkaos

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Re: Work In Progress: JoblessPunk's PSP [UPDATE #6 | ALMOST DONE!]
« Reply #40 on: July 14, 2009, 06:04:47 PM »
Nice man you glossed the thing to very clean job.

*Thanks Modders/Friends:Ghost_Death, gr8npwrfl, Blizzrad, Kenshinffx.
*Thanks 802Chives for the Art position!

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Re: Work In Progress: JoblessPunk's PSP [UPDATE #6 | ALMOST DONE!]
« Reply #41 on: July 14, 2009, 07:00:09 PM »
I've always wanted to try the dual nubs on a slim but I'm too chicken lol.

Offline JoblessPunk

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Re: Work In Progress: JoblessPunk's PSP [UPDATE #7 | REVISIT/REVISE]
« Reply #42 on: September 01, 2009, 10:27:18 PM »
I’m going to recap and review a few things that I haven’t covered yet.

As it stands this is what I’ve done to my Final PSP and what still needs to be done:

Green – Completed | Red – Not Completed

    Case Modification -
    • Face Plate
    • Back Plate
    • UMD Cover
    • Frames

    • Face Plate
    • Back Plate
    • UMD Door
    • Frames
    • Battery Cover

    LED Swap-
    • Power
    • Charge
    • Memory

    Second Nub-
    • Make Razor X
    • Solder to Motherboard

    • Solder to Camera
    • Solder to Motherboard

    • Fit AC charge port
    • Extend wires for AC port
    • Mod USB to always charge

    As you see I’ve been hard at work! I don’t have any pictures of my PSP I’m modding, I kinda want to keep it as a surprise ;)

    What I would like to recap and add some photos/links is how to swap out the power board LED’s, swapping out the memory LED and a couple of pictures of moding the Razor X; since I didn’t have any the first time I talked about it.

    The PSP Slim Powerboard,

    If you look at the back of the 0603 LED you will notice a green line down the center with one side of the line having a dash and the other side blank.

    Few, now that’s out of the way here are some pictures:

    The tutorial I fallowed was at by Bustinthejustin
    Here's the URL:
    LED Swap Tutorial
    Very nice tutorial and very easy to fallow.

    I’ll be brief.
    In the same tutorial as above (LED Swap Tutorial)
    On the second page it shows you how to swap out the memory LED, very simple mod.

    I just wanted to take a picture of my set up for how I assembled the Razor X. I recommend anyone that is going to do the Razor X mod buy some “helping hands”, they help out a lot.

    I’m working hard and really want to release my modded PSP to the public! I’m going to get some professional pictures done and a little short YouTube video showcasing my PSP, poking fun at Sony and something else... ;)

    Keep checking back, I’m hoping to be done soon!

    My next Update will be the finally! I can’t think of any more information or pictures I would take before my PSP will be completed
    Thanks for reading!

    Offline Blazinkaos

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    Re: Work In Progress: JoblessPunk's PSP [UPDATE #7 | REVISIT/REVISE]
    « Reply #43 on: September 01, 2009, 10:53:05 PM »
    Nice progress there jobless your almost there well done.

    *Thanks Modders/Friends:Ghost_Death, gr8npwrfl, Blizzrad, Kenshinffx.
    *Thanks 802Chives for the Art position!

    Offline JoblessPunk

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    Re: Work In Progress: JoblessPunk\'s PSP [UPDATE #7 | REVISIT/REVISE]
    « Reply #44 on: September 03, 2009, 06:53:10 PM »
    Nice progress there jobless your almost there well done.

    Thanks man :)
    I'm really stoked and cant wait!

    Post Merge: September 04, 2009, 11:32:54 PM
    omg guys.
    I did it.
    I'm done. Everything works, everything is painted everything is in the psp. I'm done.

    Soo :censored:ing stoked right now, and pretty shocked.
    It was a lot of hard work, about a year worth of planing and collecting supplies and now I'm done.

    One thing I would change would be my Power LED, I thought I brought the bright green LED's but the one I installed are pretty dully lit up. But, It really doesn't bother me that much, just one thing that went the way side.

    I will have Pictures and a Video up ASAP, I don't want to dampen anything with pictures with horrible lighting. It will probably be at least a week before I get some pictures, just hang tight. It's worth the wait!
    « Last Edit: September 04, 2009, 11:32:54 PM by JoblessPunk »

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    Re: Work In Progress: JoblessPunk's PSP [UPDATE #7 | REVISIT/REVISE]
    « Reply #45 on: September 05, 2009, 10:18:43 PM »
    Damn you're finally done? Gratz! Can't wait to see the finished result.

    Sig by Kenshinffx - Thanks!

    Offline Sanctus

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    Finally done! This PSP is awesome. A lot of fine work went into it and was definitely worth it. Great job man hope to see more from you in future.

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    « Last Edit: July 29, 2012, 08:14:05 PM by W-Gaming5 »

    Offline DarkShot

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    Congrats on finally finishing it and sick vid!

    That singer is smokin lol.

    But yeah, it's sweet dude.

    Offline Blazinkaos

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     :w00t: wow hmmm whos better the singer or the psp. But nice job man it turned out really professional.

    *Thanks Modders/Friends:Ghost_Death, gr8npwrfl, Blizzrad, Kenshinffx.
    *Thanks 802Chives for the Art position!

    Offline JoblessPunk

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    First off I want to thank all of you for your comments :)
    I guess I got locked out of for posting this...
    I tried replying to my thread and I guess I need approval from a moderator before I can post? ahg. what bs. I was just trying to show it off there too.

    Also, let me see if I can get some help from you guys and fill you in:
    What I've done is basically a prototype of what can be done. What I would REALLY like is if a few of us modders get together and get some premodded faceplates/backplates/umd doors molded in plastic and mass produced. I'm also wanting a "plug and play" version of the camera/dual nub and in the future a rumble feature. So in the end ANYONE with a PSP and a screw driver could just take there stock PSP faceplate off and swap it out with our premodded case  and  add "plug and play" extensions. That's what I'm striving for, I my head I'm thinking and hoping is "well Sony, if you are not going to bring what the customer wants to the plate then I will". But, we will all see how this pans out in the community, if more people want this and we get a big backing then I will do everything in my power to make sure it is brought to the plate.

    I know there are many PSP's out there that have tons of LED's and more bells and whistles then mine (and I know all of you work hella hard on them and they are all :censored:ing awesome!), but that is not what I was going for or what everyone has been asking since the first gen.

    Finally done! This PSP is awesome. A lot of fine work went into it and was definitely worth it. Great job man hope to see more from you in future.

    Thank you man, all the good comments make up for the rude ones everywhere else.
    I hope to work with anyone that wants to take this to the next step. I really can see a market in premodded PSP cases and "plug and play" extensions.

    Great job man  :clap:
    can't wait to see what you do in the future.
    Thanks man! If you have some free time just hit me up! ;)

    Congrats on finally finishing it and sick vid!

    That singer is smokin lol.

    But yeah, it's sweet dude.

    Thanks! yeah, I wanted to poke fun at the PSP-GO video Sony had, thats why some of the questions are kinda odd, they are in the PSP-GO video.
    lol, Her name is Midori Longo, google her, you'll find her ;)

    :w00t: wow hmmm whos better the singer or the psp. But nice job man it turned out really professional.

    lol, thanks man, This is just a prototype of what can be done, and hopefully will be done. I really would like to make some premodded cases so when someone does these mods it can have the straight from the factory look.

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    Yea that would be a smart idea with the casing and that. What you said about the what consumer wants you are absolutely right about it we expect more but seems Sony isnt taking that step to doing so thats why we all mod simply to satisfy what we like and bring others to this as well. I mean i still like like the 2000 and 1000 over the PSP go the standards dont meet what i like.

    First off I want to thank all of you for your comments :)
    I guess I got locked out of for posting this...
    I tried replying to my thread and I guess I need approval from a moderator before I can post? ahg. what bs. I was just trying to show it off there too.

    Also, let me see if I can get some help from you guys and fill you in:
    What I've done is basically a prototype of what can be done. What I would REALLY like is if a few of us modders get together and get some premodded faceplates/backplates/umd doors molded in plastic and mass produced. I'm also wanting a "plug and play" version of the camera/dual nub and in the future a rumble feature. So in the end ANYONE with a PSP and a screw driver could just take there stock PSP faceplate off and swap it out with our premodded case  and  add "plug and play" extensions. That's what I'm striving for, I my head I'm thinking and hoping is "well Sony, if you are not going to bring what the customer wants to the plate then I will". But, we will all see how this pans out in the community, if more people want this and we get a big backing then I will do everything in my power to make sure it is brought to the plate.
    Yea it can be done only issue now of that is money if money can be raised to build these equipments that could make these molding that would be it there. I have few ideas.
    « Last Edit: October 05, 2009, 07:43:54 AM by Blazinkaos »

    *Thanks Modders/Friends:Ghost_Death, gr8npwrfl, Blizzrad, Kenshinffx.
    *Thanks 802Chives for the Art position!

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    nice work buddy...

    really stock looking psp you have there...

    btw how did you make the extre wlan button?did you get another wlan from another slim

    trim?sorry for the silly question buddy...i just love how you make that extra button...

    also i like your ideas on producing premodded case..but just like balzin says money

    matters for it to be achieved..i was thinking maybe you can talk to some small plastic

    manufacturer that can make your concept designs..have them make your molded designs

    then mass produce it.
    viperfan91 (phat), thaq93 (psp phat parts)
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    Offline dedafmonteur

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    looks cool, dont like the girl in the vid she seems to over-reacting a lot:p

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    very nice mod dude

    i am not responsible for what i do or my advice

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    Offline JoblessPunk

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    Yea that would be a smart idea with the casing and that. What you said about the what consumer wants you are absolutely right about it we expect more but seems Sony isnt taking that step to doing so thats why we all mod simply to satisfy what we like and bring others to this as well. I mean i still like like the 2000 and 1000 over the PSP go the standards dont meet what i like.
    Yea it can be done only issue now of that is money if money can be raised to build these equipments that could make these molding that would be it there. I have few ideas.

    Sweet, I'm not the only one that thinks we should tackle this. I agree, we need to see how this pans out, but if we get a big enough backing I'll see what I can do about the money part. I guess you can call me crazy, but I really see a big market in this...

    nice work buddy...

    really stock looking psp you have there...

    btw how did you make the extre wlan button?did you get another wlan from another slim

    trim?sorry for the silly question buddy...i just love how you make that extra button...

    also i like your ideas on producing premodded case..but just like balzin says money

    matters for it to be achieved..i was thinking maybe you can talk to some small plastic

    manufacturer that can make your concept designs..have them make your molded designs

    then mass produce it.

    Thanks man,
    yeah I don't really like adding 30+ LED's that dance to music and stuff like that, I like the stock look ;)
    As for the frame that's what I did, I took 2 frames cut them up then glued them together. The camera needed a switch and I think that is the cleanest way to add one on the PSP. Yeah, I want to make a big enough wave and feel out the market before I put my money on the line. Probably the first thing I would start with would be pre-modded faceplates and go from there....

    looks cool, dont like the girl in the vid she seems to over-reacting a lot:p
    lol thanks man, and yeah, I agree ;)

    very nice mod dude

    ty man, I hope I didn't step on anyone's toes. I gave credit to everyone in my worklog and my blog, and my website... I know a few of these mods have been done before, but what I want to do it get some of these things available so anyone could just pick up there stock PSP, swap out the case with my case and put it back together without knowing anything about modding.

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    nice work dude! you do modding for people? if much would you charge? and are you located in the U.S?

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    i love my leds and the whole goddy look at me im blinding YOUSSSSSSS  psp.
    but thats is a awesome sleeper psp. other than teh rumble mod what else are you thinking of doing to to this badboy?

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    Sweet, I'm not the only one that thinks we should tackle this. I agree, we need to see how this pans out, but if we get a big enough backing I'll see what I can do about the money part. I guess you can call me crazy, but I really see a big market in this...
    Yea there are some ppl on here that know quite a bit about molding but the psp is going to be a trick and not easy to over come. But if we can round up those who have done molding before you may have something going soon.

    *Thanks Modders/Friends:Ghost_Death, gr8npwrfl, Blizzrad, Kenshinffx.
    *Thanks 802Chives for the Art position!


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