PAYPAL IS NOT SAFE.... I personally have never had a problem but there are some serious issues that need to be paid attention to when using paypal.
Paypal is not a bank, they are not FDIC insured, therefore the protections that traditional banks provide are not covered by paypal.
Paypal is a private company so they can and will freeze your account for just about no reason at all. They wont take ur money, but they can make it next to impossible to get it even if someone is scamming you.
The "protection" they provide only works if the money is still there. As in the king_mike fiasco, the money was already withdrawn so when it came down to complaints they were just like

when it came down to resolving the issue.
As a seller you can be screwed easily by the buyer if you dont use a paypal shipping method with confirmation to a confirmed address. The reason why is that the buyer simply can state that they never recieved the product and file a complaint, which will freeze your account and refund the buyer if the money is still there.(there is some moderation that occurs, but a good scammer will get right around that)
As a buyer you can get in trouble in numerous ways from not getting your product, to getting a faulty/damaged product and the seller can just claim it wasnt him or damaged in the mail, in which case good luck getting anything if it wasn't insured.
All in all I would only use paypal on ebay(still risky) or well known e-shops like
Your bank card and/or credit card provide extensive fraud protection. Credit cards will usually return your money with very little hassle. I have heard from people that if you fill you paypal with your credit card that money is protected in a sense as the Credit card companies are equiped to go after paypal if you tell them you were scammed.
For all sorts of information:
http://www.aboutpaypal.orgPersonally I have no horror stories, however if you ever talk to any ebay profiteers you will hear things that will scare the living crap out of you. I remember reading about one guy who lost 10's of thousands of dollars and couldnt do a thing about it.
All in all paypal for the average consumer works and works well, however it is still risky and the risk levels get much higher if you arent the average consumer/seller.
BTW the same person that owns ebay, owns paypal.