Author Topic: Arcade controller on PSP(help for my handicapped friend)  (Read 6274 times)

Offline -SCARE-

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Arcade controller on PSP(help for my handicapped friend)
« on: October 14, 2008, 08:55:16 AM »
Hey guys!!

I saw the ps2 controller mod by f00 f00 and I thought I could use that for an arcade style controller or fighting pad for my buddy.

Now my friend's problem is that he broke his neck and now is paralyzed...he can move his arms and wrists but doesn't have control of his fingers. the controller mod using a 25 pin connector,I saw an opportunity for him to join me in gaming as of plugging an arcade style controller instead of a ps1/ps2 controller!!! could be do-able and also, i thought lighting up the buttons so he knows what button he's pushing since he doesn't feel his fingers!!

I just need pointers for what game controller to use or even help with wiring

I thought of using this controller:

Please help me and tell me what you think of it e-mail me or something...

Also my friend told me that the government would pay me for making something adapted for him lolol money for helping, how great is that???
« Last Edit: October 15, 2008, 10:11:03 AM by 802Chives »

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Re: a little help for my handicaped friend
« Reply #1 on: October 15, 2008, 05:59:12 AM »
Hey -Scare-,
Sounds like you already have a solution in mind to your friends gaming needs.  I am not familiar with the ps2 controller Foo Foo made but I am thinking it is a arcade stick of sorts. Gameroms uses these guys stuff:

I Don't think the 25pin connector is really nessecary to this project as solutions exist alread for that stuff, no need reinventing the wheel

All their stuff comes with the adapters you will need, and if you wanted to retrofit with your own controllers, like wireless, we can show you the way.  Lighted prob, but the burden will be on you to find some clear buttons or something that will light up.  The arcade stick buttons are fairly easy to find and are all pretty standard sizes.

If you wanted to make one from scratch that is possible too by using the guts of your desired controler and buying parts.  Also beware that a lot of arcade joysticks are digital and not compatible with analog sticks on controllers.

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Re: a little help for my handicaped friend
« Reply #2 on: October 15, 2008, 07:12:49 AM »
ok so i found the link i was thinking about!!

GOOD JOB BLIZZARD!!! looks so cool with the a/v cable plastic case!!

but instead i need to put a fighting arcade stick controller at the end of the cord...

so i'm missing a controller!!!! please donate :beg: also, i'm willing to buy at a reasonable price, think of it as giving hope to someone bored to death

2nd.  i tought making a mold of the psp's original buttons and melting clear plastic in it then putting a light in each that works when you push a button either on the psp or the controller. that way he knows on witch one he's pressing without taking his eyes off his psp :cool: or buying a set of clear buttons if it exists!!! (way simpler)

if i find a cheap controller, i'll be posting photos in no time!!!

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Re: a little help for my handicaped friend
« Reply #3 on: October 15, 2008, 07:54:08 AM »
OK now I see! you want to add arcade controller to the PSP, and make it so buttons light up on psp when controller buttons are pressed to replace the physical feedback with visual.

Gotcha, ok so since I have no experience with psp this will have to be a learning experience for both of us.  Hopefully someone like Blizzard or Kicks or someone will be able to jump in with some electrical advice, but I know the info is all here just need to find it.

First you need the supplies, the PS2 arcade controller, the PSP, the 25pin connector, and a breadboard with some wire.  You know how to solder I am assuming.

I will locate a suitable connector and post the part#, and start looking at the electrical connections, you need to get everything gathered up and we will go from there.

What model PSP will you be using?

PS, I will also change post title later today so more people will see the project and get the experienced members to chyme in.  It will be something like "Arcade controller on PSP".
« Last Edit: October 15, 2008, 07:56:46 AM by 802Chives »

Offline Blizzrad

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Re: Arcade controller on PSP(help for my handicapped friend)
« Reply #4 on: October 16, 2008, 06:42:43 PM »
Hey Scare,
This sounds like a cool mod project and a great way to help your friend. If it would be at all useful to you, you can have the modified PSP used in the thread you linked above, this way you will only need to build the controller. The PSP needs an LCD and a battery, but the rest is all there and already wired. I have made an adapter so that the cable with the A/V hood ends at a standard 25 pin d-sub connector, (the type used for PC printer ports) which can be used to easily interface other custom controllers.

If your friend is limited to moving his arms and wrists, perhaps a custom controller based around large digital arcade-type joysticks would work well. This way he could move the stick to different positions with his wrist to activate the buttons, without having to press anything with his fingers.


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