Author Topic: hidden camera?  (Read 2121 times)

Offline TheZap

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hidden camera?
« on: February 02, 2009, 05:46:45 PM »
I want to make a hidded camera in the back of my psp, I found an empty space next to the memory card area in my psp where I can put a camera, I will need to drill a hole the size of lens, and one thing I cant do is connect the camera, it needs the usb cable, but I dont want to take up the only USB cable area,so anyone know how to double or even triple the amount of places I can connect USB cables?

Offline bustinthejustin

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Re: hidden camera?
« Reply #1 on: February 02, 2009, 05:48:34 PM »
Well you can solder directly to the usb pins, and then I think you can disable the camera by adding a switch on the data + cable, thus allowing you to plug other objects into your usb area.

Sig by Kenshinffx - Thanks!

Offline Photogenic

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Re: hidden camera?
« Reply #2 on: April 08, 2009, 01:45:39 PM »
I want to make a hidded camera in the back of my psp, I found an empty space next to the memory card area in my psp where I can put a camera, I will need to drill a hole the size of lens, and one thing I cant do is connect the camera, it needs the usb cable, but I dont want to take up the only USB cable area,so anyone know how to double or even triple the amount of places I can connect USB cables?
Digital Underwater Camera

Purchase a wireless Spycam so you won't have to worry about the wires and cables. there are good cameras on online shops for a fair prices. You just have to worry about where you will place the receiver. On your pocket maybe...

Offline DarkShot

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Re: hidden camera?
« Reply #3 on: April 08, 2009, 02:11:20 PM »
Purchase a wireless Spycam so you won't have to worry about the wires and cables. there are good cameras on online shops for a fair prices. You just have to worry about where you will place the receiver. On your pocket maybe...

Welcome to Acidmods.

First off, the only camera that can be used with the PSP is the Chotto Shot Go!Cam, as it was made specifically for the PSP.

You won't be able to use that, unless you're able to code drivers for the camera, and the camera is capable of communicating with the PSP.


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