Author Topic: Mod Advice  (Read 1581 times)

Offline kemolagger

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Mod Advice
« on: April 10, 2009, 10:23:05 AM »
Somewhat new to modding.  For anyone who has done the dual analog mod - I'm having some trouble getting the wires connected/soldered to the ZIF connector.  I've flied down one of my solder tips, but still having trouble getting it.  I've already ruined one mobo and are about to buy another one.  Any advice as to techniques and what tips you've used to get yours put on and secure without ruining the mobo.  Thanks!

Offline ndru98

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Re: Mod Advice
« Reply #1 on: April 10, 2009, 09:23:46 PM »
ALOT of flux.

Offline rgarjr

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Re: Mod Advice
« Reply #2 on: April 10, 2009, 09:35:31 PM »
Try and buy a new tip for your iron, sometimes when you sand off your tips, the solder won't stick to it. 

Offline kemolagger

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Re: Mod Advice
« Reply #3 on: April 10, 2009, 11:58:37 PM »
Yeah I just went out and bought some new tips and other small tools. 

Not sure if there is a "first blood" club for destroying a psp on your first attempt, but I just joined the club.  I was trying to prep my slim for a dual analog, getting the wires hooked up to where the circuit ribbon hooks into the ZIF connector on the mobo.  I was following Sample123's post on how to do it, I got impatient trying to find 30AWG, so I used some 22 or 24 instead.  I totally melted all the soldering points on the connector together, broke off (melted) a few other small components!

I've got the razor X kit on order, hopefully it'll come in soon!  I'm gonna have to just pick up another psp(used) tomorrow.  I'll keep the one I just messed up for spare parts, if I get the new psp dual'y'ed, i'll buy a new mobo for it, and right side ribbon since I did exploratory surgery on it.

Obviously the 24AWG was too thick, so I managed to find some 26 today, still to thick for the ZIF connector like on the tut, but I got to think to how much easier it would be to just jack in the 30AWG into that circuit ribbon (I was able to get the 26AWG in after filing the end of it down with my dremmel)  I messed around a little bit with soldering it to the ribbon after I the circuits exposed with my X-acto.  It does get tight, although I'm sure it'll be easier once I get the thinner wire.  Soldering the wire to the ribbon was feasible, but I wanted a less destructive measure to do the mod with, to limit having to purchase multiple pieces should I mess one up. 

So I developed a new method, and I'm hoping that some experienced modders could let me know if this way of modding the wires is possible(actually being able to get power and signal)  I call it, "IR" or "intra ribbon".  Think of the ribbon as a vein in an arm, cut a small hole in the ribbon, take the solid wire and cut a 45 degree angle in it, smooth it out, and then pass about a half inch of wire between the ribbon and the plastic coating, and then securing the outside wire with hot glue.  I'm thinking because there is a solid strip of adhesive btw the ribbon and the plastic, there would be less of a chance of the wire hitting two circuits, and completely mitigating the need of touching that connector on the mobo, since, like I found out, if you mess up the solder points, your whole mobo is done(power switch and right side buttons go directly to it)  And should you mess up with my technique, it'll only cost you around 15 USD to replace the ribbon, not 70-80 bucks for a new mobo.  I think that way also reduces the risk one takes with this type of mod!

So please give me some feedback!  I hope that Sample reads this post so he/she can let me know if it's possible.  Are there any local places that usually carry 30AWG, besides having to order online.  I've already gone to Radio Shack and one electronics store(really old place, I think the first apple was made there). 
« Last Edit: April 11, 2009, 12:23:14 AM by kemolagger »

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Re: Mod Advice
« Reply #4 on: April 15, 2009, 07:04:54 PM »
Well I cant tell ya if it is possible but it sure sounds cool and I would love to see a more detailed tutorial with pics on how to do it if you are successful. 

Offline killdog

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Re: Mod Advice
« Reply #5 on: September 28, 2009, 07:18:23 AM »
This Mod has not been left and forgotten its just ive been away gaming on wow lol im addicted but what can i do i love it i can say i did put the speaker in the back but not further than that when i get more money and time i will carry on

Offline ryan0

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Re: Mod Advice
« Reply #6 on: October 02, 2009, 01:15:40 PM »

So I developed a new method, and I'm hoping that some experienced modders could let me know if this way of modding the wires is possible(actually being able to get power and signal)  I call it, "IR" or "intra ribbon".  Think of the ribbon as a vein in an arm, cut a small hole in the ribbon, take the solid wire and cut a 45 degree angle in it, smooth it out, and then pass about a half inch of wire between the ribbon and the plastic coating, and then securing the outside wire with hot glue.  I'm thinking because there is a solid strip of adhesive btw the ribbon and the plastic, there would be less of a chance of the wire hitting two circuits, and completely mitigating the need of touching that connector on the mobo, since, like I found out, if you mess up the solder points, your whole mobo is done(power switch and right side buttons go directly to it)  And should you mess up with my technique, it'll only cost you around 15 USD to replace the ribbon, not 70-80 bucks for a new mobo.  I think that way also reduces the risk one takes with this type of mod!

Don't go trying to develop new methods before you've actually done the razor mod yourself,you don't want to go screwing up another psp


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