Author Topic: Can you piggyback dual LED circuits from 1 SICKmods fader?  (Read 1346 times)

Offline EliteGamer83

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Can you piggyback dual LED circuits from 1 SICKmods fader?
« on: April 10, 2009, 06:47:40 PM »
I want to have 2 different color sets of LEDs for fading but have it so that you can switch between sound reactive to fader. I was just going to do the mod twice for the 2 colors but then I thought of something, how big are the fader chips? I don't think I can fit 2 in. So could I just have dual wires coming from the fader solder points? It's kind of hard to explain but I want to be able to switch 7 green LEDs between fading and sound reactive then ALL off by adding a simple DIP switch. Then I want to have orange LEDs to be able to switch 7 orange LEDs between fading and sound reactive then ALL off by adding a simple DIP switch. but can I do this using only 1 fader board but soldering dual wires to each contact spot on the fader chip?

I might be able to go the easy route and just use 2 faders... but does anyone have a pic of a fader chip next to a quarter to see how big it is? please this would be a huge help.
« Last Edit: April 10, 2009, 07:05:14 PM by EliteGamer83 »

Offline killdog

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Re: Can you piggyback dual LED circuits from 1 SICKmods fader?
« Reply #1 on: April 12, 2009, 06:25:02 AM »
well i atttached my 2n2222 transistor to the 5v pin on the fader and also the grn to the wifi so when the fader goes off the 2n2222 goes off aswell so i suppose u can al its doing is taking more power at a faster rate from the battery


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