Author Topic: acid mods wiki  (Read 2380 times)

Offline dazzer1975

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acid mods wiki
« on: May 07, 2009, 07:08:08 PM »
Hi all,

been trying to gather all my supplies together and do the requisite reading and research before I embark upon fitting a crystal case to my phat psp and do some led mods.

However, I seem to be finding a lot of broken tutorials, and a lot of different methods for doing the led mods. That in itself isnt a problem, as I am thinking about doing the trigger light reactive mod using the lm386 and 30k and 191k ohms resistors, and maybe place a few leds not reactive to sound around the case at various points and I think I have it generally sussed out regarding my options.

However, I feel I am missing out on a load of info as the wiki pages dont seem to load for me? I have followed links and had the acidmod banner load and thats it just a blank page, then I try shortening the url down to etc and I still get no joy.

So, if anyone could explain if its a problem at my end or if the wiki isn't up any more?

I have been a lurker here for a while just dropping in occasionally to admire all the mods and now when I finally pluck up the courage to solder inside my psp after learning to solder and performing mods on my ipods and such like I can't seem to access the required avenues of information on the site. So I registered and still cant access the wiki, so any help would be greatly appreciated.

e.g. this link taken from another post:

just shows me a black page with the acid mods banner at the top of page.

« Last Edit: May 07, 2009, 07:10:16 PM by dazzer1975 »

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Re: acid mods wiki
« Reply #1 on: May 07, 2009, 07:32:52 PM »
Sorry bro the wiki has been gone for quite awhile. Just get Mastic_Mandez aka Robin's or Jumbo's MSN add them. I think they have most of the tutorials pictures on their hard drive. I'm sure they will be happy to put them back up for you, Most of the tutorials have already been fixed. If your talking about L0rdNic0's led tutorial the pics for the lm368 assembly and other parts are on like page 4 and 4 just not in the OP, if you look they are there.

Also use the search alot too it really comes in handy there is usually info on anything your looking for SOMEWHERE on the site. 

Offline dazzer1975

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Re: acid mods wiki
« Reply #2 on: May 07, 2009, 07:49:04 PM »
Hey Elitegamer, many thanks for your reply and advice, really appreciate that mate.

Wont Mastic Mandez mind if I just msn him out of the blue, I don't know him so he may be a bit upset (understandably so) if I just msn him?

Anyway, thanks again for your reply, certainly saved me a lot of headscratching trying to figure out why I couldn't view the wiki lol


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Re: acid mods wiki
« Reply #3 on: May 07, 2009, 07:58:36 PM »
Hey Elitegamer, many thanks for your reply and advice, really appreciate that mate.

Wont Mastic Mandez mind if I just msn him out of the blue, I don't know him so he may be a bit upset (understandably so) if I just msn him?

Anyway, thanks again for your reply, certainly saved me a lot of headscratching trying to figure out why I couldn't view the wiki lol


No problem dude.

Nah Robin's a really cool guy he doesn't get mad/upset real easily. Just tell him who you are and your question.

Yeah I was really confused when I first joined here and got into modding what happened to the wiki.

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Re: acid mods wiki
« Reply #4 on: May 07, 2009, 09:14:42 PM »
Just like Elite said - Use the search button and a LOT of ur problems will be solved.
Also Robin is a great guy , he wont mind doing something for a site member, but i still think that u should just pm him on the site itself rather than msn.
Cheers !

PS: Happy Modding !
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Re: acid mods wiki
« Reply #5 on: May 07, 2009, 09:38:23 PM »
I also have alot of the pics on my hard drive, not all of them though. Tell me exactly what you are looking for and I may be able to get em for ya.
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Re: acid mods wiki
« Reply #6 on: May 08, 2009, 01:27:22 AM »

all the tutorials that were in the WIKI were copied over to here.  i know there are lots of missing pics but unfortunately all the pics in the wiki used to be linked to peoples personal photobuckets etc when they had upload them so a fair few are missing unfortunately - if i could magically make them come back i would but unfortunately i cant

i am not responsible for what i do or my advice

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