Author Topic: sound reactive stand with fake crystal  (Read 1516 times)

Offline The End of A Heartache

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sound reactive stand with fake crystal
« on: December 14, 2009, 01:21:49 PM »
I know ive been posting alot..but i have a ton of ideas and love to act upon them. Acidmod has alot of respectable people and i have found respect for them.

with that i add a new mod and will post pixtures of the mod

I always like sound reactive things and alot of flash and fade's of lights
Since this Xmas i am not able to buy gifts to few close friends,So i thought this year making something nice for them but idk what....

that is till last night...ive seen fading crystal with stands for $30 online...i thought why not make the same... but instead making it sound reactive instead of color fade or change..

This way its alittle more intresting to watch as 3 different color react to different sound's ....
idk the diffculty of this project or if im ganna finish before the 24th .. But i know i would love to try ...I have done a 369 rapidfire mod for a friend and he was satified with the controller so i do just fine but i have issue's reading skemetic's..

I looked around and found a mod for a soundreactive thing that fits into the pocket and thought of doing the same...But making it find in a stand and instead of three indivdual LED's i will use a 4pin RGB LED :)

i went ahead and bought the components in which i was directed to buy in the mod

RGB 4pin and board bought online fom radioshack

compnents bought from allied electronics ($16 with S&H)

Two usb connection line so instead of using a 9v i use the usb connection from a computer

This is the skematic im suppost to fallow, But i cant read this :( 

Im ganna try and read this skematics and design the board will post a picture to make sure i have the design down like that in the skemetics.

is this sketch that i made correct to the skemetic that i posted?

I added a change to the design...
the change is in 2 places:
1. instead of .1uf i added .10uf
2. Instead of 10k Ohm before the NPN i chaned it to 2.2K ohm for more LED

Also added i forgot to add a common and ground to the 8pin Omp ampilfier my mistake the new skemetic is as show with this changed

video of the Portable VUwith three color LEDS

with home made flat crystal from plexic glass
« Last Edit: December 16, 2009, 02:41:40 PM by The End of A Heartache »
...emo freak out! >.< ........

random is fun


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