Console Modding------ ( Here you can talk about your favorite Consoles ) > PS3 Slim
PS3 Slim Redesign Spotted Update
There u go, a PS3 Slim :fear: has been spotted by someone in a chinese forum. Could this be the long rumored redesign supposed to be released at E3 ???
Discuss !!!
Slim Hacker:
Looks like it may be the top cover for a ps3 slim but not the whole PS3 slim.
i may consider if i have money as i need a uk ps3 as i can only get usa bluerays and jap dvds
yeah , doesnt seem like the whole thing just parts of it but the box does look legit :) Well i'll wait this one out till E3 and get my PS3 sometime in November when we have great deals goin on around here....
--- Quote from: Mactastic Mendez on May 14, 2009, 09:52:42 AM ---i may consider if i have money as i need a uk ps3 as i can only get usa bluerays and jap dvds
--- End quote ---
So you imported your ps3 from america? I would too if I lived in the UK
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