Author Topic: Help Painting a Laptop  (Read 1972 times)

Offline Gummyworm

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Help Painting a Laptop
« on: May 20, 2009, 12:02:19 PM »
Ok, so i have a 10" netbook, but it had gloss on the palm-rests, and on the top of the laptop. So... I sanded the palm-rests, and painted it without getting enough information (BAD idea). I used Krylon plastic paint, but it peeled, and it seems to come off really easy.

Can I re-do the paint job, or is it too late? If anyone knows how to keep it from peeling, please help! I'm desperate >.< (It looks awful right now)
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Offline bustinthejustin

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Re: Help Painting a Laptop
« Reply #1 on: May 20, 2009, 06:56:58 PM »
Well first of all, prepping is key. I'll assume you took it apart, as that's the only way you should paint things anyway. So just take the pieces you wanna paint, and wash/scrub them with warm water and some dish detergent. Then, let them dry NATURALLY! Don't use towels or anything of that sort. After you're sure it's completely dry, put on your first, THIN layer of paint. Wait for a few minutes. Now do a thicker coat, but still pretty thin. Leave that to dry for about an hour or two. Now check on it. If the paint looks pretty smooth, do another layer. Wait an hour and a half or so, then clear coat. Make sure to shake the paint well, and paint in a warm place. Leaving the can of paint in some warm water (not hot, or it'll explode ;)) for about 10 minutes before painting is a good idea too.

Good luck.

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Re: Help Painting a Laptop
« Reply #2 on: May 20, 2009, 08:25:44 PM »
Haha it'll explode with a winking smiley.. nice

yeah, one rookie mistake is putting on one thick first coat, the key is doing lots of thin layers, one at a time.


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