Author Topic: 2 Phat PSP's repair/restoration. Advice requested please :)  (Read 1155 times)


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So this is my first post and Im somewhat a newb to psp modding, but this is more of a restoration project then a modding project.  I got 2 phat psps for cheap, but they were damaged.  Heres the breakdown of the 2:

No analog nub
UMD Drive not reading discs at all, even when lens was cleaned. (UMD Switch is in tact and functional when pressed down and laser moves and disc spins)
Overall system housing is pretty beat up.

No analog nub
Cracked LCD Screen
UMD Switch broken off (UMD Drive May or May not be Good)
Overall system housing is pretty beat up.

Now here lies my problems.  I order 2 working UMD Drives off ebay.  I order a replacement LCD lens to replace the broken one.  I order 2 new PHAT housing (white and red) and also order 1 set of L+R buttons as one of the psp's L+R buttons were chewed up.

Now, taking apart PSP 1, I watched a bad disassemble video on youtube, and accidentally broke off the backlight ribbon and connector from the mother board.  I tried just laying the connecter to the board to touch the contacts and it seemed like the backlight worked as it came back on.  Not wanting to try solder just yet, I tried taping it to the board and it seemed like it would stay on for about 5 seconds then turn off.  So then I tried crazy gluing it to the board and the same thing seemed to happen. It would stick for a few seconds then turn off. (PSP system was still powered on, backlight was only thing that turned off.)  So I vigorously tried cleaning the glue off with a paper towel that had nail polish remover (as this removes crazy glue) and some of the paper towel got stuck to the connector and now the ribbon was glued shut to the connector, so this was a lost cause.  I threw out this backlight and was able to use the backlight from the cracked LCD (This backlight was still good.)  So without the connector, I tried laying the ribbon against the board and it again worked fine while i was holding it down with the screw driver but nothing seemed to hold it down (tried crazy glue, and electrical tape) So I read somewhere someone used solder, to solder the ribbon to the contact on the board.  I started doing this and then again the backlight turned off and now rubbing the ribbon against the contacts wotn even bring the backlight on.  Plus when I attempted to solder the ribbon to the board, it sparks in that area so Im not sure if it shorted something or if the contacts on the board are no longer good.  I know its a huge mess and Im not even sure if the UMD drive works that I put in as I havent been able to fully test it since I cant see whats on the screen.  I know the PSP turns on because I heard the startup chime as well as saw the screen when the backlight worked for those 5 seconds.  Im really at a loss as I dont want to put more money in to it by buying a new board (as I saw them on ebay for $50-70)  I just wanted to get them in working order and sell them for about $80-100 each.  Also had a hell of a time trying to fit the yellow Hold switch over the power button and get it into the new housing.  Dont know what to do with this PSP now.

As far as PSP2 goes, Im waiting for the replacement UMD switch to come in the mail so I can solder that to the board, and I have already replaced the LCD screen and it works perfectly.  Just would need to take everything out and place it into the new housing (Red.)  Im just really discouraged at this point that things turned out the way I did and should probably just cut my losses. I ordered 2 umd drives, but the umd drive might work on PSP2, but I wont know until I put that new UMD switch onto the board.  I believe the mother boards in both PSPs are T 79's.

On a side note, I purchased a radiant red 3000 housing on eBay to put my slim 2000 psp into it.  I heard this was possible with a few slight modifications to get the parts to fit just right.  Is this true?  Is there a video for this or can someone point me in the right direction?  Any help/comments/advice would truely be appreciated.  Thanks again! 

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Re: 2 Phat PSP's repair/restoration. Advice requested please :)
« Reply #1 on: June 04, 2009, 10:04:20 AM »
for the first psp it might be the backlight fuse. although you said it is on for 5 seconds, so im not sure. and the second one you said the umd switch is broke, have you thought of taking all the parts and making one good one then find out what is needed for the second one. ex.take the umd switch from the one with the backlight not working and put it in the other one. if you have the solidering skills i would do that.
side note: be gentle with the clips on those connectors they break easy.
there are some tuts on the backlight fuse i know you can bridge it if thats the prob. i also would wait for some other replys to see what others think.
thx gamerdude767
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Re: 2 Phat PSP's repair/restoration. Advice requested please :)
« Reply #2 on: June 04, 2009, 11:14:33 AM »
okay , dude you're pretty :censored:ed up right now. Try checking the backlight fuse... And as injungle said , try taking the parts from one and fixing the other . This way you can sell the one you've fixed and minimise your losses.
About the 3000case , while it is technically possible to fit it in there , it is too much of a hassle as you would have to sand off some stuff etc... I don't think anyone did it so i doubt there would be any videos.
Oh and btw , next time try asking these questions before buying the stuff . It'll help you and prevent you from wasting money :) we are a helpful lot here :) :tup:     
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Re: 2 Phat PSP's repair/restoration. Advice requested please :)
« Reply #3 on: June 05, 2009, 10:45:59 PM »
Thanks for the replies.  I previously ordered the UMD switch off ebay too for PSP2.  I also read on another forum that it is possible to fit a slim into a 3000 faceplate.  I know it is possible, even if I have to sand down something here or there.  It will look great lol  Then I will sell my God of War RED SLim 2000...  Any other ideas for the PSPs from anyone else?  Thanks again to the 2 guys that responded.


I think the connectors on the board might not be good anymore (for the backlight, since I tried the backlight on the other PSP) :( 


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