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free team fortress 2 givaway!

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hey guys i have a extra freeby copy of teamfortress 2 i i got from a failer
he bets about being 110% sure of an unlock but he failed :P
so i got the game but i already have 1 of this so
who whants it?
by the way i acedentaly activated the game to an extra account of mine so you have to use it to play the game and change it
exept for the user login

me me me me  :beg:

choose me (A)

lol I was going to ask, but DD beat me fair and square.


--- Quote from: DubbleDutch on June 04, 2009, 02:34:46 AM ---me me me me  :beg:

choose me (A)

--- End quote ---
dont give up i only give this who deserves it
and i dont even know DD so you might have a chance
Post Merge: June 04, 2009, 10:39:22 PMstill waiting!
post something here that would make me give it to you :D

Slim Hacker:
ill take it :P

LOL everyone who asked is AM staff
Art team
news team xD

--- Quote ---post something here that would make me give it to you
--- End quote ---

I could se robin saying Give it to me or ill ban you. xD


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