Author Topic: PSP Phat button board? Help?  (Read 995 times)

Offline seijuro

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PSP Phat button board? Help?
« on: June 14, 2009, 10:38:33 AM »
So i had two PSP's (one my own, one a friend's) and they're not working perfectly: my friend's PSP has a memory stick reading problem and the other PSP (mine) button board is kinda screwed (square is X and circle is square, etc.) due to it being dropped.  :clap:

Anyway, I opened both PSP's and replaced my button board with my friend's perfectly working button board. And here's the thing: it STILL does the same thing. With all games, PSP, homebrew's, and ISO's the buttons are still all mixed up even with a working button board.... why does this happen???  :help:

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Re: PSP Phat button board? Help?
« Reply #1 on: June 14, 2009, 10:57:08 AM »
i would think it would be on this page 11th picture down. the powerboard to mobo connector
thx gamerdude767
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Offline seijuro

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Re: PSP Phat button board? Help?
« Reply #2 on: June 14, 2009, 11:18:42 AM »
hey thanks alot man, you've been pretty helpful thus far.  :yess: I'll keep updated on my progress.

Post Merge: June 14, 2009, 04:35:27 PM
I'm moving to this thread in case anyone else might have the same problem.

as for the one psp with the button problem it might be a loose connection. and might be a easy fix. there are plenty of tuts on how to take apart yours and check the homerow connection and the other ones. and it might work like new again.

i also ment it might be the clip it goes into i seen them lift off the board/cracked solider. so it would start acting funny or not work at all. i would check both clips on the back of the power board and the mobo one. there small but look carefully.

Ok, here's what I did. I followed the steps of disassembly of the acidmod tutorial (about 11th down) and checked ALL the cables/wires/clips of the replaced perfectly working ABXY button board (from the other PSP). Inside, the clips that hold down the wires to the power board and behind the ABXY WERE a just a little off, but i put it back in place. Assembled the PSP back together, and guess what, the buttons are STILL mixed up, even with a perfectly working ABXY button board.  :dntknw: Any other suggestions?  :help:
« Last Edit: June 14, 2009, 04:35:27 PM by seijuro »


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