Author Topic: Burnout Paradise:Big Surf Island add-on  (Read 2265 times)

Offline Slim Hacker

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Burnout Paradise:Big Surf Island add-on
« on: June 18, 2009, 12:11:52 PM »
Well i was hesitant to pay $12.99 for an add-on, but now i am thankfull i payed that for it.

Well if you destroy all the billboards you get a toy car, if you drive through all the smahes you get a 2nd toy car, and all the races if you beat them you get a toy car.

The billboards, jumps, and smashes get quite tough to find them.

It gave me 4 hours and 44 minuets of game play so far and ive only completed 2 of the actual races.

Overall I will give the add-on a 8/10.

I only payed $19.99 for my actual game so I feel that $12.99 for an add-on was a little rediculous.

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