Author Topic: I need some help, can someone tell me how to make a sound recognizer  (Read 1796 times)

Offline conker

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i need some thing that will recognize a sound being played either through a mic or directly pugged in to an audio port
it needs to recognize about three different frequencys
when it recognizes one i need it to complete a different circuit for each
it needs to be portable with nothing LESS THAN 3.6v powering it
thanks for any info if you want to know why i need it check out my psp bluetooth mod
PSP Bluetooth Mod is Nearly working can send files just need to get it running off psp battery power
what ever deosn't kill you makes you stronger, thats probably why im gonna die soon            XBL should be free

Offline HYOSC1NE

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Re: I need some help, can someone tell me how to make a sound recognizer
« Reply #1 on: April 14, 2009, 01:57:44 PM »
Sorry but wtf are you talking about. I dont see what are you trying to mean by a sound recognizer. Seems to me that you mean a equilizer by talking about frequencys. But a sound recognizer like a voice recognizer is somthing totally diferent, u see voice is not FM rather AM so it doesnt makes any sence to me what you want. I advice you to explain more about the aplication itself rather than just talking about things that you might not know. Maybe what you want is a filter, but then again wtf...

Offline 802Chives

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Re: I need some help, can someone tell me how to make a sound recognizer
« Reply #2 on: April 21, 2009, 10:57:39 AM »
hahaha, I know what ur talking about :laughing: I did a project in college where I had to recognize a smoke detector sound (4khz) in order to start an autonomous robot electrically. This is a frequency to voltage conversion IC.  essentially you can get it to output a voltage that is in reference to the frequency it is "seeing".  you can put a couple bandpass filters on the input, that only pass certain frequencies to avoid false readings. Then by using a couple of comparators on the output, they would be able to run a transistor/mosfet in order to complete the respective circuit once the correct threshold voltage is outputed by the LM2917.

Do you have any formal education with electronix?  If you are a hobby level electrician, and the description above doesnt scare you, probably we could get you up and running, but it will require some work, espeacially on ur end.
« Last Edit: April 21, 2009, 10:59:30 AM by 802Chives »

Offline geekonaut

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Re: I need some help, can someone tell me how to make a sound recognizer
« Reply #3 on: July 09, 2009, 07:34:06 PM »
If you have some flexibility in the frequencies you need to detect, you can use DTMF. There's a million DTMF projects out there.


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