Today i got my friends broken 360 to tamper with and hopefully fix
Today as in 30 mins go...
He bought this Xbox off of eBay it red ringed but with a disc drive error so he planed to buy another drive and replace it
He found a drive that had a problem opening but I guess it would read just fine...just wouldn’t open and close
he opened both drives and swapped the lens chip and stuff and it worked for awhile then it red ringed and its sat in his room staring at is Xbox 360 elite

I first plugged it in and it worked

It then froze and red ringed i got the code 0102
0102 Error in the "Digital Backbone" (CPU/GPU/RAM), this is usually caused by a cold solder joint between the GPU and the main board.
There are two theories to fixing this one deals with the "X" clamps that hold down the chips. The other involves re-Heating the chips. DO NOT attempt either of these if your console is still under warranty. If your console is still under warranty return it to the store where it was purchased or call MS to have it replaced.
So I opened it up to see what’s all up I found that the blank screws that normally hold the heat sinks to the metal cover missing I got the mb out and there was some sorta attempt at a X-clamp fix
There was 1 cm screws with one nylon washer on each side
The fixes I’ve seen there were like 3 metal washers on each side and 2 nylon and holes were drilled in the metal cover
I’m probably going to redo the x-clamp fix
I remember reading on a forum either here or some where else back a while that if u put a plastic chip/piece in between the heat sink and the chip that it makes a better connection or something can any one else recall?
And on the bottom of the mb those black (Ram chips?) that normally have those band-aid things on them didn’t have the Band-Aid things on there
So penny fix? I’m assuming unless told other wise
And can the Arctic Silver heat sink paste be bought at a radio shack or hardware store?
Is there a substitute to the cleaner I’ve heard other things like half vinegar half water
And there is Pepsi? Stains in my Xbox what do I use to clean that ill post pics in the morning when i get a chance
Hopefully ill be able to fix all of this and clean it up nice it seems simple enough ill post pics and add more detail tomorrow when its not 1am


8/14/09 sneek peek at the paint

when i put the plastic cover on it started to like bad loud raddle so i have to fix that

my frikkin awsome fan shrowd with my own custom isometric decaying design

and with the flat black it looks soo nice i wish it was more visible.

then sneak peek at the whole case