Author Topic: [PSP-1000][H-Sauce]Phun with a Phattie  (Read 2764 times)

Offline H-Sauce

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[PSP-1000][H-Sauce]Phun with a Phattie
« on: August 14, 2009, 06:01:39 AM »
Project outline:

PSP Laptop (Sort-of. I don't have a chact pad but the insides will  have goodies)

Instead of using a case like folklord did I'm using an actual PSP case.

Speaker in back of PSP case.

External dualshock controller.

Sound Reactive LEDs in back of case.

There will be more, But I can't remember everything I had planned lol.


Post Merge: August 15, 2009, 07:39:49 AM
UPDATE: Although I have no pics, I have done today:

Cut down face plate.
Ripped out a speaker from an old radio.
Gutted an old dualshock controller, for access to internals.
« Last Edit: August 15, 2009, 07:39:49 AM by H-Sauce »


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