Author Topic: updated:Modding parts and idea's w links and pics expanding memory and Lighting.  (Read 2173 times)

Offline 1TONpete

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I created this so maybe people might get some ideas for new mods or need help w a solution to a wiring problem , etc. This is just some of the stuff Ive come across. Please check out the stuff about memory.I think some of this stuff could be developed into cheaper extra capacity memory. I will update w more products and ideas . Feel free to post anything you find. Most of the stuff I've found is from the sparkfun site, I am very open to new sources. this is just one I know and trust.
     A voltage exchanger.5V signals to 3.3V and steps up 3.3V to 5V. This level converter also works with 2.8V and 1.8V devices.
next is a Breakout Board for microSD Transflash. might be usefull.
This one is still a prototype but i like what he did w the microcontroller.MMC to Serial Adapter
The next one i think might really turn into something viable.How to support multiple SD devices using CPLDs
This next one might work for switching between multiple memory devices.IE: switching between sd and mspd. Breakout Board for PCF8575 I2C Expander
SD card slot board
LED controller kit. multi colors w different effects.
more LED stuff.Nightrider LEDS any one?
Ambient Light Sensor - TEMT6000 could be mounted near the lcd and use it to controll LEDS.
More LED effects on one chip and RGB LED.
The last one for this post is a track ball that could be used instead of a second analog stick. Blackberry Trackballer Breakout.
Got some more stuff for expanding the memory of the PSP. This one is special. read up on it.Possibility of internal USB storage. Since it has the ability to be a host. this one I'm gonna order and see what I can develop. 
Breakout Board for DOSonCHIP FAT16 FAT32 uSD Module
EL wire  Sequencer . EL wire makes some cool mods but takes a lot of power. But I thought this was cool.
A simple rotory switch. Good for dimming the brightness of your LED's.
the slide version of the same idea.

« Last Edit: December 18, 2009, 07:14:50 AM by denali31004 »

Offline pigoesfar

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Re: Modding parts and idea's w links and pics.
« Reply #1 on: December 17, 2009, 02:38:36 PM »
Yeah, this is a good idea.  It got me thinking of some cool ideas.  Thanks and let me know when you  add more.


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